Category Archives: RF Radiation

Olympic Peninsula US Navy War Games – Authorized to Go Ahead – July 31, 2017

Some very sad news. The US Navy has been given permission to hold EMR wargames over the Olympic Peninsula (and, no doubt over areas of BC) for the next 5 years. The notice that was sent out is below. Despite many of us having written to various levels of government, I have never seen anything from local, provincial or federal government representatives about this.

US Navy Electronic Attack EA-18G Growler

(click on photos to enlarge)

Navy Permit Decision Notices:
(Project Documents – Decision – Final Decision – Appendix A Maps; Appendix C Permit; Appendix F Wildlife Effects Table; Appendix B Response to Comments; Appendix D Alternatives Considered and Eliminated; July 31, 2017 Signed; Appendix E Reviewing Officer Instructions

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Dear Interested Party:

We want to let you know that a decision was made to authorize issuance of a Special Use Permit that would allow the U.S. Navy to conduct ground-to-air training using mobile electronic transmitters from eleven designated roadside locations on the Pacific Ranger District of the Olympic National Forest for a period of up to five years.

The decision adopts the Navy’s 2014 Pacific Northwest Electronic Warfare Range Environmental Assessment in accordance with the Council on Environmental Quality regulations at 40 CFR 1506.3, to eliminate duplication by federal agencies. The decision is to select Alternative 1 as described in the 2014 Pacific Northwest Electronic Warfare Range Environmental Assessment with modifications. The decision also incorporates by reference analysis associated with the Navy’s 2015 Northwest Training and Testing Final EIS/OEIS and its 2016 Record of Decision as well as other materials. The decision is documented in the 2017 Decision Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact for the Pacific Northwest Electronic Warfare Range, which can be found Additional project materials may also be found at this location.

In making the decision, we considered public comments received during the designated scoping, comment, and objection periods, as well as input received outside of these designated periods. The main concerns profiled were potential impacts to public health and wildlife. Additional to standard permit Terms and Conditions, the decision includes Forest Service Project Design Features and Navy Standard Operating Procedures to address public health/safety and resource concerns. Compliance with the decision will be ensured through the Special Use Permit administration process.

Thank you for your interest in the Olympic National Forest.


More Information:


Is Cellphone Usage Linked With Brain Tumors?

  • Sen. John McCain announced he had been diagnosed with glioblastoma, an aggressive and fast-growing type of brain tumor
  • A 2017 meta-analysis found that long-term cellphone use (minimum of 10 years) may be associated with an increased risk of glioma
  • The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency (RF) radiation — the type used by cellphones to send signals — as a “possible human carcinogen

See great article on – CLICK HERE

Health Officials Compromised over Wifi Safety. Sharon Noble – July 14, 2017 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard

(audio 21:44) Health Officials Compromised over Wifi Safety. Sharon NobleJuly 14, 2017 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – July 14, 2017:
(Even if you want to keep it, phone companies yanking landlines.
Guest’s website:
Produced by

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The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:

Brian Stein: Electromagnetic Sensitivity – Full Lecture

EHS = Electro HyperSensitivity

Brian Stein in the UK is very EHS and has made an excellent presentation on how he got to be EHS and his understanding of why the UK government is allowing the telecommunication companies to continue to subject the population to very high levels of RF Radiation / Microwave Radiation.  The answer is MONEY.  The government cannot afford to jeopardize this cash cow.

The situation in Canada and the US is exactly the same as that in the UK.  MONEY trumps HEALTH and ETHICS.

Please view this presentation.  This is one of the best presentations on EHS I have seen.

“Microwave Radiation has been Shown to Cause Neurological Damage”

The Newsletter of EMF Refugee,
The International Coalition for an Electromagnetic Safe Planet (IC-ESP)


Wakeup Everyone,  If this bill passes in California then this will make it much more difficult for those of us in the rest of the USA and in Canada to stop this massive increase in the Electro Pollution by all forms of RFR.  This is VERY VERY Serious because high levels of RFR have been shown to cause many serious effects.

Do your research on this.  Remember that when there is lots of money to be made then corporations will lie.

Remember Tobacco and Cancer,  Thalidomide and deformed babies,  Asbestos and lung cancer,  fracking and clear water,  nuclear power plants and radioactivity.

“Microwave Radiation has been Shown to Cause Neurological Damage”– Physicians and Other SB 649 Opponents Address California Assembly June 28th


Even BC Greens Don’t Care About Microwave Hazards. Sharon Noble – June 5, 2017 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard

(audio 32:59) Even BC Greens Don’t Care About Microwave Hazards. Sharon Noble – June 5, 2017 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – June 05, 2017:
(Just a month or two of cell phone use could double brain cancer risk
Guest’s website:

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The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:

there is no safe dose of wireless radiation – Dr Neil Cherry

Dr. Neil Cherry  (1946 – 2003)

No matter how difficult the task is to stop EMF harm at the source, in respect and honour to those of us who have already died from EMFs, especially the ones who knew it was from involuntary second hand exposures, and today understanding how irreversible the future loss of lives will be after a thirty year latency period has come to be realized and being horrifically aware how severe the genetic mutations caused by EMF exposures today will be at future births is predicted to be for generations to come, I will continue to educate for all those willing to learn that
there is no safe dose of wireless radiation.

~ Dianne Knight

see more at



Olympic Peninsula US Navy War Games – Update (STOP’s Next Public Meeting May 15, 2017)

An update from the group in Port Angeles fighting the US Navy’s EMR war games over the Olympic Peninsula (and, no doubt, southern BC including the islands.)

(click on photo to enlarge)

Save The Olympic Peninsula, P.O. Box 3133, Port Angeles, WA 98362


More Information:


5G Radiation Dangers – 11 Reasons To Be Concerned

See this excellent summary of the new 5G Cell Communications technology that is being developed and in some cases implemented.

The 5G has many benefits over the current 3G and 4G cellular systems BUT is has many many potential health impacts that you should be aware of.

See the details by Lloyd Burrell at Electric Sense


#1 – A Denser Soup of Electrosmog
#2 – Effects on the Skin
#3 – Effects on the Eyes
#4 – Effects On The Heart
#5 – Immune System Effects
#6 – Effects on Cell Growth Rates
#7 – Effects on Bacteria Resistance
#8 – Effects on Plant Health
#9 – Effects on the Atmosphere and Depletion of Fossil Fuels
#10 – Disruption of the Natural Ecosystem
#11 – Most 5G Studies Mis-Leading