WHO – Setting the standard for a wireless world of harm – A Call for Action and Accountability by Olga Sheean – January 30, 2017

WHO World Health Organization – Setting the standard for a wireless world of harm – A Call for Action and Accountability by Olga Sheean – January 30, 2017:
http://olgasheean.com/who-harm/  [http://olgasheean.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/WHO-setting-the-standard-for-a-wireless-world-of-harm.pdf]

To: Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization
Date: 30 January 2017
Copied to:
• Emilie van Deventer, PhD, Head of the International EMF Project, WHO
• António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations
• Catalina Devandas Aguilar, Special UN Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities

• WHO regional offices, government agencies, MPs, investigative journalists, relevant organizations, advocacy groups and scientists worldwide

The World Health Organization is failing the Earth’s citizens in the most blatant, destructive manner. In December 2016, a VOTE of NO CONFIDENCE in WHO and its EMF Project was initiated in response to the growing concerns among the millions of global citizens being harmed by radiofrequency/microwave radiation. The petition has been signed by thousands of individuals worldwide, with more adding their vote every day as they become aware of how WHO’s denial of the proven dangers has stripped them of their health, rights, livelihood, productivity and protection from their own governments. As of today, 30 January 2017, there are 2,003 names on the list (attached), with more being added daily. Details of the voting initiative are shown in appendix 3. Recognizing the significance of this growing discontent with your wilful neglect, and heeding the urgent call to protective action, are important first steps towards addressing an epidemic that threatens all forms of life on our planet. Nothing short of full implementation of the recommendations presented herein will resolve this crisis.
Radiofrequency/microwave radiation is everywhere—constantly and increasingly emanating from cell phones, WiFi routers, cell towers and telecommunications satellites. It is proliferating unchecked and people are suffering and dying because of it. Via its International EMF Project, WHO is supposed to be protecting us from the harmful effects of this radiation—radiation that we cannot see, smell or taste, even though it penetrates and affects every cell of our electromagnetic bodies.
WHO is failing to protect its global citizens from this pervasive pollutant in four key ways:
1. industry infiltration
2. intentional ignorance
3. denial of the science
4. disregard for humanity.
This document provides details of these inexcusable failures and what urgently needs to be done to address them. It also outlines what WHO must do to reverse this destructive course—for itself and for the global citizens it is supposed to protect. One of the most crucial and urgent steps to be taken is the replacement of the head of the EMF Project, Emilie van Deventer (an electrical engineer with zero health credentials) with an independent, unbiased, medically qualified professional who has firsthand experience and knowledge of microwave sickness/electro-sensitivity and the many other devastating consequences, such as brain cancer, neurological disorders, DNA damage and infertility.
You can no longer claim ignorance or justify any further delay. Only one question remains, and what you do next will clearly demonstrate where you stand on this issue:
Are you committed to forever debating the science, siding with industry and postponing action, or are you committed to protecting our health?
The world is watching and we are waiting for your response.
Olga Sheean
Former international civil servant, brain-tumour survivor and electro-sensitive individual
The full document can also be freely downloaded at http://olgasheean.com/who-harm
Make your voice count – Sign this VOTE of NO CONFIDENCE in WHO’s EMF Project:

Olympic Peninsula US Navy War Games – Update (make Comments until Feb.24, 2017)

Navy extends comment period to February 24
Due to numerous citizen requests for more time to analyze the Navy’s 1400-page Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on the proposed addition of 36 more Growler aircraft at NAS Whidbey Island, the Navy has extended the comment period to February 24.

The DEIS calls for an increase in the number of air field operations at Whidbey’s Ault Field of up to 38,700 each year.  It is not immediately clear how many of these activities will be operating over the Electronic Warfare Range, where the Navy has previously promised an increase of only 10% over its historical level of 1250 flights per year. Click here to

submit your comments.

