(click on photo to enlarge)
Havana Syndrome is a descriptive condition involving a large cluster of U.S. government diplomats and family members affected by symptoms similar to PPPD, vestibular migraine, TBI, brain fog, headaches, hearing loss, and tinnitus. The UT Southwestern conference is the first and most comprehensive symposium from a medical/scientific perspective and includes distinguished speakers from the health policy world, U.S. government, media, and victim advocacy. The symposium will highlight the critical role of clinical and basic science research in understanding and treating victims of Havana Syndrome and other similar syndromes, and spotlight the importance of public-private partnerships between U.S. government entities and academic medical centers in addressing complex, 21st-century biomedical challenges…. (click on photo to enlarge)
Expected since 2016, the Mobi-kids study has just been published – in all discretion – on December 30, 2021, in the scientific journal Environment International. We reveal in exclusivity the serious conflicts of interest among the experts and the major role of the operator Orange in distorting the science.
….Senate Bill 1828, the “Helping American Victims Afflicted by Neurological Attacks Act of 2021, or the HAVANA Act of 2021,” authorizes payment to qualified employees for brain injuries inflicted by neuroweaponry.
….“Innocent people are thrown onto the watchlist, based on little to nothing, with no notification or warning…using this new secret underclass of “untouchables” as nonconsenting test subjects for Military Industrial Complex weaponry such as Directed Energy Weapons like microwave, millimeter waves, lily waves, weaponized WiFi…as well as war-grade gases, poisons…”…
Many people are gravely disappointed that the new legislation pushed through by Senators Susan Collins (ME) and Jeanne Shaheen (NH) …failed to provide for or even mention the thousands of innocent American civilians who have also been hit with these weapons inside the US for years…I prefer to take encouragement from the fact that these public servants were so outraged by the attacks that they molded and pushed through such legislation at an impressive speed….
Former CDC Scientist Issues Report – Strong Evidence That Cell Phone Radiation Causes Cancer
“the evidence on an association between cellular phone use and the risk of glioma in adults is quite strong.”
Christopher Portier PhD – A retired U.S. government scientist who served as Director of the United States National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Director of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry….
More Legal News: Major Wins in US Courts Allow Disability Discrimination Cases to Proceed and New Brain Cancer/Cell Phone Lawsuit Launched
During this period, we use our cell phones even more. Cautionary advice is necessary, especially for children, pregnant women and pacemaker wearers. We are counting on you to help us relay our campaign “Your smartphone is dangerous”. You will find on our website 3 different visuals and 3 animations in French and in English. Thank you in advance !
Experts have been warning for years that children are being endangered by being exposed to wireless radiation in schools. They may become ill while students or suffer as adults because of exposure in schools that didn’t need to happen and shouldn’t have happened. Many of us have provided scientific evidence to Ministers of Education, to School Trustees and the Public Health Officials. Teachers have asked for safe places in which to teach, yet wireless technology is used in schools throughout the province and country. This group is from the USA but, in many of their documents, simply exchange “FCC” with “Health Canada” and the information applies here. I have asked the organization for permission to use their templates and “Canadianize” them and will let you know when I receive their response. Please read the letters and documents hyperlinked in the article, and please consider sharing widely. There is power in numbers.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
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Grassroots Environmental Education and Grassroots Communications are very pleased to announce the launch of the TechSafe Schools project – a multi-faceted program designed to help schools reduce exposure to RF radiation.
The TechSafe Schools project consists of a personal letter addressed to school administrators, a legal letterfrom seven prominent attorneys with experience in wireless radiation and tort litigation; a short Q&A brochure about RF radiation in schools and an invitation for school officials to attend one or more of three national webinars we will be sponsoring in early March.
Dear Elon Musk, Kimbal Musk and all SpaceX Board Members, Officers, and Lead Investors,
In 1962, when Rachel Carson published Silent Spring, insects were so thick upon this Earth that you could not drive a car very far, anywhere in the world, without its windshield becoming splattered with their bodies.
Ms. Carson would not recognize the world today: Windshields are clean. Birds are starving. Crops have no pollinators. A solution has been suggested for farmers: robotic bees, which are being developed at Harvard University. But that is not a solution for the world, because as the insects go, so go we.
And the world knows this. Why have millions of people joined environmental organizations? Why did Jeff Bezos just create a $10 billion-dollar environmental fund? Why are wealthy people signing up to go live on Mars and leave the Earth behind? Because our home is being destroyed, and on some level everyone knows this. But they do not know why. Yes, there are climate change, habitat destruction, and insecticides, but those cannot explain the 76 to 82 percent decline in flying insects in 63 nature preserves in Germany. Those cannot explain the 97 to 98 percent decline in crawling insects in a pristine rainforest in Puerto Rico.
If you expose honey bees to an ordinary cell phone for just ten minutes, their metabolism shuts down. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins build up in their blood. They can no longer metabolize their food or utilize the oxygen they breathe. And since the same radiation is bathing us all, to a greater or lesser degree, everywhere on Earth, the same thing is happening to every living thing. It happens faster in bees than in us because bees have a much higher metabolism. The radiation comes from all forms of wireless technology, on Earth and in space, and it is being treated as if it is not there.
We are writing to you at this time because SpaceX is in process of surrounding the Earth with a network of thousands of satellites whose very purpose is to irradiate every square inch of the Earth. SpaceX, like everyone else, is treating the radiation as if it were not there. As if the mitochondria in our cells do not depend on electrons moving undisturbed from the food we digest to the oxygen we breathe. As if our nervous systems and our hearts are not subject to radio frequency interference like any piece of electronic equipment. As if the cancer, diabetes, and heart disease that now afflict a majority of the Earth’s population are not metabolic diseases that result from interference with our cellular machinery. As if insects everywhere, and the birds and animals that eat them, are not starving to death as a result.
We write to you today to ask you to halt the Starlink project because it is so destructive. Although the satellites are a few hundred miles high, even the tiny levels of radiation that will reach the surface of the Earth are higher than levels from solar storms that have been correlated with beachings of whales — whales that live in oceans which until now have hardly been subject to manmade radiation at all. And the satellites are being located in the Earth’s ionosphere, which controls the global electric circuit that we all evolved with, and that travels through the bodies of all living things on its way from sky to Earth, through Earth and oceans, and back up to the sky during thunderstorms. We pollute this circuit with billions of electronic frequencies at our peril.
We ask you to halt this project and sit down and meet with us, and with our scientific colleagues, and with our colleagues from the astronomical community, who have just formed the Safeguarding the Astronomical Sky Foundation (SASF). The sky belongs to everyone. The consequences of filling it with thousands — potentially tens of thousands — of disposable satellites are many:
visible pollution of the night sky
interference with astronomy & meteorology
rocket exhaust, contributing to ozone depletion and climate change
ground and water pollution from intensive use of increasingly many spaceports
accumulating space debris
continual deorbiting and burning up of aging satellites, polluting the atmosphere with toxic dust and smoke
ever-increasing likelihood of collisions
increasing risk of the Kessler syndrome
Do we really want to build learning gardens at our schools, that will be pollinated with robotic bees? Do the oceans and Antarctica and all rainforests and wildlife preserves really need the Internet? Do the immutable stars in the unchanging heavens really need competition from ten thousand or more moving lights? We believe in something better. For us. For our children. For insects and for all of life.
We await your response.
Arthur Firstenberg, Scientist & Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, (2020)