Category Archives: HEALTH

Response by Dr. Anthony Miller and Frank Clegg to Tri-City News Editor re “Coquitlam-PoCo MP sponsors petition that says cell towers could hurt children, trigger cancer Article – May 08, 2020

May 08, 2020

Mr. Richard Dal Monte, EditorTri-City News                                              1680 Broadway Street, Unit 118, Port Coquitlam, B.C. V3C 2M

Sent via email: <>

Subject: Need for a balanced report versus the Tri-City News report Coquitlam-PoCo MP sponsors petition that says cell towers could hurt children, trigger cancer

Dear Mr. Dal Monte:

We believe the article May 7th, Coquitlam-PoCo MP sponsors petition that says cell towers could hurt children, trigger cancer does not represent all the facts on this important issue. We request that you review the material we present here on 5G and pre-5G radiation, and subsequently write a truly balanced story….

MP McKinnon is not the first MP, or chair of the Commons standing committee on health, to present a document to the House of Commons, on behalf of constituents, expressing concern for the harmful effects from radiofrequency (RF) radiation.

In 2015, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health (HESA) published a report entitled Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Health of Canadians.3 Its 12 recommendations addressed several of the issues outlined below, and included a national awareness campaign about the harmful effects of wireless technologies and how to reduce risks. The report received all-party support and was tabled by the Conservative (2015) and Liberal (2016) majority governments. In 2010, a similar report was published.4 Both reports were tabled by the Health Committee Chair.

The May 7th report lacked balance and downplayed many aspects of the serious concerns about this technology. We would like to direct you to the article written about 5G and the burning of towers by our colleague, Dr. Devra Davis, an epidemiologist with outstanding credentials. Dr. Davis, among other notable accomplishments, helped to have lead removed from gasoline and smoking banned from planes….

Regarding the effects of radiation from wireless technology on children, we would like to direct you to two articles: Exposure limits: the underestimation of absorbed cell phone radiation, especially in children and Absorption of wireless radiation in the child versus adult brain and eye from cell phone conversation or virtual reality ; peer reviewed, published papers that show evidence that wireless radiation does, in fact, impact children more than adults.

The statements by Steven Salzberg, “There’s no science behind them at all. The science is very clear on that,” is false. Biologists and epidemiologists are the experts raising concerns about the harmful effects from RF radiation. Hundreds of peer-reviewed, scientific publications describe biological effects and harms with exposures far below Canada’s limits (based on heating tissue), in humans.  These studies scientifically demonstrate cause or contribution to numerous health effects including cancers, sperm damage, reproductive harms, learning and memory deficits, and neurodegenerative, cellular and genetic damage….”

5G, Your Health And The Environment – Canadian Zoom Webinar – April 25, 2020

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Do you know about the safety and privacy concerns of 5G (Fifth generation cellular technology)? Do you know why other municipalities and countries have stopped 5G? Come find out how 5G affects you, your family, the environment and our economy.

Please join Sharon Noble of Stop Smart Meters BC, Dan Blair of No 5G, Nova Scotia and me this SaturdayApril 25 – the 5G Global Protest Day – as we discuss the biological and environmental effects of 5G and how we can mobilize across the country to rally for safe technology.

Where & When: On Zoom this Saturday at 11:00 am Pacific time, hosted by Transition, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. This will be a bi-coastal event.

This will be an interactive event. To join us, please register here:

We look forward to sharing with you!


Oona McOuat

Count-down until the April 25, 2020 5G Online Global Protest Day!

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Online events planned by Stop 5G International[UNIQID]   &

We are planning a Global Webinar which will consist of a panel of speakers covering various issues pertaining to 5G. (Panel members to be announced). The Webinar is planned for April 25th at 6:00 pm UK time. (Our apologies to Australia, New Zealand and other countries and territories where that hour is not convenient.)

Stop 5G International is producing a We Do Not Consent video that includes statements people have sent us saying why they do not consent to 5G on Earth and in space. Some of the footage we have received is superb. Many thanks to all who contributed!! A link to the video will be sent out when it’s ready.

NB: Let’s take advantage of the Online Protest Day to educate people about the advantages of safe, fast, reliable and energy efficient hard-wired connections, and to urge people to watch videos and share materials on hard-wired connections when possible. 

Online events planned by others around the world….

Suggested actions for April 25th

Links to:  SafeG info, PowerPoint; sample Letters to City Officials, Healthcare Providers, the Editor; Flyers; International Space Appeal; Community Kit; Comment Letter by the Advisors to the EMF Scientists Appeal; Put Your Government on Notice; Inform Environmental Organizations; Window Signs; Petitions….

Nokia 3.1 finally pinned by ANFR and its SAR updated – Press Release by Alert Phone Gate – April 16, 2020

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In a press release issued on April 16, 2020, the National Frequency Agency (ANFR) announced that it had pinpointed a new model of Nokia, namely the Nokia 3.1. The trunk Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) measured in November 2019 by the accredited German laboratory CTC Advanced is 2.73 W/kg. This is more than 30% above the european legal limit of 2W/kg.

It is in a few months, the 4th model of the brand presented an exceedance of SAR for its users, after the Nokia 5 and Nokia 3 in April 2019 and the Nokia 6.1(TA-1043) in July 2019….

(see complete Press Release) –

The Flames of Progress by Arthur Firstenberg – March 07, 2020

From: “Arthur Firstenberg” <>
Sent: March 7, 2020
Subject: Legal update; Decline in bat populations; Help needed


I have been entrusted with the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, but I find myself bewildered — bewildered by the devastation around me; by the destruction of the cathedral of life into which I was born; by the silencing of the songs of the fifty million other species with whom I was raised; by the failure of my fellow human beings to care or to notice. How can they not miss their brothers and sisters? How can they not miss the magnificent symphony? How is it possible?

“The oceans are dying,” wrote Jacques Cousteau in 1970. “Can anyone believe it is possible,” wrote Rachel Carson in 1962, “to lay down such a barrage of poisons on the surface of the earth without making it unfit for all life?” “I have seen too much,” said microwave researcher Allan Frey in 1969, explaining why he did research on animals and not humans. “I do not feel that I can take people into these fields and expose them and in all honesty indicate to them that they are going into something safe.”

Yet here we are half a century later: there will soon be more plastics than fish in the oceans, the world uses four times more pesticides per year than in 1962, and five billion people are holding open sources of microwave radiation in their hands.

The Earth is burning, yet no firefighters come. In the face of certain catastrophe, everyone is going about their business as if everything is fine, as if by magic the synthetic fibers in our clothing and the rubber tires on our automobiles will stop becoming microplastics in the sea; as if the few insects left in the world will magically escape the pesticides that we apply to our lawns and the radiation from the cell phones into which we speak. Everyone is still going about their business as if everything is fine. Isn’t it time that we stop? And since the most immediate threat to life comes from our cell phones, isn’t it time to throw them away?


A worldwide organization needs to be created, whose members do not own cell phones, whose purpose is to end the use of cell phones on Earth.

For most people this seems like an impossibility, but that is because they do not remember that only 25 years ago almost no one owned a cell phone, and that young people did not get cancer, diabetes, heart attacks and strokes like they do today. And the air was full of butterflies and birds, and the streams were full of tadpoles and frogs. It is because no one has explained to them what radiation is. No one would willingly use a radioactive phone, but that is essentially what everyone is doing. Radio waves and gamma rays are only two ends of a continuous spectrum; they are essentially the same phenomenon and have the same disastrous effects on our bodies and our planet.

The train that we are on is a train to nowhere. On either side, through the windows, can be seen insects, and birds, and frogs, and if we listen we can hear them buzzing, chirping, and croaking.

Please contact me if you would like to participate in the creation of an organization that will get us off this train.

Arthur Firstenberg
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129

A pdf of this [complete] newsletter is available here:

Honey bees on the Isle of Wight; Slovenia postpones 5G; More satellites are launched by Arthur Firstenberg – January 29, 2020

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Please Sign –


The honey bee in the banner at the top of this newsletter has been speaking to us for over one hundred and fourteen years. Its numbers ever diminishing, its message ever more urgent, it waits for a sleeping world to finally listen. “Now!” it says. “Wake up before it’s too late, there is no more time!”

On the Isle of Wight, off the southern coast of England, Giuglielmo Marconi built the world’s first permanent radio station. And the bees’ first warning to humanity was heard. “They are often to be seen crawling up grass stems, or up the supports of the hive, where they remain until they fall back to the earth from sheer weakness, and soon afterwards die,” wrote Augustus Imms of Christ’s College, Cambridge in 1906. Ninety percent of the bees had already vanished from the entire island. Unable to find a cause, he called it, simply, Isle of Wight disease. Swarms of healthy bees were imported from the mainland, but it was of no use: within a week the fresh bees were dying off by the thousands.

The description, more than a century later, is exactly the same. On November 19, 2019, a 5G antenna was placed 250 meters from Angela’s house in Melbourne, Australia. “I photographed the new mast going onto the cell tower,” she writes, “and the next day, I was in the driveway talking to our carpenter, and we saw bees dropping on the driveway then dying. I managed to film one trying to collect pollen, but it was hanging upside down and could not seem to make it to the centre of the flower, then it rolled off the petals to the ground.”

Today, two months later, their beautiful garden, full of old world trees and plants, is silent and barren. “We have no insects — none,” wrote Angela last week. “Our cumquat once laden all year has no new fruit coming. No olives on the way on our olive tree so laden last year. We dug soil yesterday — no worms either — nothing — all gone. I walked the dog late tonight, it was dark and a poor magpie was down the street under a street lamp hoping for a cricket I think. It was silent. I took birdseed back but the bird had gone — it must be hungry to be out at night.”