More Navy warfare activities planned
On January 20 the Navy presented an update on the status of NWTT Phase II Environmental Impact Statement and monitoring program, along with advance information on NWTT Phase III EIS project to the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council in Port Angeles.

John Mosher/ U.S. Navy; Jackie Queen/ USN; Andrea Balla-Holden/ USN; Naval Undersea Warfare Center/ USN provided outreach materials that referred to large increases in Navy activities as “mission adjustments”, which include another EIS for the NWTT, with scoping starting this summer. In the time between 2016 and 2018, at least 34 Navy FONSIs and RODs are scheduled in the Puget Sound-coastal Washington region alone.

During the public comment period STOP’s representative stressed that the Navy’s “averaging” model for noise pollution would underestimate the jet noise and its effect on marine wildlife and the Marbled Murrelet; and the increased fuel consumption (from more Growler jets) would exacerbate climate change.

Pacific Northwest Coast Alliance Update
On January 20 representatives of Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve, Quiet Skies Coalition, Save The Olympic Peninsula, Protect The Peninsula’s Future, Olympic Environmental Council, Friends of The San Juans, and the  Marrowstone Island Committee met to share the concerns of their constituencies about the Navy’s ongoing expansion of military training in the region.

The Alliance expects to pursue a number of initiatives to raise public awareness of the value of preserving the incomparable recreational environment provided by communities on the Northwest Washington Coast. Stay tuned for opportunities to participate in the months ahead!

(click on photo above to enlarge to read)

Save The Olympic Peninsula, P.O. Box 3133, Port Angeles, WA 98362


More Information:


Electrosensitivity – an Environmental illness, an Authentic Diagnosis, not a Delusional Disorder

January 2017
To my Medical Colleagues, GPs, Psychiatrists, Neurologists and others:
Electrosensitivity – an Environmental illness, an Authentic Diagnosis, not a Delusional Disorder by Dr. Andrew Tresidder
Electrosensitivity is the symptomatic sensitivity to Electric or Magnetic Fields of any frequency, including RadioFrequency (RF or Microwave) transmissions. As a symptomatic condition, it is becoming common due to the increasing environmental pressure on human biology. The source is pollution from wireless and other EM fields. Doctors as yet rarely recognize it due to educational issues. Safety always lags technological advance. There are barriers to recognition of harms. Current UK Advisory Safety Limits are based upon the outdated and disproven myth that Non-Thermal means Non-Harmful. Society and organizations have yet to fully travel the road from ‘there isn’t a problem’, ‘there might be a problem but it’s very small’ to ‘there is a problem’. Society does not recognize humans as electromagnetic beings, as well as physical bodies needing careful nutrition to maintain health. Meanwhile, increasing numbers of people suffer, often ignored or dismissed because society doesn’t yet appreciate the issue, and doctors have no answers. Electrosensitivity is soundly supported by both biology and physics.
You may be being consulted by a person who has this under-recognised condition. Thank you for reading this. It provides information that you may not easily find elsewhere. Electrosensitivity (ES) is a condition first described in 1932, and is when a person’s physiology is affected by external Electromagnetic (EM) fields, giving rise to a typical spectrum of symptoms, often neurological. It is therefore an illness caused by environmental agents – essentially an environmental toxic pollutant. Electrophobia is a fear of EM fields, and is a nocebo driven response. Symptoms of fear or paranoia about any agent, circumstances, person or issues can be part of a psychiatric condition, and may be part of a delusional state which will have other features. ES is completely separate from any delusional condition and from Electrophobia. ES is a condition that can arise due to continued exposure to an environment polluted by man-made EM and RF (radio-frequency) wireless signals at levels at orders of magnitude below heating effects, and is well understood in Russia. Symptoms include headaches, fatigue, disturbed sleep, tingling, pains in limbs, head or face, stabbing pains, brain-fog and impaired cognitive function, dizziness, tinnitus, nosebleeds, palpitations and others.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, (now known to be partially a failure of mitochondrial function) was initially difficult to diagnose and indeed dismissed by some as psychological illnesses. I have written this briefing sheet to summarise my understanding of ES in case you wish to consider it in your differential diagnosis….
Dr Andrew Tresidder MBBS MRCGP (1989) Cert Med Ed, Section 12 Approved Doctor
Sea Ilminster Somerset TA19 0SB

Radiation protection in conflict with science


The world if overflowing in data and information and it is difficult to keep focused on what is important.  I search and follow many links and sometimes find very valuable items.  This is one.  Please read.

