On 18/09/2024, the Canadian courts confirmed that Apple and Samsung would have to answer for the lack of information on the potential health risks of their phones.
This important decision denounces the manufacturers’ silence on potential dangers, and is part of the “Phonegate” scandal which has already led to 54 cell phone models in France being withdrawn from the market or updated, including the iPhone12 in 2023.
What are the financial and reputational stakes for the 2 Tech giants? To find out more, read our press release and access the decision.
[To learn more:
• Full decision of the Quebec Court of Appeal in cases 500-09-030262-224 (Samsung Electronics Canada et al. v. Tracey Arial et al.) & 500-09-030263-222 (Apple Canada inc. et al. v. Tracey Arial et al.)
• First instance decision in the class action against Apple and Samsung
• File on the case of Cohen v. Apple Inc. in the United States]
It’s time to act to protect our health! Thank you for spreading the word.
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Please sign our iPhone 12 petition. So let’s continue to send a strong message to the giant Apple that these iPhones really do protect users’ health and safety. Next target 15,000 and more.
Thank you for helping us spread this message as widely as possible.
The Phonegate Alert Team
Court of Appeal of Quebec – https://courdappelduquebec.ca/en/judgments/ &
– https://courdappelduquebec.ca/en/judgments/details/samsung-electronics-canada-c-arial/
(video 03:46) J T 19h45 M6 12 09 2024 Des ondes sans danger ? [in French with Transcript] – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UaUde3NS_E
– https://phonegatealert.org/en/resources/sar-calculator/
– https://phonegatealert.org/en/unsafe-canadian-cell-phones/
– https://phonegatealert.org/en/donation/
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