Category Archives: Marc Arazi

ANSES 5G report – Phonegate Alert and Robin des Toits denounce in their counter-expertise a position openly favorable to the industrial lobby and which endangers public health!

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From: “Phonegate Alert” <>
Sent: May 29, 2021
Subject: ANSES 5G report: AP and RdT denounce a position openly favorable to the industrial lobby that endangers public health!

Press release Saturday May 29, 2021

Access the counter-expertise report



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Alerte Phonegate · Nogent sur Marne · Nogent sur Marne 94130 · France




List of mobile phones with non-compliant SARs removed or updated in France by Alert Phone Gate – April 25, 2021

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Dear supporter,
The list grows to 28 cell phones dangerous to health either withdrawn or updated in France after control of regulatory exceedances of the exposure level (SAR).
➡️ Update in April of the EssentialB HeYou 40 and 60 sold by Boulanger
➡️ Only the Razer Phone 2 withdrawn in France and Denmark
➡️ Since October 2019 the French Government has still not withdrawn the more than 250 models placed on the market before June 2017 as recommended by ANSES

Please share widely,
The Team

Copyright © Alerte Phonegate Tous droits réservés.
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**see Updated List:

List updated as of April 25, 2021

To date, 28 different models of cell phones dangerous to the health of users have been either withdrawn from the French market or have had their Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) updated by software. Among the latest tested with a SAR trunk “non-compliant” we find the smartphone Nokia 7 Plus (SAR 3.48 W/kg) and Sony XPERIA 5 (2.64 W/kg). The manufacturer HMD GLOBAL OY (Nokia) received a financial penalty of 7 500 euros. And very recently in March and April 2021 two smartphones sold by the distributor Boulanger (EssentielB HeYou 60 and 40) with a SAR trunk and limbs “at risk” respectively of 2.86 W/kg and 5.26 W/kg for the HeYou 60 was sanctioned for exceeding regulatory thresholds.

You can download the list of deceptive and health-endangering smartphones here   (

Find also the list of more than 250 other models sold before June 2017 and which must be either withdrawn or updated after advice from the French health agency (ANSES) and the government.   (from:

List of major mobile phone manufacturers affected by a SAR exceedance

Sony mobile

= = =

Sign the Petition –

Alert Phone Gate News –

No way to confine the Phonegate scandal! – March 26, 2021

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Dear supporter,

During this period, we use our cell phones even more. Cautionary advice is necessary, especially for children, pregnant women and pacemaker wearers. We are counting on you to help us relay our campaign “Your smartphone is dangerous”. You will find on our website 3 different visuals and 3 animations in French and in English. Thank you in advance !

Several articles have been published this week about Dr Arazi’s book, including one for about fifty agricultural weeklies, on the precautions to take:

The one of our Belgian friends is particularly well researched:

And that of our German friends of Kompetitivinitiative written by the director of the film “Thank you for calling”:

Note also this great Stop5G initiative carried by our friend and board member Prakash Munshi, with the Indian actress Juhi Chawla among her millions of followers:

Best regards,
The team

The translation of the book “Phonegate” into English is almost finished and we are currently working to make it available to you as soon as possible.–marc-arazi-massot-editions




Copyright © Alerte Phonegate Tous droits réservés.
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[Press release] Withdrawal of the Razer Phone 2: not seeing the forest for the trees! Millions of harmful mobile phones still on the market by Phonegate Alert – May 25, 2020

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For complete info, go to:

3) –

[Press release] The Court of Appeal of Turin (Italy) confirms the link between a head tumour and mobile phone use by Phonegate Alert – January 15, 2020

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Published The January 15, 2020
Dear supporters,

This decision of the Court of Appeal of Turin is historic!

(….This is the second Italian appeal judgment in favour of a worker after the Brescia judgment in 2010, which concluded with the confirmation of the Supreme Court in 2012, case of Marcolini v. INAIL.

In this case, the Court of Bergamo had rejected the application in first instance.

A landmark judgment that will have international repercussions

The Romeo v. INAIL case is therefore historic. It is the first in world judicial history to have had two consecutive judgments in favour of the plaintiff. It is also historic because of the principles underlying this decision and particularly because it is written about the conflicts of interest of certain experts close to the mobile phone industry.

Conflicts of interest and the role of the ICNIRP pinpointed by the Tribunal

Indeed, the Tribunal recognizes that telephone industry-funded scientists, or members of the ICNIRP, are less reliable than independent scientists: ….)

Thank you for relaying it as widely as possible.

The Phonegate Alert Team
To learn more on the same subject:

Italy: a landmark judgment requires the state to inform the population of the health risks due to mobile phones

Mobil World Congress: industrialists and public authorities urged to take into account the health effects of mobile technologies (video of Stefano Bertone)

Phonegate Alert invited to the International conference Stop 5G at the Italian Parliament


Copyright © Alerte Phonegate Tous droits réservés.
Adresse mail contact:



Phonegate Scandal: Environmental Health Trust and Phonegate Alert Call for Congressional Hearings on Illegal Phone Radiation – January 12, 2020

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Published the January 12, 2020
In a joint letter, Environmental Health Trust (EHT) and Phonegate Alert (AP) called on congressional leaders to end the failure of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to provide appropriate ways to test cellphones and to recall the millions of devices that French government and other independent assessments find emitting excessive levels of radiation.The letter included a report, “Background and facts documenting Phonegate,” detailing numerous serious shortcomings of the FCC.

The letter is supported by President of Consumers for Safe Cell Phones, Cindy Franklin, and the California Brain Tumor Association, Ellen Marks, who join in demanding that investigations be launched to shed light on this widespread industrial deception and its consequences for the health of millions.

Recent FCC position papers show how the US telecom regulator does not make its decisions with the necessary neutrality with regard to public health issues.

Read the complete Press release

Please share widely,
The Team

Phonegate Scandal: Meeting on 7 January at the French Ministry of Economy and Finance – January 02, 2020

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Dear supporters,

The entire Phonegate Alert team wishes you and your loved ones all the best for 2020!

Thanks to your growing support, the year is starting off well with a consultation meeting scheduled for January 7th between the organisations that signed our open letter and representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the General Directorate of Enterprises and the DGCCRF.


Please share widely,
The team

[Press release] Users warned about 3 French mobile phone models from 3 manufacturers by Alert Phone Gate – December 05, 2019

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Dear supporters,

We warn against 3 mobile phones of the brands BlackBerry, Doro and Selecline. We ask the French public authorities to withdraw the RTTE versions from the market as soon as possible.

Indeed, these manufacturers have deliberately continued to sell their products on the French market in complete legality, knowing that they are potentially putting their customers’ health at risk. The question also obviously arises at European level. Our press release:

Thank you for helping us to denounce these actions and to relay our alert as widely as possible.

The Phonegate Alert Team

Summary of Phone Gate Precautionary Measures by André Fauteux – November 20, 2019

From: André Fauteux <>
Sent: November 20, 2019
Subject: France adopts precautionary measures to limit cell-phone radiation exposure

Precautions to be taken by the holders of electronic implants       (cardiac pacemakers, insulin pumps, neurostimulators …)         concerning in particular the distance between the radio equipment and the implant (15 centimeters in the case of the strongest sources of exposure like the mobile phones).
B. – Information on the behaviors to be adopted to reduce exposure to radiation emitted by radio equipment
. Use the radio equipment in good reception conditions to reduce the amount of radiation received.
. Use a hands-free kit or loudspeaker, if suitable for radio        equipment.
. Make reasonable use of radio equipment such as mobile phones, by children and teenagers, for example by avoiding nocturnal calls and by limiting the frequency and duration of calls.
. Keep radio equipment away from pregnant women’s belly.
. Keep radio equipment away from the lower abdomen of teenagers.
See also


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Brain cancers – 4 times more new cases of glioblastoma in 2018 according to Public Health France by Alert Phone Gate – November 18, 2019



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In July 2019 (updated in September 2019), the French Public Health Agency “Santé Publique France“, together with the Francim cancer registries, the Hospices Civils de Lyon and the Institut National du Cancer, published national estimates of cancer incidence and mortality in metropolitan France between 1990 and 2018. These are based on the modeling of observed incidence data (new cases) until 2015 by cancer registries, supplemented by projections until 2018.

Volume 1 of the report is devoted to solid tumors (27 tumors and 22 subtypes). Between 1990 and 2018, the overall incidence rate of solid tumors remained relatively stable in men and continued to increase in women. At the same time, the annual number of new cases of glioblastoma with histological confirmation (one of the most aggressive types of brain cancer) has increased fourfold and more for both sexes.

In 20 years, the number of glioblastomas multiplied by 4, affecting all ages

Santé Publique France estimates that there will be 3,481 new cases of these glioblastomas in metropolitan France in 2018, 58% of them in men. There were only 823 in 1990….

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