Radiation protection in conflict with science

by Pr Franz Adlkofer  – 2011

See wifiinschools.org.uk/resources/Nextup+Franz+Adlkofer.pdf

EHS RETREATS – In this article there is reference to the Area for the EHS – Forest Saoû France a retreat for those suffering from EHS.   Do a web search and read.  This was a good idea until the governments shut it down.  I must research more on EHS safety sites.

Here is a new link on the French EHS retreats – http://www.next-up.org/France/An_area_for_the_EHS.php  –  I have no ideal if this is still active.



EHS = Electrosensitivity: “A Disability that Cannot be Dismissed”

“Sciences et Avenir” interviewed Dr. Pierre Biboulet, the medical expert appointed by the Court of Toulouse which for the first time in France accorded an adult with disabilities allowance for reasons of hyper-electrosensitivity.  (also EHS = electro hyper sensitivity)



Petition: Vote of NO CONFIDENCE in WHO’s EMF Project

A different petition. This one aimed at the WHO and the head of the EMF Project [http://www.who.int/peh-emf/project/en/] who has long been affiliated with the industry, prepared by Olga Sheean. Olga once worked in the UN and this petition will be presented to some significant officials. The WHO has shown itself to not be science based when it comes to EMF/EMR – and it’s time this changed. Please sign and help get as many signatures as possible from friends and family all over the world.



– Your e-mail address will NOT be shared with WHO or anyone else. It will be kept on file for use only if I’m challenged by WHO on the legitimacy of the names provided.

– Your name/e-mail address will not be added to my mailing list, but you may sign up separately if you wish to receive updates from me on the vote and other EMR/EHS-related info.

– The call to action is on my website and is not connected to any other social change/petition platform, so you will not receive any other requests to support a cause or sign a petition.

– This is a chance for us to collectively have an impact, letting the World Health Organization know that we no longer recognize its authority or respect its unscientific, industry-driven decisions regarding the worldwide harm being caused by wireless radiation.

Feedback and comments are welcome.

If anyone would like to submit a comment about their personal situation (one short paragraph), they are welcome to e-mail it to me and I will include it in the WHO document, using their initials or whatever ID they wish to provide.

Thank you!

Cellular Deception


Links from video

eNodeB Antennas – Close and Personal  goo.gl/mNkeCF

Over 60 scientific studies reporting potential harm at or below Safety Code 6 (2015), Health Canada’s guidelines for safe human exposure to radio frequency/microwave radiation   bit.ly/2esjKsr

Will We All Become Electrosensitive? (pdf)     goo.gl/bbkRv7


Is Wi-Fi Safe for Children?
Beware of Health Risks      goo.gl/Sa794l

Citizens: Unite Against Microcell Transmitters – Petition     goo.gl/Nfu3qz


Microcell antennae pose new threat to health

Telus in Canada and other major Cellular service providers are now installing small microcell towers on existing telephone or power poles.  This is done to have better service to customers and to avoid the possibility of community objections.

Chris and I recently surveyed several of these new microcell transmitters in Mission BC and found that the RFRadiation created by these microcells was very high especially to those home that were close by.

If you research the precautionary levels of RFRadiation recommended by various agencies you will see that many recommend 1000 µW/m² and lower.  The house we measured had over 30,000 µW/m² in the front yard and an estimated 50-60,000 µW/m² in the house.

You can learn more about Microcell installation which are also called eNodeB.  click here http://emrabc.ca/?page_id=7536

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation