On 18/09/2024, the Canadian courts confirmed that Apple and Samsung would have to answer for the lack of information on the potential health risks of their phones.
This important decision denounces the manufacturers’ silence on potential dangers, and is part of the “Phonegate” scandal which has already led to 54 cell phone models in France being withdrawn from the market or updated, including the iPhone12 in 2023.
Please sign our iPhone 12 petition. So let’s continue to send a strong message to the giant Apple that these iPhones really do protect users’ health and safety. Next target 15,000 and more.
Thank you for helping us spread this message as widely as possible.
Head and neck tumors associated with cell phone use have increased in the U.S. since 2000
While the size of the US population increased by 16% between 2000 and 2019, the number of cases reported in the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI)SEER 22 registry for these four tumors increased more significantly:
> an increase of 53% for glioblastoma,
> 124% for non-glioblastoma. -malignant meningioma,
> 52% for salivary gland cancer
> 132% for thyroid cancer.
As a reminder, we are also witnessing a very worrying increase in head tumors in France, with, according to data from Santé publique France :
> a 4-fold increase in glioblastoma (a particularly serious brain cancer) over the past 30 years. Learn more
Apple’s iPhone12 SAR exceedance shows that some manufacturers are downplaying the public health issue and misleading millions of users who have not had the right to update their handsets.
Please sign our iPhone 12 petition. So let’s continue to send a strong message to the giant Apple that these iPhones really do protect users’ health and safety. Next target 15,000 and more
Please support Phonegate Alert NGO by making a donation, by becoming a member and by spreading our message around you.
France bans Apple iPhone 12 while Canadians remain at risk
An immediate ban in Canada is imperative to protect public health
For immediate release
September 18, 2023 – Canada is continuing to permit sales of Apple’s iPhone 12 even after it has been banned from sale in France because it emits dangerously high levels of microwave radiofrequency radiation.
Although Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 SAR maximum limits are lower, the iPhone 12 phones remain on the Canadian market. Canada’s cell phone emissions regulator, Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) says that Canada has some of the toughest standards for cell phone safety in the world: every device needs to pass rigorous testing and a certification process before being sold, and they are then regularly audited afterward.
If France’s SAR limits are breached, how can Canada’s not be exceeded to an even greater degree? We’ve been asking.
After nearly three years, Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech, finally received information about ISED’s cell phone Market Surveillance Program. In the five years of audits sent to Ms Noble, a total of only 90 phones had been tested. None had been tested at zero distance from the body, where many people use and store their phones. “The report I received confirmed my worst fears – few cell phones are tested. The iPhone 12 has been sold in Canada since 2020, yet it was not listed in the report ISED recently provided. This means that it was not tested by ISED before it went on the market, and so Canadians, including children, have been using a phone that most likely exceeds Health Canada’s exposure standard when used against the body such as when carried in a pocket. To protect Canadians health, it is imperative that the Apple iPhone12 be withdrawn immediately from the Canadian market – as should all other wireless devices that exceed Canadian SAR limits – until their emissions are compliant. Safety Code 6 states clearly that its SAR limits ‘shall not be exceeded.’”
Surprisingly, ISED also confirmed that Canada’s SAR standards may be met by measuring the SAR with the phones at a distance from the body—not next to the body. SAR decreases as the device is moved away from the head or body.
Many well-respected independent scientists have published high quality peer reviewed studies showing that microwave radiofrequency radiation emitted by wireless devices such as cell phones can cause biological harm ranging from inflammation, DNA damage and tumours, to cardiac and fertility problems, headaches and brain fog, all at exposures below Safety Code 6 maximum limits.
The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified microwave radiofrequency radiation as a possible human carcinogen in 2011, based largely on human epidemiological studies. The Agency now lists it as a high priority for re-evaluation, to include subsequent large scale animal studies demonstrating “clear evidence” of carcinogenicity. Meg Sears, Chair of Prevent Cancer Now said, “Cancers are increasing rapidly in younger Canadians, and wireless radiation as well as chemicals, nutrition and activities are implicated. Radiation from wireless devices magnifies toxicities of hazardous chemicals, so we need to reduce both. There are lower- and zero-exposure options for communications, to choose at home and school; at work and play.”
It is time that this lack of protection is examined by our legislators, with clear recommendations to rectify the inadequate regulation of cell phones and other wireless devices. Frank Clegg, CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology and former President of Microsoft Canada says, “It is long overdue that Health Canada ditches the disproven premise that only heating can cause harm, and incorporate the evidence of adverse non-thermal effects at exposure levels far below Safety Code 6. One step in the right direction would be a full examination by the House of Commons’ Health Committee. Another is to provide adequate warnings about the use of cell phones with full disclosure of SAR values when cell phones are held next to the body. Our health depends on it.”
The presentation in English on March 28, 2023 by Dr. Marc Arazi and Sharon Noble, our Canadian board member, of the Phonegate health and industry scandal and its implications in Canada received a lot of attention from the participants in this videoconference. Thanks to Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST) for the invitation!
Dr. Marc Arazi gave update on Phonegate Scandal in France:
https://phonegatealert.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/E-Table-phones-28.07.22-France.pdf from https://phonegatealert.org/en/list-of-mobile-phones-with-non-compliant-sars-removed-or-updated-in-france
(click on photo to enlarge)
List of mobile phones with non-compliant SARs removed or updated in France
To date, 30 different models of mobile phones with non compliant SARs have been either withdrawn from the French market or have had their Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) updated by software.
Exceeding SAR for the XIAOMI REDMI NOTE 9 PRO….
Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus pinned for exceeding SAR….
Attention danger for the RealMe 7i of Oppo….
Nokia and the French retailer Boulanger sanctioned….
**Updated list of cell phones dangerous to health**
List of dangerous models that have not been removed or updated
Find also the list of more than 250 other models sold before June 2017 and which must be either withdrawn or updated after advice from the French health agency (ANSES) and the government….
Our new revelations show that 9 out of 10 cell phones in Canada are dangerous for user’s health. And Canadian authorities are doing everything they can to hide it for as long as possible…Read and share our new press release,
It took two years before Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) sent our local contact, Sharon Noble, the list of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) levels of unsafe cell phones tested between 2016 and 2021 in Canada.
This is a new victory for Phonegate Alert, our international NGO, as well as for Dr. Marc Arazi who revealed the scandal in 2016. Our deepest thanks go to Sharon Noble, whose tenacity finally made it possible to communicate this important data.
Transmission of the list of 90 smartphones controlled by the Canadian authorities
Sharon’swork was made possible through the « Access to Information Act (The Act) ». In an email dated March 25, 2022, the ISED finally sent her a list of ninety tested smartphones. This number of 90 represents an annual average of about 20 tests – by comparison, France tests an average of 70 per year (i.e., barely 15% of the cell phones put on the French market!).
A large part of the cell phones tested in Canada came from manufacturers, the others were taken from the shelves of stores. Although many of the best-known brands were tested, only two smartphones from Apple were included, which, given the brand’s leading position in the North American market, seems to us to be insufficient.
From: “Phonegate Alert” <contact@phonegatealert.org> Sent: May 29, 2021 Subject: ANSES 5G report: AP and RdT denounce a position openly favorable to the industrial lobby that endangers public health!