(audio 25:48) May 15th Day of Action Against 5G.Sharon Noble – April 15, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – April 15, 2019: https://youtu.be/XKpFvaN5rtY
The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews withSharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:
The producer of the landmark documentary film “Generation Zapped” has arranged for supporters of 5G Crisis (and their friends and relatives) to see this incredible film at no cost!
The code is good only for this Saturday, Sunday & Monday! (May 11-13, 2019)
Digitalization and mobile communications are issues everyone is talking about these days. They polarize strongly. Is this technology a blessing or a curse? Must progress prevail at last over the die-hard conservatives who would still prefer to use the “bush drum”. Or are the progressive forces consistently hiding the hazards? In her lecture Anke Kern gives an insight into her 15 years of research. She gives a closer look at facts that are consistently kept hidden from the public. People need to know these facts in order to be able to deal with this technology and to draw the right conclusions.
Telecommunications companies are actively deploying new 5G cell towers up and down residential streets in our nation, including here in Maryland. These 5G cell towers spew radiofrequency radiation 24/7 into our neighborhoods. This deployment is continuing despite studies by the National Institutes of Health, the World Health Organization, and biomedical researchers worldwide that have linked cellular radiation to cancer and to many other adverse health effects. Everyone is at risk, but our children are especially vulnerable because they are still developing.
The wealthy telecom companies have powerful allies in government at all levels, but public opposition is growing and is beginning to be noticed by government. 5G can be stopped, but only if the public acts. If you do NOT want one of these cell towers in front of your home, irradiating you night and day, threatening your health, and depreciating the value of your property, you need to speak up. Once that cell tower is installed in front of your home, it is too late, as it already is in some neighborhoods in Maryland.
You can learn more, talk to other concerned residents, and voice your opinion at rallies around the Nation on Wednesday, May 15. That day has been selected as the National 5G Day of Action….
The coordinated events will take place in cities and towns across the country from 12 noon to 1:30 pm (local time) onWednesday, May 15th. The purpose of these events is to raise public awareness of the issue through media coverage, and to place the burden of responsibility where it belongs: on those who stand to profit from the deployment of 5G.
“Urjanet’s technology is used to track cost and usage information from 4,000 utilities in 30 countries. That data collected from electric, gas, telecommunications, water, and waste providers, is used by small and medium-sized businesses, and multinational companies, to automate accounting and bill processing, manage energy costs, and comply with reporting regulations, the company said….
“Oak HC/FT’s financing will enable us to broaden our reach to the world’s largest corporations and utility providers, as well as accelerate our launch of new applications using utility data as an alternative source for credit scoring and identity verification,” said Sanjoy Malik, Urjanet’s chief executive, in a statement.”
Our data is more valuable than the electricity being sold. And, YES, BC Hydro and FortisBC are clients of Urjanet. Search:https://urjanet.com/utility-data/by typing in BC Hydro and FortisBC.
Please note: This article includes the updated version of “Take Back Your Power”, which is very good, until the last 10 min. or so in which he speaks of liability, legality, etc. I wish to warn you that Josh makes statements that do not pertain to BC where smeters are mandated by law. The law was written by the Liberals and is supported by the NDP. Until the Clean Energy Act is changed, we are stuck if we want electricity. Many of us have paid thousands in extortion fees — which have yet to be accounted for — and many of us continue to pay. Many others, the vast majority, were given no choice to even pay the extortion. Josh also promotes his unique, and “legal” approach that lawyers say will not work and which never managed to prevent the installation of or the removal of a smeter in BC — or elsewhere that I have been able to confirm. Our only way to protect our homes and our rights is to demand that these things be removed from our homes and analog meters returned by demanding that the Clean Energy Act be amended.
Also in this article is a link to an interesting article about how a company (Urjanet) is gathering and selling data obtained via smeters to various corporations, including financial institutions which are using it to determine credit scores. This is yet more evidence that smeters are gathering data not needed for billing and, without our permission or awareness, it can be sold.
Dr. Anthony Miller, senior advisor to the WHO IARC reviewed the best available scientific evidence and now concludes that cell phone and wireless radiation is a carcinogen. This excerpt is from a July 31, 2017 lecture he gave in a scientific symposium sponsored by Environmental Health Trust….
(French video 51:33) Conférence de Presse : annonce de la plainte pénale contre le fabricant de smartphones chinois Xiaomi – Alert PhoneGate Facebook – April 15, 2019:
Most new cars have all the new gadgets including: WLAN, WiFi HotSpots, Bluetooth connected Cellphone and EV electric motors. Many new cars are using cellular connected internet HotSpots to give WiFi access to passengers. WiFi will keep the kids occupied during the drive to/from school or shopping.
Here is an interesting German Video showing the impact on the driver’s brain during a test drive using EEG. If you are sensitive in any way to EMF/RFR then driving or being a passenger in one of the new cars may be a disturbing experience.
I suspect that ALL people will be impacted, some will feel some minor discomfort and some will really suffer. Those who suffer from EHS will tend to avoid these new cars.
(The audio is in German. If you do not understand German then the subtitles will be sufficient for understanding.)
The corrupt U.S. Military-Industrial-Complex (about which U.S. President Dwight Eisenhauer warned the American people in 1961 to be on guard against) ultimately is behind this new, untested (for safety to humans) 5G (Fifth Generation) technology!
If approved, 5G will totally revolutionize all of today’s wireless radio and microwave frequency technologies. 5G microwave radiation will be emitted by 20,000+ satellites in space – that are expected to blanket every inch of space on earth with broadband Internet radiation, plus the hundreds of thousands of micro cell towers that telephone companies throughout North America are planning to situate not further apart than every 10th home – in every community!
Scientists fear that, on top of the radiation already blanketing planet earth from 2G, 3G and 4G technologies, this tsunami of additional microwave radiation emitted by 5G devices will bring about the end of all life on earth!