Category Archives: HEALTH

Environmental Health Symposium Online Conference by Rob Metzinger, Safe Living Technologies Inc. – April 15-17, 2021

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Environmental Health Symposium
Online ConferenceApril 15-17, 2021


SEMINAR: The Engineering Approach to Healing and Preventing Electrical Sensitivity

DATE: ThursdayApril 15, 2021 – 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM


Rob is by trade, an Electronics Engineering Technologist. He is also a BBI, certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant and a certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist. He has been an EMR Instructor at the Building Biology Institute USA since 2008.

Rob is President of Safe Living Technologies Inc. and is a factory certified Gigahertz Solutions Test Equipment Technician and Instructor. Safe Living Technologies is now designing and manufacturing their own brand of RF meters called the Safe and Sound RF Meter line.

Contact Us:


5G – Unsafe , Uninsurable and Expensive – If insurance companies won’t take the risk, why should we? – Environmental Health Trust

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Former CDC Scientist Issues Report – Strong Evidence That Cell Phone Radiation Causes Cancer

“the evidence on an association between cellular phone use and the risk of glioma in adults is quite strong.”

Christopher Portier PhD – A retired U.S. government scientist who served as Director of the United States National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Director of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry….

More Legal News: Major Wins in US Courts Allow Disability Discrimination Cases to Proceed and New Brain Cancer/Cell Phone Lawsuit Launched



Update on Satellites by Cell Phone Task Force – March 27, 2021

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On Wednesday, March 24, 2021, both the number of satellites in low orbit around the earth, and the volume of data they transmit, increased significantly. On Wednesday morning (4:28 a.m. EDT, 8:28 UTC), SpaceX launched another 60 satellites. On Wednesday evening (10:47 p.m. EDT, 14:47 UTC), OneWeb launched another 36 satellites. And people who already have satellite Internet from SpaceX on a trial basis reported a sudden increase in their Internet speed on Wednesday to up to 430 Mbps.

This could explain the reports I am beginning to receive of sudden illness that began on Wednesday. I myself was unable to sleep at all Wednesday night, and my body hurt, and itched, all over. I was very ill all day Thursday, and still do not feel well. I have received similar reports from other people in the United States, Canada, Norway, Australia and South Africa. I would like to find out how widespread this is. Some people are reporting that they have not felt well for a couple of weeks, but that they suddenly got much sicker Wednesday or Wednesday night.

Please reply to this email if you have experienced something similar.   <>

Current Players and Their Plans

Here is a list of companies that are actively planning to launch and operate large constellations of satellites in low orbit around the earth. The purpose of these satellite networks is to provide Internet and/or cell phone service everywhere on earth, as well as to facilitate the Internet of Things. All will shoot focused beams of radiation at the earth from phased array antennas….

Sign – Individual

Sign – Organization





No way to confine the Phonegate scandal! – March 26, 2021

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Dear supporter,

During this period, we use our cell phones even more. Cautionary advice is necessary, especially for children, pregnant women and pacemaker wearers. We are counting on you to help us relay our campaign “Your smartphone is dangerous”. You will find on our website 3 different visuals and 3 animations in French and in English. Thank you in advance !

Several articles have been published this week about Dr Arazi’s book, including one for about fifty agricultural weeklies, on the precautions to take:

The one of our Belgian friends is particularly well researched:

And that of our German friends of Kompetitivinitiative written by the director of the film “Thank you for calling”:

Note also this great Stop5G initiative carried by our friend and board member Prakash Munshi, with the Indian actress Juhi Chawla among her millions of followers:

Best regards,
The team

The translation of the book “Phonegate” into English is almost finished and we are currently working to make it available to you as soon as possible.–marc-arazi-massot-editions




Copyright © Alerte Phonegate Tous droits réservés.
Adresse mail contact:

Global 5G Protest Day – March 20, 2021

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We invite ALL towns, villages, cities, countries around the world to prepare an event — whatever form it takes: March, Protest, Gathering, Leafleting, Film Screening, Beach Action, Statue Action, Chalk Picture.

Please post your Event to Global Action to Stop 5G

And share the March 20th Global Day poster across the World!


Scroll down to Organised Events.

see 4) –

Open Letter to Elon Musk and SpaceX

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Open Letter to Elon Musk & SpaceX

SUBJECT: Of bees, humans, and satellites

Dear Elon Musk, Kimbal Musk and all SpaceX Board Members, Officers, and Lead Investors,

In 1962, when Rachel Carson published Silent Spring, insects were so thick upon this Earth that you could not drive a car very far, anywhere in the world, without its windshield becoming splattered with their bodies.

Ms. Carson would not recognize the world today: Windshields are clean. Birds are starving. Crops have no pollinators. A solution has been suggested for farmers: robotic bees, which are being developed at Harvard University. But that is not a solution for the world, because as the insects go, so go we.

And the world knows this. Why have millions of people joined environmental organizations? Why did Jeff Bezos just create a $10 billion-dollar environmental fund? Why are wealthy people signing up to go live on Mars and leave the Earth behind? Because our home is being destroyed, and on some level everyone knows this. But they do not know why. Yes, there are climate change, habitat destruction, and insecticides, but those cannot explain the 76 to 82 percent decline in flying insects in 63 nature preserves in Germany. Those cannot explain the 97 to 98 percent decline in crawling insects in a pristine rainforest in Puerto Rico.

