My response back:
Sent:November 7, 2017
To: ‘Commission Secretary BCUC:EX’ <>
Subject: BC Hydro Response to BCUC Request for Comment on Ms. Noble’s Correspondence
Dear Mr. Wruck,
The comments provided by Mr. James and Mr. Garis are consistent with those made in response to my charges over the last 4 years. They evade and mislead. None of the critical issues that I raised in this comprehensive fire report are addressed:
1) The expert information given by independent professional engineers regarding design flaws is ignored.
2) One source and one source only is used by Mr. Garis, and that source is incomplete and erroneous in many regards.
3) Mr. Garis failed to corroborate the information in the only source he used, failing to review the raw data which was readily available to him.
4) Regulations and laws are being violated:
i) Meters are being removed from homes prior to the inspection. BC Hydro states otherwise and ignores the evidence provided by BCSA, the media and by witnesses.
ii) Fire reports are not being completed in all situations where property is damaged.
iii) Many electrical fires are not being inspected by the BC Safety Authority or the inspectors at the 9 jurisdictions.
iv) Insurance reports are not available to victims or the general public.
5) Loopholes in regulations exist which allow dangerous devices and practices to put lives and property at risk.
6) There is no tracking of fires, no coordination among/between agencies, and no central authority with responsibility for oversight.
7) The public is being given false, incorrect information.
According to evidence that I obtained directly and provided in my fire report, Mr. James has been misled with regard to procedures that BC Hydro follows. It is imperative that he read the complete report, review the evidence, and consider that BC Hydro has allowed him to provide erroneous and irrelevant comments.
Mr. Wruck, I am still waiting for a response from the BCUC regarding the charges I made regarding the Commission’s failure to protect the customers of BC Hydro, which is required under the BC Utilities Commission Act. I look forward to receiving it at your earliest convenience.
= = =

(click on photos to enlarge)
Fire Report – – for the complete report, spreadsheet, documentation, and addenda.
Press Release –