In the midst of plenty the bees are starving to death. In 2009, Neelima Kumar, at Panjab University in India, placed cell phones in some bee hives and turned them on for ten minutes. The concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, total carbohydrates, total lipids and total proteins rose precipitously in the bees’ blood. After just ten minutes’ exposure to a cell phone, the bees were not able to digest their food, or use the oxygen they were breathing. Their metabolism had come to a standstill.

“Wake up!” say the bees.

“Wake up!” said parents with their children who assembled last Saturday at the Church on the Roundabout in Newport on the Isle of Wight to protest plans to turn their island into a Smart Island — to bring Isle of Wight disease back to the island of its birth.

Radio waves are poison to life. They penetrate skin and bones, cell walls and mitochondria. They prevent electrons from our food from combining with the oxygen we breathe. They give us diabetes, and heart disease, and cancer. They disorient migratory birds, and they kill outright tiny forms of life that pollinate flowers and have high rates of metabolism.

In the mid-1990s, the invisible fire that Marconi had lit became a conflagration. For the first time in human history, radio waves began to be broadcast not only from tall towers scattered widely across the landscape, but from the hands of men, women and children everywhere. And in 2020 this has brought us to the brink of extinction — not just of bees, and not just of humanity, but of all life on Earth.

I asked, in a previous newsletter, “which do we want more: our phones or our planet?” There is only one sane answer. I ask all of you who are reading this newsletter to join with me in putting this world back on a path to survival by throwing away your cell phones, now, today. Not next year, and not tomorrow. Today. There is no other option. Tomorrow we can deal, if we dare, with climate change. But if we are to have time to answer that urgent call, we must first deal with this emergency. We must extinguish this fire.

I vote for life. Do you?



= = =

Please Sign

Adopt This 5G Resolution in Your Community

(click on photos to enlarge)

From: “5G Crisis” <>

NEW Sample Resolution to Fight 5G in Your Community
Dear Friend,Hallandale, Florida. Bend, Oregon. Carmel, Indiana. Greendale, Wisconsin. These are just some of the communities across the United States that have adopted resolutions to address 5G risks and to raise public awareness about the unfettered rollout of untested 5G wireless antennas near homes and schools.

This “Take Action Tuesday” we’re asking that you share our new sample 5G resolution with your local officials and encourage them to adopt it in part or in full. While a resolution is not a legally-binding document (enacting it does not require your decision makers to accomplish the items presented in the resolution), any formal acknowledgement by your representatives that there are problems with 5G could do one, or all, of three important things:

1) Generate media attention
2) Inspire your state and federal officials to take a stand on 5G
3) Motivate other communities to adopt similar resolutions 


Join the Worldwide 5G Protest THIS Saturday!

In other news, this Saturday, January 25th, is the first International Day of 5G Action. So far, there are over 205 events in 195 cities scheduled (view the list of participating locations here). If you’d like to grab some 5G action gear for the big day, like 5G info cards or 5G door hangers to pass out at your event, check out our online store here.

Thanks for all you do!

-The 5G Crisis Team


Copyright © ‘5G Crisis.’ All rights reserved.

Contact us:
Call 516-883-0887

[Press release] The Court of Appeal of Turin (Italy) confirms the link between a head tumour and mobile phone use by Phonegate Alert – January 15, 2020

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Published The January 15, 2020
Dear supporters,

This decision of the Court of Appeal of Turin is historic!

(….This is the second Italian appeal judgment in favour of a worker after the Brescia judgment in 2010, which concluded with the confirmation of the Supreme Court in 2012, case of Marcolini v. INAIL.

In this case, the Court of Bergamo had rejected the application in first instance.

A landmark judgment that will have international repercussions

The Romeo v. INAIL case is therefore historic. It is the first in world judicial history to have had two consecutive judgments in favour of the plaintiff. It is also historic because of the principles underlying this decision and particularly because it is written about the conflicts of interest of certain experts close to the mobile phone industry.

Conflicts of interest and the role of the ICNIRP pinpointed by the Tribunal

Indeed, the Tribunal recognizes that telephone industry-funded scientists, or members of the ICNIRP, are less reliable than independent scientists: ….)

Thank you for relaying it as widely as possible.

The Phonegate Alert Team
To learn more on the same subject:

Italy: a landmark judgment requires the state to inform the population of the health risks due to mobile phones

Mobil World Congress: industrialists and public authorities urged to take into account the health effects of mobile technologies (video of Stefano Bertone)

Phonegate Alert invited to the International conference Stop 5G at the Italian Parliament


Copyright © Alerte Phonegate Tous droits réservés.
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Posters for 5G Global Protest Day – January 25, 2020

(click on photos to enlarge + copy/paste link)
5G Posters –