If you expose honey bees to an ordinary cell phone for just ten minutes, their metabolism shuts down. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins build up in their blood. They can no longer metabolize their food or utilize the oxygen they breathe. And since the same radiation is bathing us all, to a greater or lesser degree, everywhere on Earth, the same thing is happening to every living thing. It happens faster in bees than in us because bees have a much higher metabolism. The radiation comes from all forms of wireless technology, on Earth and in space, and it is being treated as if it is not there.

We are writing to you at this time because SpaceX is in process of surrounding the Earth with a network of thousands of satellites whose very purpose is to irradiate every square inch of the Earth. SpaceX, like everyone else, is treating the radiation as if it were not there. As if the mitochondria in our cells do not depend on electrons moving undisturbed from the food we digest to the oxygen we breathe. As if our nervous systems and our hearts are not subject to radio frequency interference like any piece of electronic equipment. As if the cancer, diabetes, and heart disease that now afflict a majority of the Earth’s population are not metabolic diseases that result from interference with our cellular machinery. As if insects everywhere, and the birds and animals that eat them, are not starving to death as a result.

We write to you today to ask you to halt the Starlink project because it is so destructive. Although the satellites are a few hundred miles high, even the tiny levels of radiation that will reach the surface of the Earth are higher than levels from solar storms that have been correlated with beachings of whales — whales that live in oceans which until now have hardly been subject to manmade radiation at all. And the satellites are being located in the Earth’s ionosphere, which controls the global electric circuit that we all evolved with, and that travels through the bodies of all living things on its way from sky to Earth, through Earth and oceans, and back up to the sky during thunderstorms. We pollute this circuit with billions of electronic frequencies at our peril.

We ask you to halt this project and sit down and meet with us, and with our scientific colleagues, and with our colleagues from the astronomical community, who have just formed the Safeguarding the Astronomical Sky Foundation (SASF). The sky belongs to everyone. The consequences of filling it with thousands — potentially tens of thousands — of disposable satellites are many:

  • radiation
  • visible pollution of the night sky
  • interference with astronomy & meteorology
  • rocket exhaust, contributing to ozone depletion and climate change
  • ground and water pollution from intensive use of increasingly many spaceports
  • accumulating space debris
  • continual deorbiting and burning up of aging satellites, polluting the atmosphere with toxic dust and smoke
  • ever-increasing likelihood of collisions
  • increasing risk of the Kessler syndrome

Do we really want to build learning gardens at our schools, that will be pollinated with robotic bees? Do the oceans and Antarctica and all rainforests and wildlife preserves really need the Internet? Do the immutable stars in the unchanging heavens really need competition from ten thousand or more moving lights? We believe in something better. For us. For our children. For insects and for all of life.

We await your response.


Arthur Firstenberg, Scientist & Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, (2020)

(Signatures) –

EMF Medical Conference 2021 – January 28-31, 2021

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Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of EMF Associated Illness
“The EMF Medical Conference (EMFMC) 2021 will convene leading physicians, clinicians, and scientists for a series of presentations on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of EMF associated illness.
Experts in EMF assessment will present proven methods that can prevent or limit EMF exposure hazards.


EMF Medical Conference 2021

Please click on the link below to view the December 3rd interview of Elizabeth Kelley, MHA, Executive Producer of the EMF Medical Conference 2021, and Elizabeth Seymour, MD, Medical Director of the Environmental Health Center – Dallas (USA) on how doctors can diagnose and treat their patients who report signs and symptoms related to EMF illness. This is the primary goal of the upcoming EMF Medical Conference 2021. Theodora Scarato, Environmental Health Trust, conducted this interview.

Elizabeth Kelley and Elizabeth Seymour MD on the EMF 2021 Conference

Click to access EMF-Medical-Conference-2021-Promotional-Information-September-03-2020.pdf  (see above)

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More info in Newsletters:

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3 Important letters re. 5G

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Given that no one can opt out of continuous exposure to wireless radiation, the industry is, in effect, conducting an “experiment” on our children and on all global citizens without informed consent — a breach of the 1947 Nuremberg Code 8, and of the United Nations’ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Three letters that may prove useful for public outreach.

1. Open Letter to the United Nations from Stop 5G International
2. Response Letter to the EU signed by 72 Organizations Dedicated to Protecting Public Health
3. Letter to the United Nations and World Health Organization from Professor Olle Johansso

read more at:


Press Release – 5G GLOBAL PROTEST DAY – September 26, 2020

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Press Release – 5G GLOBAL PROTEST DAY – September 26, 2020

A Call for Safe Technology, Not, 5G   &   see 1) –

A wonderful song by young people, “We say NO” as part of the 5G protest. We are protesting with them and for them for a future where they can enjoy a safer environment .

5G Protest – Victoria, BC – September 26, 2020

Victoria, BC —  5G Protest    (click on photos to enlarge)

Saturday, Sept. 26 – 1-2pm

At ISED (formerly Industry Canada) office, 1230 Government St.

Bring signs and posters, and remember social distancing and masks.  We will picket on the sidewalk outside this office.  Make signs that have some info about higher energy use, capturing data for Internet of Things, cybersecurity hazard, as well as health issues.

You can get ideas for signs at:


Posters –

Hopefully, we will be able to share some of our information with people new to the topic.

Please spend just an hour of your time to protest publicly against 5G and ISED’s failure to ensure our safety, privacy and environment.