Category Archives: RFR

Apple’s iPhone: widespread deception over the real SAR levels by Alerte Phone Gate – September 10, 2019

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We asked Dr. Arazi, President of Phonegate Alert, to review in detail the revelations made on August 21, 2019 by journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner Sam Roe in the Chicago Tribune and to place them in the overall context of the international Phonegate scandal. We start with the results of Apple’s iPhones, then in a next article we will discuss the results of the Korean manufacturer Samsung.

Revelation of the Chicago Tribune on the tests of the most popular cell phones in the United States. by Alert Phone Gate – August 22, 2019

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[Press Release] Revelation of the Chicago Tribune on the tests of the most popular cell phones in the United States. by Alert Phone Gate – August 22, 2019:
We tested popular cellphones for radiofrequency radiation. Now the FCC is investigating. by Sam Roe – Chicago Tribune – August 21, 2019:

Videos, Letters & Photos from 2nd International Action Day Rallies to Stop 5G – July 27, 2019

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Vancouver, BC (see letter from Paul LeMay)

Victoria, BC (see letter from Sharon Noble)

Photos: (see videos below)

Victoria, BC @ Legislature steps

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Videos: (new videos will be added when available)

Maple Ridge, BC (video 16:48) MR 5G Protest by Ron G – YouTube – July 27, 2019: –

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See –

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2nd International Action Day Rallies to Stop 5G

(click on photos to enlarge)

Rallies in BC – Saturday, July 27, 2019:

Maple Ridge – 11:00 am, July 27 – gathering at MP Dan Ruimy’s office, 22369 Lougheed Hwy.

Vancouver – 2:00-4:30 pm, July 27 – gathering in the south-east corner of Creekside Park, between Olympic Village and Telus Science World on Quebec Street.

Victoria – 10:30 am to Noon, July 27 – gathering on the steps of the BC Legislature. For more info:

Get your signs ready and let’s make our voices heard.  And keep your signs for the next Action Day.

If there is no rally being organized in your area, please consider having a table at libraries, rec. centres, and summer markets where you can hand out material and talk with people about this. Or hold a coffee meeting with friends and neighbours, show them the “Soccer Mom” video [Local Soccer Mom Versus Multi Billion 5G Industry –]. This must be a grassroots issue because the governments are silent on the issue and the media is muzzled.

For more info that might be useful to hand out, etc. go to:

Flyers & Signs:   & (scroll down to Handouts & Signs)

Mother of All Crimes – “5G” Technology!

The corrupt U.S. Military-Industrial-Complex (about which U.S. President Dwight Eisenhauer warned the American people in 1961 to be on guard against) ultimately is behind this new, untested (for safety to humans) 5G (Fifth Generation) technology!

View this warning by President Eisenhauer at

If approved, 5G will totally revolutionize all of today’s wireless radio and microwave frequency technologies. 5G microwave radiation will be emitted by 20,000+ satellites in space – that are expected to blanket every inch of space on earth with broadband Internet radiation, plus the hundreds of thousands of micro  cell towers that telephone companies throughout North America are planning to situate not further apart than every 10th home – in every community!

Scientists fear that, on top of the radiation already blanketing planet earth from 2G, 3G and 4G technologies, this tsunami of additional microwave radiation emitted by 5G devices will bring about the end of all life on earth!

See the details at the link below:

Mother of All Crimes – 5G Technology!


Facebook blocks and deletes Dr. Arazi’s account by Alerte Phonegate – March 27, 2019

–żbieta-bieńkowska-protect-the-health-of-millions-of-mobile-phone-users/u/24347735   (click on photo to enlarge)
Facebook blocks and deletes Dr. Arazi’s account by Alerte Phonegate – March 27, 2019:
Protect the health of millions of mobile phone users by Alerte Phonegate:
Phonegate: French Government Data Indicates Cell Phones Expose Consumers To Radiation Levels Higher Than Manufacturers Claim – Cell Phone Radiation Scandal: More Exposure Than Manufacturers Claim – “PhoneGate” In France, government data release reveals 9 out of 10 phones tested exceed regulatory limits by Environmental Health Trust:
(video 01:43) Phonegate: Cell Phone Radiation Levels Higher Than Manufacturers Claim by Environmental Health Trust – YouTube – August 11, 2017:
(video 01:53) Cell Phone Radiation Violates Limits When Tested Against Body: Dr. Marc Arazi by Environmental Health Trust – YouTube – June 04, 2017:

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And don’t forget:

(video 22:28) The secret inside your cellphone (CBC Marketplace) by Wendy Mesley – CBC News – YouTube – March 24, 2017:

Truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation – Dr Devra Davis

Here is a 1hr presentation by Dr Davis in Melbourne AUSTRALIA in Nov 2015.  This is a very informative presentation that we should all watch and learn.

Wireless radiation has been proven to cause many medical problems but for many reasons the regulatory agencies in the US, Canada, and other countries have not been able to decrease the the allowable levels.

Please grab a tea or coffee and watch and learn.

UN Staff Member: 5G Is War on Humanity

A great video by Claire Edwards, a UN Staff Member, reporting on high levels of RFR/EMF radiation in the UN Vienna International Centre

Most people that are awake and have half a brain know that there is a “thing” called 5G being built to make cellular communications much “better”. The selling points include being able to download a video in a fraction of the time that is currently possible.  It seems that all of the companies that have a financial stake in this the 5G roll-out are spending millions because they hope to make billions of dollars.  It is all about money and nothing about potential health problems.

In this video the UN Secretary General says that he knows nothing about 5G and even the health effects of 4G or WiFi.  Either he is really uninformed,  really stupid, or is pretending that he is uninformed or stupid because otherwise why is he ignorant of this very important issue.  Maybe he is protecting industry in their huge 5G program.