Category Archives: research

Videos from 5G WiFi Network Radiation Hazards Public Presentations – June / July 2019

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New videos will be added when available.

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(video 1:04:46) Dr Pall Victoria July 3, 2019 Harm Caused by EMR and the reasons why by EMR_Vlog – YouTube – July 22, 2019: –

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(video 04:05) DrPall 5G Running as fast as we can in the Wrong direction by EMR_Vlog – YouTube – July 22, 2019: –

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(video 04:05) DrPall 5G I worry Most About by EMR_Vlog – YouTube – July 22, 2019: –

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(audio 35:43) 5G Could Wipe Out Humans, Plants, Animals. Dr. Martin Pall – June 24, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – June 24, 2019: –

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See –

5G Could Wipe Out Humans, Plants, Animals. Dr. Martin Pall – June 24, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – June 24, 2019

(audio 35:43) 5G Could Wipe Out Humans, Plants, Animals. Dr. Martin Pall – June 24, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – June 24, 2019:
(Dr. Martin Pall holding talks on 5G dangers across southern BC
See Schedule Here –
Guest’s website:


Martin Pall EMF Research Papers


(podcast 35:31) June 24, 2019 | 5G Could Wipe Out Humans, Plants, Animals – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by – June 24, 2019:

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The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:


See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):


5G WiFi network radiation hazards Public Presentations by Community Empowerment Town Hall Series

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5G WiFi network radiation hazards – Talks Scheduled in Southern BC.

Guest Speakers:

Dr. Martin L. Pall (Biological Health Effects) at:

Salt Spring Island – June 24-29 (contact:
– June 26 (7-9PM @ GISS, 232 Rainbow Rd.)
– June 27 (7PM @ SSI Public Library, 129 McPhillips Ave.)
– June 28 (3:30-5:00PM @ SSI Public Library)
– June 29 (10am-2PM @ Saturday Market @ Centennial Park)
Duncan – July 02 (contact:
(7-9PM @ United Church, 246 Ingram)
Victoria – July 03 (contact: or
(7-9:15PM @ Emmanuel Baptist Church, 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Road)(donations & volunteers please)
Nanaimo – July 04 (contact:
(6:30-9:30PM @ St.Peter’s Church Hall, 301 Machleary, off Fitzwilliam St.)
Bowen Island – July 05 (contact:
(5:30PM potluck and 7-9PM presentation @ Cove Commons, Bowen Island Library, 430 Bowen Island Trunk Rd.)
Vancouver – July 06 (contact:
(3-5PM @ Canuck Family Education Centre, 1655 William Street, Second Floor, off Commercial)
South Surrey – July 07 (contact:
(2-4PM @ Elgin Hall, 14250 Crescent Road)

For details, consult the Community Empowerment Town Hall Series website:


Timothy Schoechle (Community Fibre Networks & Microgrids, Re-Inventing Wires) at:

Salt Spring Island – June 24-29 (details above)
Duncan – July 02 (details above)
Victoria – July 03 (details above)

For details on Salt Spring Island June 26-29, 2019 – 4 events:

Sponsored by 5GFree Salt Spring and Let’s Connect Salt Spring Facebook

Thousands of 5G Satellites Soon to Irradiate Entire Surface of Earth. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – June 18, 2019

(audio 31:59) Thousands of 5G Satellites Soon to Irradiate Entire Surface of Earth. Sharon Noble – June 18, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – YouTube – June 18, 2019:

(Experts speak in North Saanich (?), Salt Spring Island, Duncan, Victoria, Nanaimo, Bowen Island, Vancouver, Surrey, Penticton (?) on 5G Hazards –

Guest’s website:


(podcast 31:53) June 18, 2019 | Thousands of 5G Satellites Soon to Irradiate Entire Surface of Earth – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – June 18, 2019:

important links:


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The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:


See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

5G Hazards – Talks Scheduled in Southern BC. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – June 07, 2019

(audio 24:29) 5G Hazards – Talks Scheduled in Southern BC. Sharon Noble – June 7, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – June 07, 2019:

(Politicians may be criminally responsible for allowing microwave harm

Guest’s website:


Guest Speakers Dr. Martin L. Pall (Biological Health Effects)
& Timothy Schoechle (Community Fibre Networks & Microgrids, Re-Inventing Wires) at:
– Salt Spring Island
– Victoria
– Nanaimo
– Bowen Island


(podcast 24:16) June 7, 2019 | 5G Hazards – Talks Scheduled in Southern BC – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – June 07, 2019:

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The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:


See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

Phonegate Alert invited to a medical conference in England – June 08, 2019

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“Phonegate Alert” invited to a conference in England by Dr. Mallery-Blythe

On June 8, 2019, a commemorative conference in honour of Jenny Fry will be held in England at the initiative of “EMF aware Sussex”. On this occasion, the experts present will review scientific and medical knowledge concerning electrosensitivity, the development of new 5G technologies, communicating meters and mobile phones. We would like to thank Dr. Mallery-Blythe for her invitation, which will allow us, for the first time on English soil, to discuss the issues related to the Phonegate scandal.

The speakers:

Professor Dominique Belpomme,
Professor of Medical Oncology at the University of Paris René Descartes, founder of the European Institute for Research on Cancer and the Environment (ECERI), founder of ARTAC (Association for Research and Treatments Against Cancer). He will speak on the theme: “Etiology, diagnosis and management of electrohyper-sensitivity (EHS).

Dr. Marc Arazi,
Co-founder and President of the organization Alerte Phonegate.
His presentation: “The international Phonegate scandal: All overexposed, all deceived, all threatened by our mobile phones”.

Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe,
Founder of the PHIRE medical organization (Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation & Environment), Trustee RRT (Radiation Research Trust), Medical Advisor ORSAA (Oceanic Radiofrequency Scienti c Advisory Association), Medical Advisor ESUK and member of IGNIR 5g, she will speak on the theme: “Overview of EMF health effects and PHIRE 5G Five Facts initiative.”

Debbie Fry (dental nurse) will talk about her daughter, Jenny’s experiences with her E.H.S. and her campaign to turn off Wi-Fi in schools and hospitals.

This conference, which will be held on Saturday, June 8 from 9am to 5pm in the Sedwick park house, is open to the public. You can download the prospectus to register.

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Learn more about Jenny Fry:

May 15th Day of Action Against 5G. Sharon Noble – April 15, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – April 15, 2019

(audio 25:48) May 15th Day of Action Against 5G. Sharon Noble – April 15, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – April 15, 2019:
(Children Super Vulnerable to Microwave Radiation
Guest’s website:


(podcast 25:44) April 15, 2019 | May 15th Day of Action Against 5G – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – April 15, 2019:

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The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:


See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

Generation Zapped – FREE VIEWING May 11-13, 2019



(click on photo to enlarge)

The producer of the landmark documentary film “Generation Zapped” has arranged for supporters of 5G Crisis (and their friends and relatives) to see this incredible film at no cost!

The code is good only for this Saturday, Sunday & Monday! (May 11-13, 2019)

Simply use this link for free access to the film:

If the code doesn’t work for any reason, you can also enter the code manually:

  1. Go to:
  2. Select “Rent $4.99”
  3. When prompted enter code: GenZappedFree

5G – Mobile Communication – AZK 16 Lecture by Anke Kern – Digitalized into a radiant future – dead certain

Digitalization and mobile communications are issues everyone is talking about these days. They polarize strongly. Is this technology a blessing or a curse? Must progress prevail at last over the die-hard conservatives who would still prefer to use the “bush drum”. Or are the progressive forces consistently hiding the hazards? In her lecture Anke Kern gives an insight into her 15 years of research. She gives a closer look at facts that are consistently kept hidden from the public. People need to know these facts in order to be able to deal with this technology and to draw the right conclusions.

read more:  2) –

National 5G Day of Action – May 15, 2019

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Join Nationwide Rallies, Wednesday, May 15, to Oppose 5G “Small Cell” Towers in Front of Our Homes

From: Ronald M. Powell, Ph.D., Maryland <>
Sent: May 4, 2019 8:21 AM

Telecommunications companies are actively deploying new 5G cell towers up and down residential streets in our nation, including here in Maryland.  These 5G cell towers spew radiofrequency radiation 24/7 into our neighborhoods.  This deployment is continuing despite studies by the National Institutes of Health, the World Health Organization, and biomedical researchers worldwide that have linked cellular radiation to cancer and to many other adverse health effects.  Everyone is at risk, but our children are especially vulnerable because they are still developing.

The wealthy telecom companies have powerful allies in government at all levels, but public opposition is growing and is beginning to be noticed by government.  5G can be stopped, but only if the public acts.  If you do NOT want one of these cell towers in front of your home, irradiating you night and day, threatening your health, and depreciating the value of your property, you need to speak up.  Once that cell tower is installed in front of your home, it is too late, as it already is in some neighborhoods in Maryland.

You can learn more, talk to other concerned residents, and voice your opinion at rallies around the Nation on Wednesday, May 15.  That day has been selected as the National 5G Day of Action….

The coordinated events will take place in cities and towns across the country from 12 noon to 1:30 pm (local time) on WednesdayMay 15th. The purpose of these events is to raise public awareness of the issue through media coverage, and to place the burden of responsibility where it belongs:  on those who stand to profit from the deployment of 5G.

(for complete e-mail from Ronald M. Powell, Ph.D. read:

1) & Letters: