A different petition. This one aimed at the WHO and the head of the EMF Project [http://www.who.int/peh-emf/project/en/] who has long been affiliated with the industry, prepared by Olga Sheean. Olga once worked in the UN and this petition will be presented to some significant officials. The WHO has shown itself to not be science based when it comes to EMF/EMR – and it’s time this changed. Please sign and help get as many signatures as possible from friends and family all over the world.

– Your e-mail address will NOT be shared with WHO or anyone else. It will be kept on file for use only if I’m challenged by WHO on the legitimacy of the names provided.
– Your name/e-mail address will not be added to my mailing list, but you may sign up separately if you wish to receive updates from me on the vote and other EMR/EHS-related info.
– The call to action is on my website and is not connected to any other social change/petition platform, so you will not receive any other requests to support a cause or sign a petition.
– This is a chance for us to collectively have an impact, letting the World Health Organization know that we no longer recognize its authority or respect its unscientific, industry-driven decisions regarding the worldwide harm being caused by wireless radiation.
Feedback and comments are welcome.
If anyone would like to submit a comment about their personal situation (one short paragraph), they are welcome to e-mail it to me and I will include it in the WHO document, using their initials or whatever ID they wish to provide.