3 Important letters re. 5G


(click on photo to enlarge)

Given that no one can opt out of continuous exposure to wireless radiation, the industry is, in effect, conducting an “experiment” on our children and on all global citizens without informed consent — a breach of the 1947 Nuremberg Code 8, and of the United Nations’ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Three letters that may prove useful for public outreach.

1. Open Letter to the United Nations from Stop 5G International
2. Response Letter to the EU signed by 72 Organizations Dedicated to Protecting Public Health
3. Letter to the United Nations and World Health Organization from Professor Olle Johansso

read more at:



Press Release – 5G GLOBAL PROTEST DAY – September 26, 2020


(click on photos to enlarge)

Press Release – 5G GLOBAL PROTEST DAY – September 26, 2020

A Call for Safe Technology, Not, 5G











https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/4th-global-5g-protest-winnipeg-manitoba-september-25-26-2020/   &   see 1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-09-25-find-the-5g-global-protest-event-near-you/




A wonderful song by young people, “We say NO” as part of the 5G protest. We are protesting with them and for them for a future where they can enjoy a safer environment .

5G Protest – Victoria, BC – September 26, 2020


Victoria, BC —  5G Protest    (click on photos to enlarge)

Saturday, Sept. 26 – 1-2pm

At ISED (formerly Industry Canada) office, 1230 Government St.

Bring signs and posters, and remember social distancing and masks.  We will picket on the sidewalk outside this office.  Make signs that have some info about higher energy use, capturing data for Internet of Things, cybersecurity hazard, as well as health issues.

You can get ideas for signs at: https://www.5gcrisis.com/signs


Posters – http://emrabc.ca/?page_id=16341

Hopefully, we will be able to share some of our information with people new to the topic.

Please spend just an hour of your time to protest publicly against 5G and ISED’s failure to ensure our safety, privacy and environment.


European Alliance Stop 5G Protest – France – September 19, 2020

(click on photos to enlarge)


5G Protest Day / Tower Protest – Qualicum Beach, BC – September 26, 2020

(click on photo to enlarge)

From: Qualicum Beach 5G Protest Committee
Sent: September 19, 2020
Subject: 5G Protest Day / Tower Protest – Qualicum Beach, BC – September 26, 2020


Hello Everyone!

Please join our local protest, as part of the International 5G Protest, next Saturday, September 26, at the site of the proposed cell tower, Village Way at Old Island Highway.  (Please see photo below.)  And please share this information with others.

Time:  12:30 to 2:30 pm 
Open Mike:  1:00 pm

We are following Covid-19 protocols.  Masks are appreciated, and required if you wish to use the microphone.

Meters will be demonstrated, and volunteers will be available to answer questions you may have.

Looking forward to seeing you, and please share with others.

5G Protest Committee
Qualicum Beach, BC

PS  Please consider signing the International 5G Appeal:

Here are more videos about 5G, and this international day of protest:  https://stop5ginternational.org/

You can get 5G posters to download, on this site:  https://www.5gcrisis.com/



Radiation Measurements – Maple Ridge 2020-09-18

I was requested to measure the RF Radiation in various parts of Maple Ridge (MR) by a person wanting to move here.  So I decided to drive about and see what RFR levels were evident.

I used a GigaHertz HF59B with the omni antenna and recorded the radiation levels using a GigaHertz NFA1000. (Thanks Hans). The meter and antenna were sitting in the passenger seat.

The readings are in µW/m².  The meter maxed out at 300  µW/m² so the max may be 400, 600, or even 1000  µW/m². I shall have to re-do the drive with meter set to read the higher RFR levels.
1 - Leaving my house walking to my car on Kanaka Way - lots of WiFi from neighbours.
2 - Drive North on 232St - low levels - residential.
3 - Corner of Dewdney Trunk Road (DT) and 230St - HiRFR - WiFi from the Tim Hortons on corner
4 - 2 blocks S on 230St parked - very low levels - Close to Haney Pioneer Village
5 - DT and 228St - v. high RFR (?)
6 - South on 224St passing Lee Building which has many cell transmitters on roof - really bad.
7 - Further south on 224St high RFR levels - still in sight of the Lee building.
8 - Residential areas in North MR - LOW levels - Lots of trees - no sight of cell towers.
9 - DT East from Laity to 224St - v.v.high from tall apartment building at 222St with cell trans.
9+ - Parking at Friends in Need Food Bank - low RFR levels

1 - Very high levels of RFR near cell towers.  I have made several prior surveys in apartments close by.  Not a place I would ever live.
2 - Many places in residential with acceptable low levels of RFR.

Global 5G Protest Day on September 26, 2020

September 26th Global 5G Protest Day

Please join or organize an event in your community/city.

(click on photo to enlarge)


Also, please share events being organized with the FB group:

and Stop 5G International: https://stop5ginternational.org/

Send info about Events to: team@stop5ginternational.org.   Include, Country | City| Time| Location | Contact email | and any other pertinent details…such as flyer, FB post or group etc.

Useful Links:


Americans for Responsible Technology Webinar recording:
5G Space Wars




Kate Kheel

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation