Martin Pall predicts end of humanity in 5-7 years


Please listen to Dr. Martin Pall’s chilling information about “non-ionizing radiation” and what can happen if 5G is not stopped.

Deterioration of cognitive capabilities is irreversible (unless humans are completely different from mice in the studies) and likewise sterility/infertility. (and not just humanity, of course)

This interview played on KPFA’s Your Own Health and Fitness program.  (60 minutes long so get a coffee or tea and sit back and listen)

See more details on Dr. Pall
See SCLMIHR as referenced by Dr. Pall
Interesting minor quote by Dr. Pall
“We are running as fast as we can but in absolutely the wrong direction”

5G Transceiver Arrays

5G Transceivers are now being produced and tested and installed.

The 64 transceivers work together to allow beam forming directional reception and transmission of cellphone communications.  Instead of a wide area broadcast, the antenna will focus into a specific cellphone (and the owner of course) and will send radiation to that cellphone only.  The benefit is that only a small area will received this radiation.  The problem seems to be that the high frequency of this radiation has health effects greater than that of the current cellphone frequencies of around 2000 MHz.  Many researchers are quite concerned about this increase in cellphone electro-pollution.  And these new 5G cell transmitters will be much closer to the users.


See more information on


BC Human Rights Tribunal’s Disappointing Ruling. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – July 25, 2018

[mmW TSA Airport Body Scanners (Cancer, Health Problems Data for Researcher) – BC Hydro (Financial Reports, Legacy Meter Opt-out Fees [$25 million], Smart Meter Replacements) – BCTF – BCUC – Benefits – Big Wireless – Cell Phones – Cell Towers Liability – Civil Rights (Education) – CMP Smart Meters Overbilling Class Action Lawsuit (Docket No. CV-18-324, Lipman & Katz, Mark Levesque, Trafton, Matzen, Belleau & Frenette) – Complaint to BCHRT BC Human Rights Tribunal & Decision by Walter Rilkoff (Doctors’ Reports, Ros Salvador, Technical Documents [Hearsay]) – Costs – CRTC – Data – DeWayne Johnson v. Monsanto Lawsuit (Roundup [IARC Probable Carcinogen Glyphosate]) – DHS – Digital Addiction – EHS / ES – FortisBC – Frank Leferink, University of Twente Study re False Readings caused by Rogowski Coil (higher) & Hall Sensors (lower) & EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility – Hacking – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Higher Bills (Accuracy, Complaints, Inaccurate Smart Meter Testing [should not be removed], Meters Running Fast) – Interference (Medical Devices / Implants) – Lifespan – Lloyd’s of London Insurance (Microwave Radiation Risks Waiver) – Misinformation by Bent Scientists – NB Power Smart Meters Rejected – Right to Know Warning Labels – Safety – Security – Smart Grid Vulnerability (Digital Smart Meters, James Woolsey, NERC) – SpaceX 5G Satellites (Elon Musk, Eyes, Skin, World Coverage / Exposure) – Studies – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wireless Devices | Salt Spring Island, BC – New Brunswick – Canada – Russia – Maine, USA]

(audio 35:36) BC Human Rights Tribunal’s Disappointing Ruling. Sharon NobleJuly 25, 2018 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – July 25, 2018:
(Canadian Power Grid Super Vulnerable to Hacking)

Guest’s website:

(podcast 35:24) July 25, 2018 | BC Human Rights Tribunal’s Disappointing Ruling – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by – July 25, 2018:


= = =

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:


See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

Does Trudeau Care About Ballooning Brain Cancer Rates? Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – July 13, 2018

[Brain Tumours (CBTA List [351, Ellie Marks], GBMs, Historical Database [Age, Documentation, Type], Tracking) – Cancer Society (Lung Cancer, Tobacco) – Cell Phones – Children & Students – CSIS – ElectroSmog – Environment – Espionage – Health Canada (James McNamee [Motorola], Misinformation, Outdated Science) – Heart Schwannomas – Henry Lai – Insurance Liability (Hidden Cell Towers / Antennas / Transmitters, Rooftops, Unions) – Privacy – Radar (Baseball Players) – RF  Microwave Radiation (Carcinogenic, Far & Near Distances) – Safety – Security – Smart Meters – Studies (NTP, Ramazzini Institute) – Telus (Huawei Cell Phones, 5G Living Lab, Transmitters) – WCB Disability Claims – Wi-Fi Headsets (Musicians, Routers, Store Employees) – Wireless Devices | Vancouver, BC – Canada – Australia – China – EU – Italy – Spain – UK – USA] & (videos)

(audio 27:50) Does Trudeau Care About Ballooning Brain Cancer Rates? Sharon NobleJuly 13, 2018 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – July 13, 2018:
(Is your cell phone spying for the Chinese?)

Guest’s website:


(podcast 27:31) July 13, 2018 | Does Trudeau Care About Ballooning Brain Cancer Rates? – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by – July 13, 2018:

= = =

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:


See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

Vancouver School Exposed to Cancerous Radiation? Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – June 27, 2018

[5G Microcells / Small Cells Transmitters – BC Hydro Substation – BCUC (Costs, FOIs, Life Span / Meter Replacements, Opt-out Fees, Smart Meter Financial Reports) – Cancer – CCF Customer Crisis Fund – Cell Towers – Children – CIA – Cyberattacks – EHS / ES Microwave Sickness Accommodation – EMFs – EMR – Fibre Optics – Health – Integrity BC – Liability Insurance – Magda Havas – Medical Devices – Microwave Radiation – Right to Know – Safety – Security – Shielding – Site C – Smartphones – Smart Grid – Studies – Telus / Huawei – The Tyee – VSB (Lawsuits) – Wi-Fi in Hospitals & Schools – Wired – Wireless Devices – ZTE | Vancouver, BC – Canada – Australia – China – New Zealand – UK – Pennsylvania, USA]

(audio 26:19) Vancouver School Exposed to Cancerous Radiation? Sharon NobleJune 27, 2018 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – June 27, 2018:
(Chinese spying on cells, could shut down hydro instantly)

Guest’s website:

(podcast 25:29) June 27, 2018 | Vancouver School Exposed to Cancerous Radiation? – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by – June 27, 2018:


= = =

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:


See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

Health Canada Ignoring Radiation Risks. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – May 29, 2018

[Adrian DixAnne Steinemann – BCCDC Toolkit – BC Hydro – BCUC & Smart Meter Fires: The Failure to Protect by Sharon Noble – Bent Scientists – Bonnie Henry – Cell Phones – DNA – Doctor Betty Martini (Crimes Against Humanity & War Crimes Act) – EHS / ES – EMR – FDA – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Insects & Bees – John Horgan – Lawsuits (Monsanto Roundup) – Miscarriages & Birth Defects – Perry Kendall – Safety (Asbestos, Aspartame, Microwave Radiation, Tobacco) – MCS Multiple Chemical Sensitivity – RF / EMF – Sensus – Smart Meter Recalls – Sperm Fertility – Trees – University of Melbourne Studies – Wi-Fi | BC – Baxter, Ontario – Melbourne, Victoria, Australia – USA]

(audio 24:09) Health Canada Ignoring Radiation Risks. Sharon Noble – May 29, 2018 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – May 29, 2018:
(Smart meter fires continue, still no government action)

Guest’s website:

(podcast 23:59) May 29, 2018 | Health Canada Ignoring Radiation Risks – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – May 29, 2018:


= = =

1) & 2) & 3) –

2) & 4) –

1) –

See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:

Massachusetts Says NO to Smart Meters. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – May 15, 2018

[5G mmW Microcells / Small Cells Phased Array Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Analogs – BCCDC Toolkit – BC Ferries (Discrimination, Wi-Fi Transmitters / Repeaters & No Free Zones) – BC Hydro Application to Amend Net Metering Program (Solar, Wind) – BCUC – Big Wireless – Bonnie Henry – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Consumer Protection Act – Corporate Deception & Disinformation – Costs – DNA – Doctor Leif Salford (The Largest Biological Experiment Ever) – Eyes – Faraday Cage – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – IoT – ISDE 5G Appeal by Agostino Di Ciaula – Itron Smart Meter Replacements & Upgrades – Life Span – Mark HertsgaardMark Dowie – Medical Implants Malfunction Risks – Microwave Radiation – Nuremberg Code – Perry Kendall – Precautionary Principle – Right to Know – Safety – Scientist Appeal for 5G Moratorium – Site C – Skin – Solar – Sperm – Studies – Tobacco – Wireless Devices – ZigBee | BC – Canada – EU – California & Massachusetts, USA]

(audio 30:51) Massachusetts Says NO to Smart Meters. Sharon Noble – May 15, 2018 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – May 15, 2018:
(BC Ferries WiFi Health Risk)

Guest’s website:

(podcast 30:08) May 15, 2018 | Massachusetts Says NO to Smart Meters – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – May 15, 2018:


= = =

1) & 4) & 5) –

2) –

2) –

2) –

See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:

Exploding Smart Meters Ignored by BC NDP Government. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – May 02, 2018

(audio 27:09) Exploding Smart Meters Ignored by BC NDP Government. Sharon NobleMay 2, 2018 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – May 02, 2018:
(Seattle Lawyer sues claiming Smart Meter Defects)

Guest’s website:

(podcast 26:48) May 2, 2018 | Exploding Smart Meters Ignored by BC NDP Government – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – May 02, 2018:


= = =

See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:

47 Smart Meter Fires – BC Government Still Silent. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – April 17, 2018

(audio 30:10) 47 Smart Meter Fires – BC Government Still Silent. Sharon Noble – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – April 17, 2018 by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – April 17, 2018:
(Report finds 47 fires caused by Smart Meters, no government reaction)

Guest’s website:

(podcast 29:59) April 17, 2018 | 47 Smart Meter Fires – BC Government Still Silent – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard – – April 17, 2018:


= = =

BC Hydro Underground Substation (1)

Brain Tumour Cancer Cluster (Glioblastomas) – (2)

Children (1 & 2)

NTP – (1 & 2)

Ramazzini (4 & Letters)

See BCUC & Smart Meter Fires Report (July 2017):

The Goddard Report Video Archives of Interviews with Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters re Smart Meters and Health Issues from Wireless Technologies:


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation