Category Archives: RF Radiation

Revelation of the Chicago Tribune on the tests of the most popular cell phones in the United States. by Alert Phone Gate – August 22, 2019

(click on photo to enlarge)
[Press Release] Revelation of the Chicago Tribune on the tests of the most popular cell phones in the United States. by Alert Phone Gate – August 22, 2019:
We tested popular cellphones for radiofrequency radiation. Now the FCC is investigating. by Sam Roe – Chicago Tribune – August 21, 2019:

Videos from 5G WiFi Network Radiation Hazards Public Presentations – June / July 2019

(click on photo to enlarge)

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New videos will be added when available.

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(video 1:04:46) Dr Pall Victoria July 3, 2019 Harm Caused by EMR and the reasons why by EMR_Vlog – YouTube – July 22, 2019: –

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(video 04:05) DrPall 5G Running as fast as we can in the Wrong direction by EMR_Vlog – YouTube – July 22, 2019: –

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(video 04:05) DrPall 5G I worry Most About by EMR_Vlog – YouTube – July 22, 2019: –

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(audio 35:43) 5G Could Wipe Out Humans, Plants, Animals. Dr. Martin Pall – June 24, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – June 24, 2019: –

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See –

5G WiFi network radiation hazards Public Presentations by Community Empowerment Town Hall Series

(click on photos to enlarge)

5G WiFi network radiation hazards – Talks Scheduled in Southern BC.

Guest Speakers:

Dr. Martin L. Pall (Biological Health Effects) at:

Salt Spring Island – June 24-29 (contact:
– June 26 (7-9PM @ GISS, 232 Rainbow Rd.)
– June 27 (7PM @ SSI Public Library, 129 McPhillips Ave.)
– June 28 (3:30-5:00PM @ SSI Public Library)
– June 29 (10am-2PM @ Saturday Market @ Centennial Park)
Duncan – July 02 (contact:
(7-9PM @ United Church, 246 Ingram)
Victoria – July 03 (contact: or
(7-9:15PM @ Emmanuel Baptist Church, 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Road)(donations & volunteers please)
Nanaimo – July 04 (contact:
(6:30-9:30PM @ St.Peter’s Church Hall, 301 Machleary, off Fitzwilliam St.)
Bowen Island – July 05 (contact:
(5:30PM potluck and 7-9PM presentation @ Cove Commons, Bowen Island Library, 430 Bowen Island Trunk Rd.)
Vancouver – July 06 (contact:
(3-5PM @ Canuck Family Education Centre, 1655 William Street, Second Floor, off Commercial)
South Surrey – July 07 (contact:
(2-4PM @ Elgin Hall, 14250 Crescent Road)

For details, consult the Community Empowerment Town Hall Series website:


Timothy Schoechle (Community Fibre Networks & Microgrids, Re-Inventing Wires) at:

Salt Spring Island – June 24-29 (details above)
Duncan – July 02 (details above)
Victoria – July 03 (details above)

For details on Salt Spring Island June 26-29, 2019 – 4 events:

Sponsored by 5GFree Salt Spring and Let’s Connect Salt Spring Facebook

May 15th Day of Action Against 5G. Sharon Noble – April 15, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – April 15, 2019

(audio 25:48) May 15th Day of Action Against 5G. Sharon Noble – April 15, 2019 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – April 15, 2019:
(Children Super Vulnerable to Microwave Radiation
Guest’s website:


(podcast 25:44) April 15, 2019 | May 15th Day of Action Against 5G – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – April 15, 2019:

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The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:


See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

Swiss-Re rates mobile communications at the highest risk level

(from German translation)
Reinsurer Swiss-Re rates mobile communications at the highest risk level

Under the title “Unpredictable consequences of electromagnetic fields” warns one of the The world’s largest reinsurer, Swiss-RE, protects its customers from risks that the division has Product liability could result in mobile phones and transmitters.
Due to unpredictable health consequences due to electromagnetic fields you fear damage claims and large losses in the product liability insurance for mobile phones and transmitters.In a reinsurance company, normal insurance companies can reinsure themselves. In its issue Swiss-Re-SONAR, Swiss-Re distinguishes between potentially low, potentially medium and potentially high risks in the case of emerging risks.

Electromagnetic fields emanating from transmitters and cell phones are now ranked among the potentially highest risks. In addition to two other risks that Swiss-RE identifies as potentially high, the electromagnetic fields include nanotechnology and chemical substances known as EDC (endocrine disrupting chemicals), which ia. used in the textile industry.

“The classification of mobile phone radiation as a ‘potentially high risk’ by a major insurance would give all those politicians to think, still insure that everything is safe,” commented Jörn Gutbier, chairman of the consumer protection organization Diagnose Funk eV and calls:

“It’s time for consumers, especially SmartPhone users and Tablet PC users, to be educated about risks, and especially children, among others Use Wi-Fi games, sustainably protected. A precautionary policy is essential “.
Mobile communications in the highest risk level
Following a translation of the text of Swiss-RE:”The ubiquity of electromagnetic fields raises concerns about the potential impact on human health, particularly with regard to the use of mobile phones, as well as for power lines and transmitters.

In the last 10 years, the wireless devices have massively expanded. The connection of mobile phones with computer technology has led to a surge in new and emerging technologies.

This development has increased exposure to electromagnetic fields whose health effects are still unknown.

The fear of potential risks due to electromagnetic fields has risen. Studies are difficult to carry out because longitudinal studies and trend studies are inconsistent because of the relatively short time that wireless technology has spread.

The World Health Organization has classified the extremely low frequency magnetic fields and high frequency electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Class 2 B). In addition, a recent court decision from Italy has identified the link between mobile phone radiation and damage to human health. Overall, however, the evidence is still inconclusive regarding possible adverse health effects of EMF.

Potential impact on the insurance industry: If a direct link between electromagnetic fields and human health complaints can be established, this would open the door to new claims for damages. This would ultimately lead to large losses in the area of ​​product liability insurance. The insurance premiums for liability would probably increase. ”



Truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation – Dr Devra Davis

Here is a 1hr presentation by Dr Davis in Melbourne AUSTRALIA in Nov 2015.  This is a very informative presentation that we should all watch and learn.

Wireless radiation has been proven to cause many medical problems but for many reasons the regulatory agencies in the US, Canada, and other countries have not been able to decrease the the allowable levels.

Please grab a tea or coffee and watch and learn.

5G Mass Experiment – We are the guinea pigs.

The telecom industry aided by the US FCC and Canadian Health Canada and various European agencies are vigorously  pushing the 5G roll out because there are possibly trillions of dollars to be made over the next 5 years.

And there is NO research that proves that 5G is safe.  In fact, there are many studies that prove that the current 4G is not safe.

UN Staff Member: 5G Is War on Humanity

A great video by Claire Edwards, a UN Staff Member, reporting on high levels of RFR/EMF radiation in the UN Vienna International Centre

Most people that are awake and have half a brain know that there is a “thing” called 5G being built to make cellular communications much “better”. The selling points include being able to download a video in a fraction of the time that is currently possible.  It seems that all of the companies that have a financial stake in this the 5G roll-out are spending millions because they hope to make billions of dollars.  It is all about money and nothing about potential health problems.

In this video the UN Secretary General says that he knows nothing about 5G and even the health effects of 4G or WiFi.  Either he is really uninformed,  really stupid, or is pretending that he is uninformed or stupid because otherwise why is he ignorant of this very important issue.  Maybe he is protecting industry in their huge 5G program.