(click on photos to enlarge)
Many people are sending me articles about and by Josh del Sol re. his newest DVD efforts re. smeters, excited about this method working to end the smeter programs. I am only responding because this is just the way it happened in BC years ago when this process was first begun.
After researching the pseudo legal processes and documents, I concluded that they were worthless. I told people that they didn’t make sense to me and explained why. Later, after people spent a lot of money buying documents, paying notaries, sending multiple copies by registered mail, I got angry, frustrated emails from many who did everything and still got smetered. Some blamed me for not warning them.
So now I wish to tell you I am not participating in supporting his renewed efforts which are receiving a lot of publicity. I would encourage you to do your own research. Listen to what Josh is saying and then read this which is similar, in places, word for word.
Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

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– https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/the-emperors-clothes-and-smart-meter-resistance-by-david-sheldon/