Category Archives: HEALTH

France: First exceedance of the head SAR with the Xaomi Redmi Note 5 by Alert PhoneGate – March 04, 2019

(click on photo to enlarge)

Xiaomi first manufacturer suspected of deception punishable by a criminal offence by Alert PhoneGate – March 04, 2019:
France: First exceedance of the head SAR with the Xaomi Redmi Note 5 by Alert PhoneGate – March 04, 2019:

Mobil World Congress – industrialists and public authorities urged to take into account the health effects of mobile technologies. by Alert PhoneGate – February 28, 2019
Mobil World Congress: industrialists and public authorities urged to take into account the health effects of mobile technologies. by Alert PhoneGate – February 28, 2019:

Truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation – Dr Devra Davis

Here is a 1hr presentation by Dr Davis in Melbourne AUSTRALIA in Nov 2015.  This is a very informative presentation that we should all watch and learn.

Wireless radiation has been proven to cause many medical problems but for many reasons the regulatory agencies in the US, Canada, and other countries have not been able to decrease the the allowable levels.

Please grab a tea or coffee and watch and learn.

20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth

5G Wireless Internet Service Satellite Signal 3d Illustration

by John P. Thomas
Health Impact News

Public attention about 5G has been focused on the plans of telecom companies to install millions of small cell towers on electric utility poles, on public buildings and schools, on bus stop shelters, in public parks, and anywhere they want in national parks and on federally owned land.

In local urban communities there would be a cell tower approximately every 500 feet along every street.

As bad as these small cell towers might seem from the standpoint of constant exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation in close proximity to the source, perhaps an even more alarming prospect will be the beaming of millimeter length microwaves at the earth from thousands of new communication satellites.

The FCC gave approval to SpaceX on March 29, 2018, to launch 4,425 satellites into low orbit around the Earth. [1]

The total number of satellites that is expected to be put into low and high orbit by several companies will be 20,000 satellites. [1]

5G will use Phased Array Antennas to shoot Beams of Radiation at Cell Phones

See full article at


Royal Society of Canada – Expert Panel Review of Safety Code 6 & Public Consultation Videos – October 28, 2013

Below are some links and videos re the Expert Panel Review of Safety Code 6 & Public Consultations which took place in October 2013.

Wireless radiation safety hearing criticized – Expert panel from Royal Society of Canada reviewing updates to Health Canada guidelines – CBC News – October 28, 2013:

Royal Society of Canada – Review of Safety Code 6 – 2013:

(scroll down)

Safety Code 6 – C4ST:


Arlene Dewdney – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – November 03, 2013:

Andrew Michrowski – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – November 03, 2013:

Bob McGahey – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – November 03, 2013:

Brigitte Blais – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – November 03, 2013:

Charlene Acres – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – October 30, 2013:

Curtis Bennett – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – October 28, 2013:

Dan Welland – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – October 28, 2013:

Deborah McCutcheon – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – November 02, 2013:

Frank Clegg – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – October 28, 2013:

Jean Gagnon – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – November 03, 2013:

Julie Fredette – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – November 03, 2013:

Kristin Morrison – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – November 02, 2013:

Marcey Kliparchuk – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – October 28, 2013:

Margaret Friesen – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – October 28, 2013:

Martin Blank – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – October 28, 2013:

Michael Meszaros – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – October 28, 2013:

Norm Ryder – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – November 03, 2013:

Rodney Palmer – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – November 02, 2013:

Sharon Noble – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – October 28, 2013:

Todd White – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – November 02, 2013:

Una St. Clair – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – October 28, 2013:

Veronica Ciandre – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – November 02, 2013:

Veronique Riopel – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – October 30, 2013:

Wendy Cockburn – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – November 02, 2013:

Wendy Perkins – Safety Code 6 – Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada by mmyes7 – YouTube – November 03, 2013:


Wireless tablets and computers in the Classroom Are a major problem

Shiny classroom toys like iPads & smartboards are tech crack pushed by Apple, Google, and Microsoft. But there’s ZERO evidence they do anything for your kids academically.

They serve ONE purpose: Letting Big Tech grab student & family data.

Increased Screen time is one major issue that is quickly becoming known as a problem but

A classroom and with 30 wireless laptops running streaming video presentations is the worst.  Every student and teacher will be engulfed in a room of EMF/RFRadiation, primarily from the routers on the ceiling.

It has been estimated/forcast/guessed that with the increasing levels of EMF/RFRadiation EVERYWHERE  that many people, maybe 50%, will become sensitive to a degree.  This is EHS = electro hypersensitivity.  People with severe EHS will not be able to go to these class rooms.

Cell Phone Radiation Leads to Cancer – NTP Final Report

Cell Phone Radiation Leads to Cancer,
Says U.S. NTP in Final Report

Rats Developed Rare Heart Tumor
Cancer Link Was Once Thought Impossible

November 1, 2018

“We believe that the link between radiofrequency (RF) radiation and tumors in male rats is real,” says John Bucher, the former associate director of the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP).

The announcement accompanies this morning’s release of the NTP final reports of studies on cancer in rats and mice exposed to cell phone radiation. Bucher’s project, the largest in NTP history, cost $30 million and took more than ten years to complete.

See more details at

The meaning of this is that the probability of a person getting cancer increases with the total lifetime exposure to RFRadiation.  Exposure is a function of the intensity of the RFR and the duration.  So, 10 years of heavy cellphone usage (phone against the head) will dramatically increase the chances of brain cancer.  A user may be lucky or may not be lucky in this gamble.

And Health Canada and the FCC maintain that RFR has no adverse health effects, especially cancer.  Does this mean that these organizations are derelict in their duties to protect public heath or does it mean that they have been influenced or taken over by industry or military agencies?

INTERNATIONAL APPEAL – Stop 5G on Earth and in Space

To the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations

5G will result in a massive increase in inescapable, involuntary exposure to wireless radiation

Harmful effects of radio frequency radiation are already proven

The deployment of 5G satellites must be prohibited

5G is qualitatively and quantitatively different from 4G

Regulators have deliberately excluded the scientific evidence of harm

The thermal hypothesis is obsolete—new safety standards are needed

RF radiation has both acute and chronic effects

World governments are failing in their duty of care to the populations they govern

International agreements are being violated

World governments are playing dice with life on Earth

We call upon the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations

Please respond before 1 December 2018

See full text here


Christian Blom Suspects Mobile Phones Cause Cancer

 Christian Blom talks about his electro-hypersensitivy (EHS) and subsequent cancer in the neck and throat from 10 years of cell phone use.  

His doctors did not question him about cell phone use and did not want to know anything about it.  Afterwards, he was sent to a psychiatric clinic and became scared he would be classified as a madman.

Christian Blom suspects mobile phones cause cancer

Corporate Ties That Bind: An Examination of Corporate Manipulation and Vested Interest in Public Health

Front Cover
Martin J. Walker
This is a great book for those that are inquisitive about the major injustices committed by CORPORATIONS. ( PVC,  ASBESTOS, Spanish Toxic Oil Syndrome to name just a few)

Exploding Smart Meters Ignored by BC NDP Government. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – May 02, 2018

(audio 27:09) Exploding Smart Meters Ignored by BC NDP Government. Sharon NobleMay 2, 2018 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – May 02, 2018:
(Seattle Lawyer sues claiming Smart Meter Defects)

Guest’s website:

(podcast 26:48) May 2, 2018 | Exploding Smart Meters Ignored by BC NDP Government – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – May 02, 2018:


= = =

See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation