6 links to help you find your electric utility‘s opt-out program plus comparison chart of opt-out fees.
– https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/metersgrid/smart-meter-opt-out-options-and-fees/

6 links to help you find your electric utility‘s opt-out program plus comparison chart of opt-out fees.
– https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/metersgrid/smart-meter-opt-out-options-and-fees/
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See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017): https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/bcuc-smart-meter-fires-the-failure-to-protect/)
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An excellent summary of a major design flaw in every $$meter that can lead to fires – the remote disconnect switch. This also contains info from a Forensic Engineer who works with an Insurance Inspector. The fire reported occurred in Nevada last summer and was included in testimony given before the New Mexico Public Utility Commission by Norm Lambe.
If we only had an Insurance Adjuster who would step forward about fires in British Columbia …. Several Firemen, Fire Chiefs, Engineers and BC Hydro workers have spoken to me anonymously confirming what I’ve told BCUC about the fire issue, but no one is able to speak out for fear of losing his job. This sort of intimidation is putting our lives and property at risk. Please note that the Engineer said that this sort of fire could not happen with an analog. In fact, I have been told, again anonymously, that analogs have never caused fires. Experts have told me that fires have occurred if the analog were damaged during installation, or if corrosion had occurred, but the analog itself has not caused a fire.
“The previous ‘not smart’ meters cannot and do not cause these types of fires because they are not equipped with the switching contacts that allow the utility companies to turn power ‘on’ and ‘off’ to their customers at will without the nuisance of having to actually go to the site. The switching contacts are not required to make a meter ‘smart’…the smart designation comes from the ability of the meters to track power usage continuously and transmit the data back to the utility company. The switching contacts are a feature provided purely and solely for the convenience of the utility companies.”
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters