Category Archives: research

Radio frequency waves are among the agents proposed for IARC to reassess with high priority by Alert PhoneGate – April 23, 2019

(click on photos to enlarge)

[Press release] Radio frequency waves are among the agents proposed for IARC to reassess with high priority by Alert PhoneGate – April 23, 2019:
Advisory Group recommendations on priorities for the IARC Monographs – The Lancet – April 17, 2019:
(video 00:49) World Health Organization Scientist “Cell Phone/Wi-Fi Radiation is A Carcinogen” 2017 by Environmental Health Trust – August 04, 2017:

Dr. Anthony Miller, senior advisor to the WHO IARC reviewed the best available scientific evidence and now concludes that cell phone and wireless radiation is a carcinogen. This excerpt is from a July 31, 2017 lecture he gave in a scientific symposium sponsored by Environmental Health Trust….

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Phonegate: criminal complaint against Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi – April 15, 2019

(click on photo to enlarge)
Phonegate: criminal complaint against Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi – Alert PhoneGate – April 15, 2019:
[Press Conference] Phonegate: first criminal action – Alert PhoneGate – April 12, 2019:
(French video 51:33) Conférence de Presse : annonce de la plainte pénale contre le fabricant de smartphones chinois Xiaomi – Alert PhoneGate Facebook – April 15, 2019:

Phonegate scandal: Swiss deputies on the front lines by Alert Phone Gate – April 04, 2019

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For the past year, many Swiss deputies have been asking the Federal Council for information and explanations regarding the Phonegate industrial and health scandal. Most recently, on 20 March 2019, National Councilor Silva Semadeni (Socialist group) and 26 other deputies* tabled another interpellation, 193180:

“Phonegate”: Properly inform mobile phone users….

An article that makes waves

The interpellation mentions the article published on 13 February 2019 by the popular Swiss consumer magazine “Beobachter”, written by Editor-in-Chief Andres Büchi, reporting on the Phonegate scandal, “Mobile phone users have been deliberately misled. For years, mobile phone manufacturers have reported values that are too low. Critics talk of a scandal.”

Facebook blocks and deletes Dr. Arazi’s account by Alerte Phonegate – March 27, 2019

–żbieta-bieńkowska-protect-the-health-of-millions-of-mobile-phone-users/u/24347735   (click on photo to enlarge)
Facebook blocks and deletes Dr. Arazi’s account by Alerte Phonegate – March 27, 2019:
Protect the health of millions of mobile phone users by Alerte Phonegate:
Phonegate: French Government Data Indicates Cell Phones Expose Consumers To Radiation Levels Higher Than Manufacturers Claim – Cell Phone Radiation Scandal: More Exposure Than Manufacturers Claim – “PhoneGate” In France, government data release reveals 9 out of 10 phones tested exceed regulatory limits by Environmental Health Trust:
(video 01:43) Phonegate: Cell Phone Radiation Levels Higher Than Manufacturers Claim by Environmental Health Trust – YouTube – August 11, 2017:
(video 01:53) Cell Phone Radiation Violates Limits When Tested Against Body: Dr. Marc Arazi by Environmental Health Trust – YouTube – June 04, 2017:

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And don’t forget:

(video 22:28) The secret inside your cellphone (CBC Marketplace) by Wendy Mesley – CBC News – YouTube – March 24, 2017:

47 Smart Meter Fires – BC Government Still Silent. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – April 17, 2018

(audio 30:10) 47 Smart Meter Fires – BC Government Still Silent. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – April 17, 2018 by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – April 17, 2018:
(Report finds 47 fires caused by Smart Meters, no government reaction)

Guest’s website:

(podcast 29:59) April 17, 2018 | 47 Smart Meter Fires – BC Government Still Silent – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – April 17, 2018:


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BC Hydro Underground Substation (1)

Brain Tumour Cancer Cluster (Glioblastomas) – (2)

Children (1 & 2)

NTP – (1 & 2)

Ramazzini (4 & Letters)

See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:


Are Cell Phones The “New Tobacco”? Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – February 14, 2018

(video 37:12) Are Cell Phones The “New Tobacco”? Sharon Noble – February 14, 2018 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by TalkDigitalNetwork – YouTube – February 14, 2018:
(BC Utilities Commission Refuses to Act on Damning Smart Meter Fire Report
– Guest’s website:
(podcast 36:22) February 14, 2018 | Are Cell Phones The “New Tobacco”? – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – February 14, 2018:

= = =

Read –

See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:

Few Health Studies Done on 5 G Risk. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – January 25, 2018

(audio 25:21) Few Health Studies Done on 5 G Risk. Sharon NobleJanuary 25, 2018 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – January 25, 2018:
(Still no government response to damning smart meter fire report
– Guest’s website:
(podcast 25:04) January 25, 2018 | Few Health Studies Done on 5G Risk – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – January 11, 2018:

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Read –

See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:

Why Don’t Trudeau and Horgan Care About Smart Meter Fires? Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – January 11, 2018

(audio 24:43) Why Don’t Trudeau and Horgan Care About Smart Meter Fires? Sharon NobleJanuary 11, 2018 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – January 11, 2018:
(What BC Hydro didn’t want you to know about Smart Meters
– Guest’s website:
(podcast 24:30) January 11, 2018 | Why Don’t Trudeau and Horgan Care About Smart Meter Fires? – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – January 11, 2018:

= = =

See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:

Insurance Never Anticipated a Totally “Wired” Home. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – December 27, 2017

(audio 23:01) Insurance Never Anticipated a Totally “Wired” Home. Sharon NobleDecember 27, 2017 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – December 27, 2017:
(Up to 90% of Radio Frequency health studies finding negative effects

– Guest’s website:

(podcast 22:48) December 27, 2017 | Insurance Never Anticipated a Totally “Wired” Home – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – December 27, 2017:-

= = =

See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:

Call for British Columbia to Investigate Smart Meters. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – December 15, 2017

(audio 22:13) Call for British Columbia to Investigate Smart Meters. Sharon Noble – December 15, 2017 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – December 15, 2017:
(Workers and Children exposed to WiFi – Guest’s website:
(podcast 21:53) December 15, 2017 | Call for British Columbia to Investigate Smart Meters – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – December 15, 2017:

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See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies: