Category Archives: Marc Arazi

Phonegate Alert invited to the International conference Stop 5G at the Italian Parliament – Alert Phone Gate – October 12, 2019

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Dear supporters,

Filled room at the Italian Parliament ! Congratulations to all the organizers for the success of this conference on 5G and Phonegate. Find the presentation of Dr Marc Arazi and the first photos.

Please relay as widely as possible,

The Phonegate Alert Team Parliament

….*Article updated on Novembre 7, 2019….


Mobile telephony and public health – Is Switzerland an absent subscriber? – Alert Phone Gate – November 03, 2019

Called upon in the context of the Phonegate industrial and health scandal by Léon Warnier, Swiss Phonegate Alert Coordinator, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (SFOPH) initially declared itself incompetent. After a cascading referral to different authorities, the FOPH claims to be unaware of which office is responsible for protecting the health of smartphone users!…

The situation is Kafkaesque:

  1. The FOPH declared itself incompetent and referred the matter back to OFCOM.
  2. OFCOM declared itself incompetent and referred the matter back to ESTI.
  3. The ESTI declared itself incompetent and declared the FOPH competent.
  4. The FOPH claims to be unaware of which office is competent in this case.

Mobile telephony and public health: Is Switzerland an absent subscriber?


French ministerial announcements – an important step in our actions to protect the health of mobile phone users by Alert Phone Gate – October 25, 2019

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French ministerial announcements: an important step in our actions to protect the health of mobile phone users

In a joint statement published today, the French ministries of Health, Ecology and Economy announced several proposals for action to strengthen health protection for mobile phone users in France and Europe. These are in the context of the recommendations made on 21 October 2019 by the French health & safety agency in its report entitled “Mobile phones worn close to the body and health”, and the mobilization actions of our association following the revelation in July 2016 by Dr Marc Arazi of the Phonegate industrial and health scandal.

For our President:

“This is undoubtedly another victory for our association and for all the partner organisations, independent scientists, lawyers who are members of the Consortium, journalists who work in France and abroad to protect the health of the 5 billion mobile phone users”.

However, we regret the lack of consultation with the associations that are fighting this fight. We reiterate our call for a meeting with the ministers concerned. To this end, we will take an initiative in the coming days.

Press release translated by Phonegate Alert   ….

ANSES recommendations call upon the public authorities and industry to face their health responsibilities – Anses Experts Report re Mobile Phones Worn Close to the Body and Health – Alert Phone Gate – October 21, 2019



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The French National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) has just made public the first part of its expert group report entitled “Mobile phones close to the body and health“, dated July 2019. For Dr. Marc Arazi, who launched the alert on the Phonegate scandal in July 2016:

“This is undoubtedly a great step forward and a tremendous recognition for our international alert action. The public and industrial authorities are now faced with their responsibilities and must inform mobile phone users of the health risks involved.”

This had been expected since the end of 2017, following our appeal to the public authorities and the request made by the General Directorate of Health (Ministry for Solidarity and Health) and the Directorate of Risk Prevention (Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition) to ANSES to be informed of the health risks for adults and children exposed to specific absorption rate (SAR) levels of more than 2 W/kg (European legal limit).

In the next few days, we are going to analyze this 128-page report with the members of our international scientific committee.

Our initial reaction, however, to the recommendations of ANSES is positive. Here is the conclusion of the report signed by the Director General of ANSES, Roger Genet: ….

Dr Arazi’s presentation at the International Scientific Conference in Mainz, Germany – Alert Phone Gate – October 07, 2019

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Dr Arazi’s presentation at the International Scientific Conference in Mainz, Germany – Alert Phone Gate – October 07, 2019:


Here are a few highlights:


Apple’s iPhone: widespread deception over the real SAR levels by Alerte Phone Gate – September 10, 2019

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We asked Dr. Arazi, President of Phonegate Alert, to review in detail the revelations made on August 21, 2019 by journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner Sam Roe in the Chicago Tribune and to place them in the overall context of the international Phonegate scandal. We start with the results of Apple’s iPhones, then in a next article we will discuss the results of the Korean manufacturer Samsung.

Revelation of the Chicago Tribune on the tests of the most popular cell phones in the United States. by Alert Phone Gate – August 22, 2019

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[Press Release] Revelation of the Chicago Tribune on the tests of the most popular cell phones in the United States. by Alert Phone Gate – August 22, 2019:
We tested popular cellphones for radiofrequency radiation. Now the FCC is investigating. by Sam Roe – Chicago Tribune – August 21, 2019:

Phonegate Alert invited to a medical conference in England – June 08, 2019

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“Phonegate Alert” invited to a conference in England by Dr. Mallery-Blythe

On June 8, 2019, a commemorative conference in honour of Jenny Fry will be held in England at the initiative of “EMF aware Sussex”. On this occasion, the experts present will review scientific and medical knowledge concerning electrosensitivity, the development of new 5G technologies, communicating meters and mobile phones. We would like to thank Dr. Mallery-Blythe for her invitation, which will allow us, for the first time on English soil, to discuss the issues related to the Phonegate scandal.

The speakers:

Professor Dominique Belpomme,
Professor of Medical Oncology at the University of Paris René Descartes, founder of the European Institute for Research on Cancer and the Environment (ECERI), founder of ARTAC (Association for Research and Treatments Against Cancer). He will speak on the theme: “Etiology, diagnosis and management of electrohyper-sensitivity (EHS).

Dr. Marc Arazi,
Co-founder and President of the organization Alerte Phonegate.
His presentation: “The international Phonegate scandal: All overexposed, all deceived, all threatened by our mobile phones”.

Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe,
Founder of the PHIRE medical organization (Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation & Environment), Trustee RRT (Radiation Research Trust), Medical Advisor ORSAA (Oceanic Radiofrequency Scienti c Advisory Association), Medical Advisor ESUK and member of IGNIR 5g, she will speak on the theme: “Overview of EMF health effects and PHIRE 5G Five Facts initiative.”

Debbie Fry (dental nurse) will talk about her daughter, Jenny’s experiences with her E.H.S. and her campaign to turn off Wi-Fi in schools and hospitals.

This conference, which will be held on Saturday, June 8 from 9am to 5pm in the Sedwick park house, is open to the public. You can download the prospectus to register.

= = =

Learn more about Jenny Fry:

Radio frequency waves are among the agents proposed for IARC to reassess with high priority by Alert PhoneGate – April 23, 2019

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[Press release] Radio frequency waves are among the agents proposed for IARC to reassess with high priority by Alert PhoneGate – April 23, 2019:
Advisory Group recommendations on priorities for the IARC Monographs – The Lancet – April 17, 2019:
(video 00:49) World Health Organization Scientist “Cell Phone/Wi-Fi Radiation is A Carcinogen” 2017 by Environmental Health Trust – August 04, 2017:

Dr. Anthony Miller, senior advisor to the WHO IARC reviewed the best available scientific evidence and now concludes that cell phone and wireless radiation is a carcinogen. This excerpt is from a July 31, 2017 lecture he gave in a scientific symposium sponsored by Environmental Health Trust….

= = =

Phonegate: criminal complaint against Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi – April 15, 2019

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Phonegate: criminal complaint against Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi – Alert PhoneGate – April 15, 2019:
[Press Conference] Phonegate: first criminal action – Alert PhoneGate – April 12, 2019:
(French video 51:33) Conférence de Presse : annonce de la plainte pénale contre le fabricant de smartphones chinois Xiaomi – Alert PhoneGate Facebook – April 15, 2019: