Category Archives: Health Canada

Thank-you Letter to MP Ron McKinnon for Sponsoring the School/Cell Tower Petition and Response Letter to Editor of Tri-City News by Dr. Magda Havas – May 08, 2020

From: “drmagdahavas” <>
To: “Ron McKinnon” <>
Sent: May 8, 2020
Subject: Thank you for Sponsoring the School/Cell Tower petitionLetter to Editor below

(click on photo to enlarge)

Mr. McKinnon,

You don’t know me and I’m not in your riding but perhaps the information below will be self explanatory.

I would like to thank you for sponsoring the petition regarding cell tower buffer-zones around schools and playgrounds.  We desperately need to reduce exposure especially of children to microwave radiation.

Yesterday (May 7) you were criticized unfairly in the Tri-City News.

I sent a letter to the editor but seldom do these letters get published, especially one that criticizes a reporter for being biased.   So I thought I would send you a copy.

In the event it is NOT published I will post it on my website and circulate it broadly.

We need people who are not afraid to speak the truth and who are willing to take a stand that may not be popular.

If there is anything I can do to support you as you engage the government to follow-up on the HESA recommendations please let me know.  I testified at both the 2010 and 2015 meetings and am deeply committed to and concerned about this issue.

Thank you for your courage and your integrity.

Kind regards,


= = =

Below is what I sent to the Editor of Tri-City News….

Response by Dr. Anthony Miller and Frank Clegg to Tri-City News Editor re “Coquitlam-PoCo MP sponsors petition that says cell towers could hurt children, trigger cancer Article – May 08, 2020

May 08, 2020

Mr. Richard Dal Monte, EditorTri-City News                                              1680 Broadway Street, Unit 118, Port Coquitlam, B.C. V3C 2M

Sent via email: <>

Subject: Need for a balanced report versus the Tri-City News report Coquitlam-PoCo MP sponsors petition that says cell towers could hurt children, trigger cancer

Dear Mr. Dal Monte:

We believe the article May 7th, Coquitlam-PoCo MP sponsors petition that says cell towers could hurt children, trigger cancer does not represent all the facts on this important issue. We request that you review the material we present here on 5G and pre-5G radiation, and subsequently write a truly balanced story….

MP McKinnon is not the first MP, or chair of the Commons standing committee on health, to present a document to the House of Commons, on behalf of constituents, expressing concern for the harmful effects from radiofrequency (RF) radiation.

In 2015, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health (HESA) published a report entitled Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Health of Canadians.3 Its 12 recommendations addressed several of the issues outlined below, and included a national awareness campaign about the harmful effects of wireless technologies and how to reduce risks. The report received all-party support and was tabled by the Conservative (2015) and Liberal (2016) majority governments. In 2010, a similar report was published.4 Both reports were tabled by the Health Committee Chair.

The May 7th report lacked balance and downplayed many aspects of the serious concerns about this technology. We would like to direct you to the article written about 5G and the burning of towers by our colleague, Dr. Devra Davis, an epidemiologist with outstanding credentials. Dr. Davis, among other notable accomplishments, helped to have lead removed from gasoline and smoking banned from planes….

Regarding the effects of radiation from wireless technology on children, we would like to direct you to two articles: Exposure limits: the underestimation of absorbed cell phone radiation, especially in children and Absorption of wireless radiation in the child versus adult brain and eye from cell phone conversation or virtual reality ; peer reviewed, published papers that show evidence that wireless radiation does, in fact, impact children more than adults.

The statements by Steven Salzberg, “There’s no science behind them at all. The science is very clear on that,” is false. Biologists and epidemiologists are the experts raising concerns about the harmful effects from RF radiation. Hundreds of peer-reviewed, scientific publications describe biological effects and harms with exposures far below Canada’s limits (based on heating tissue), in humans.  These studies scientifically demonstrate cause or contribution to numerous health effects including cancers, sperm damage, reproductive harms, learning and memory deficits, and neurodegenerative, cellular and genetic damage….”

5G, Your Health And The Environment – Canadian Zoom Webinar – April 25, 2020

(click on photo to enlarge)

Do you know about the safety and privacy concerns of 5G (Fifth generation cellular technology)? Do you know why other municipalities and countries have stopped 5G? Come find out how 5G affects you, your family, the environment and our economy.

Please join Sharon Noble of Stop Smart Meters BC, Dan Blair of No 5G, Nova Scotia and me this SaturdayApril 25 – the 5G Global Protest Day – as we discuss the biological and environmental effects of 5G and how we can mobilize across the country to rally for safe technology.

Where & When: On Zoom this Saturday at 11:00 am Pacific time, hosted by Transition, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. This will be a bi-coastal event.

This will be an interactive event. To join us, please register here:

We look forward to sharing with you!


Oona McOuat

Thousands of 5G Satellites Soon to Irradiate Entire Surface of Earth. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – June 18, 2019

(audio 31:59) Thousands of 5G Satellites Soon to Irradiate Entire Surface of Earth. Sharon Noble – June 18, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – YouTube – June 18, 2019:

(Experts speak in North Saanich (?), Salt Spring Island, Duncan, Victoria, Nanaimo, Bowen Island, Vancouver, Surrey, Penticton (?) on 5G Hazards –

Guest’s website:


(podcast 31:53) June 18, 2019 | Thousands of 5G Satellites Soon to Irradiate Entire Surface of Earth – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – June 18, 2019:

important links:


= = =

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:


See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

5G Hazards – Talks Scheduled in Southern BC. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – June 07, 2019

(audio 24:29) 5G Hazards – Talks Scheduled in Southern BC. Sharon Noble – June 7, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – June 07, 2019:

(Politicians may be criminally responsible for allowing microwave harm

Guest’s website:


Guest Speakers Dr. Martin L. Pall (Biological Health Effects)
& Timothy Schoechle (Community Fibre Networks & Microgrids, Re-Inventing Wires) at:
– Salt Spring Island
– Victoria
– Nanaimo
– Bowen Island


(podcast 24:16) June 7, 2019 | 5G Hazards – Talks Scheduled in Southern BC – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – June 07, 2019:

= = =

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:


See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

May 15th Day of Action Against 5G. Sharon Noble – April 15, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – April 15, 2019

(audio 25:48) May 15th Day of Action Against 5G. Sharon Noble – April 15, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – April 15, 2019:
(Children Super Vulnerable to Microwave Radiation
Guest’s website:


(podcast 25:44) April 15, 2019 | May 15th Day of Action Against 5G – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – April 15, 2019:

= = =

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:


See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

Mother of All Crimes – “5G” Technology!

The corrupt U.S. Military-Industrial-Complex (about which U.S. President Dwight Eisenhauer warned the American people in 1961 to be on guard against) ultimately is behind this new, untested (for safety to humans) 5G (Fifth Generation) technology!

View this warning by President Eisenhauer at

If approved, 5G will totally revolutionize all of today’s wireless radio and microwave frequency technologies. 5G microwave radiation will be emitted by 20,000+ satellites in space – that are expected to blanket every inch of space on earth with broadband Internet radiation, plus the hundreds of thousands of micro  cell towers that telephone companies throughout North America are planning to situate not further apart than every 10th home – in every community!

Scientists fear that, on top of the radiation already blanketing planet earth from 2G, 3G and 4G technologies, this tsunami of additional microwave radiation emitted by 5G devices will bring about the end of all life on earth!

See the details at the link below:

Mother of All Crimes – 5G Technology!


Swiss-Re rates mobile communications at the highest risk level

(from German translation)
Reinsurer Swiss-Re rates mobile communications at the highest risk level

Under the title “Unpredictable consequences of electromagnetic fields” warns one of the The world’s largest reinsurer, Swiss-RE, protects its customers from risks that the division has Product liability could result in mobile phones and transmitters.
Due to unpredictable health consequences due to electromagnetic fields you fear damage claims and large losses in the product liability insurance for mobile phones and transmitters.In a reinsurance company, normal insurance companies can reinsure themselves. In its issue Swiss-Re-SONAR, Swiss-Re distinguishes between potentially low, potentially medium and potentially high risks in the case of emerging risks.

Electromagnetic fields emanating from transmitters and cell phones are now ranked among the potentially highest risks. In addition to two other risks that Swiss-RE identifies as potentially high, the electromagnetic fields include nanotechnology and chemical substances known as EDC (endocrine disrupting chemicals), which ia. used in the textile industry.

“The classification of mobile phone radiation as a ‘potentially high risk’ by a major insurance would give all those politicians to think, still insure that everything is safe,” commented Jörn Gutbier, chairman of the consumer protection organization Diagnose Funk eV and calls:

“It’s time for consumers, especially SmartPhone users and Tablet PC users, to be educated about risks, and especially children, among others Use Wi-Fi games, sustainably protected. A precautionary policy is essential “.
Mobile communications in the highest risk level
Following a translation of the text of Swiss-RE:”The ubiquity of electromagnetic fields raises concerns about the potential impact on human health, particularly with regard to the use of mobile phones, as well as for power lines and transmitters.

In the last 10 years, the wireless devices have massively expanded. The connection of mobile phones with computer technology has led to a surge in new and emerging technologies.

This development has increased exposure to electromagnetic fields whose health effects are still unknown.

The fear of potential risks due to electromagnetic fields has risen. Studies are difficult to carry out because longitudinal studies and trend studies are inconsistent because of the relatively short time that wireless technology has spread.

The World Health Organization has classified the extremely low frequency magnetic fields and high frequency electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Class 2 B). In addition, a recent court decision from Italy has identified the link between mobile phone radiation and damage to human health. Overall, however, the evidence is still inconclusive regarding possible adverse health effects of EMF.

Potential impact on the insurance industry: If a direct link between electromagnetic fields and human health complaints can be established, this would open the door to new claims for damages. This would ultimately lead to large losses in the area of ​​product liability insurance. The insurance premiums for liability would probably increase. ”



5G Mass Experiment – We are the guinea pigs.

The telecom industry aided by the US FCC and Canadian Health Canada and various European agencies are vigorously  pushing the 5G roll out because there are possibly trillions of dollars to be made over the next 5 years.

And there is NO research that proves that 5G is safe.  In fact, there are many studies that prove that the current 4G is not safe.