Category Archives: cancer

RCMP summoned to investigate WiFi threat

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, famed worldwide as “rescuers” and titans of justice, has been summoned by Capt. Jerry Flynn (ret.) to rescue Canada from radiation pollution.

RCMP, also known as “the Force” and the “Mounties,” is a federal national police force that works on a contract basis with three territories, eight provinces, 190 municipalities, 184 aboriginal communities and three international airports.

Flynn this week called on the Public Health Agency of Canada to direct RCMP “to conduct a criminal investigation into Canada’s radio frequency and extremely low frequency scientific community beginning with Health Canada’s radiation protection bureau.”

Read More here –

Haifa Israel – Wi-Fi removed from Schools for Health Reasons

From: Dafna Tachover
Sent: April 20, 2016 6:45 AM
Subject: Good News from Israel – City Removed Wi-Fi from Schools for Health Reasons

Hi All

It has been an exciting week in Israel on the fighting the wireless front, with 2 main developments that are likely related:

1)   TV Documentary about Electro-Sensitivity and wireless – “HOW WE ARE KILLING OURSELVES –  WIRELESS RADIATION”

2)  The City of Haifa ordered to disconnect Wi-Fi in all schools and planing to install wired Internet instead




It started with a 30 minutes TV documentary about the epidemic of Electro-Sensitivity that was aired last Tuesday at 9pm on prime time TV and which got the highest rating of the day.

The name chosen for the documentary: “HOW WE ARE KILLING OURSELVES –  WIRELESS RADIATION”  leaves no doubt about the message of the movie. Press here for the movie (it is in Hebrew but some interviews are in English)

The tv channel run constant very effective and alarming promo to the movie that created a lot of buzz and to my opinion was even better than the movie itself:-) You can see the promo on my Facebook page.

The director planned to do 10 minutes on ES as part of a film about the diseases of the 21st century, but eventually, after working with us intensely on it, they understood the extent of the problem and the lie and how important it is to give an uncompromising warning to the public and decided to do a 30 minutes documentary mainly on ES and the Wi-Fi in schools.

The host was a leading TV media person and his tone was uncompromising – no maybes, precautionary etc, the tone was – there is an epidemic out there. Wireless harms and it is time for us to wake up as it is late already. He started by saying that at least 800,000 people in Israel, i.e. 10% of the population already suffer from different levels of ES and twice aired parts of my interview in which I was saying that the rates are already higher and will continue to increase.

The two government “experts” who lied to the Israeli Supreme Court admitted on the show that the thermal safety standard is irrelevant (opposite to what they told the Supreme Court). I intend to take action now that we have them on camera admitting the opposite to what they told the Supreme Court and left no doubt that they committed perjury.

Most importantly, the movie created a lot of buzz, undoubted ES and sent a very alarming message and was another strong warning that radiation harms are not potential but existing, an in a scale of epidemic. There was no “other side”. It is ridiculous to me how anyone who does a program/article on this topic insists on bringing the “other side” – why? Journalism is about exposing the truth. If the truth is clear as it is in the wireless issue, once a journalist understand what the truth is he does not and should not let the “other side” to continue and propagate its lie!

Many participated from Israel (Amir Borenstein, Yael Levin and her daughter Noa gave testimony about what it is like to be electro-sensitive, a few parents who fight the Wi-Fi in schools, I was interviewed as an expert and activist, on the medical side we had Prof. Richter and Dr. Yael Stein, and the technical side was  presented by engineer Liran Raz who did a fantastic work)and from the US : Jennifer Wood whose testimony is very powerful and Prof. David Carpenter. They also mentioned the tragic story of Jenny Fry, the 15 Y/O from England who committed suicide because of the Wi-Fi in school.

2) City of Haifa announced it ordered to DISCONNECT Wi-Fi from schools

This is truly a Breakthrough  – The City of Haifa in Israel announced that it is removing Wi-Fi from schools. This was announced by the mayor, Yona Yahav, who said that When there is a doubt, when it comes to our children, there is no doubt”. He ordered to have all the Wi-Fi disconnected immediately and to start and put wired Internet instead! I guess the definite tone of the tv documentary that aired this week and the buzz it created helped the city to make the final decision. I believe that now that one city decided to stop WI-Fi the trend will continue and will reverse the pro wi-fi trend. Hope other cities will join. Haifa is the 3rd largest city in Israel.

All of this is really exciting. It seems that the hard work we put in the past few years – the supreme court case, the work on and with the media and the uncompromising message I made sure to send are finally paying off. Please everyone out there – the message should be strong. Electro-Sensitivity is an epidemic it is NOT a 3% of “sensitive population” we are now in the double digits in terms of ES – it is an epidemic and the public must be told and warned. Wi-Fi in schools is a disaster and as a person who spends every day 2-4 hours on the phone with people and children who got sick and many contemplate committing suicide I urge you all to be uncompromising. The truth, and all of it must be told.

Continued good luck to us all and thanks to anyone out there who stands up to evil and stupidity.

Dafna Tachover
Attorney (NY, Israel), MBA
US Number: (845) 251 1217
Israeli Number: 03-763 9673
BLOG – EHS Fight Back

Sent from my WIRED internet connection

What is the Safe Distance from a Rooftop Cell Tower

Norm R, who lives in Victoria BC, has suffered brain cancer from workplace exposure to RFR (radio frequency radiation = microwave radiation) from a roof top antenna.

Norm has has applied to WorkSafeBC for for disability benefits due to him as an injured worker but his application has not been accepted.

It seems that main issue is that WorkSafeBC considers that the RFR from the roof top Cell Tower antenna was radiating at levels below what Health Canada and Industry Canada consider to be harmful.  Norm has researched the physics of RFR in the zones quite close to the antenna and has found that there may be areas with levels of RFR much much higher than limits established by Health Canada’s Safety Code 6  (SC6).

So, because WorkSafeBC relies on an incomplete understanding of the effects of radiation from cell tower antenna, Norm has been denied benefits normally due to injured workers.

Norm is now trying to bring this injustice to the attention of the members of the BC legislature in Victoria by staging a hunger strike.







Do mobile phones cause brain cancer?

Do mobile phones cause brain cancer?

This has been an ongoing debate for decades, but whenever someone asks this question, it’s usually met with scepticism and the debate is shunned. I used to react the same way. But once I started digging into the evidence, it became clear to me that the answer was much more complex than I had imagined.

There are over 6 billion mobile phone subscriptions worldwide, many of them smart phones, with Wi-Fi functionality. Since the widespread use of mobile phones, overall brain cancer rates have not increased and this is often used as proof that mobile phones are safe. But this is short sighted, mainly because brain cancer can take decades to develop and being also rare, it’s unlikely to show up easily in data from the general population. In fact, US statistics do show an increase in brain tumours in younger people.

Nowadays, it’s not just mobile phones that have a growing number of scientists concerned. There are also Wi-Fi enabled devices like laptops, tablets, even watches and other wireless gadgets, like baby monitors and game consoles. We place them close to our bodies or we give them to children to play with, not realising that these devices also emit the same type of radiation as mobile phones. On top of that, there are Wi-Fi networks, which blanket our homes, our schools and our cities with an artificial electrosmog.
Intensive mobile phone users at higher risk of brain cancers, says study

We now exist in a sea of radiofrequency (RF) radiation, never before seen in human history. The levels of artificial electromagnetic radiation have reportedly reached a quintillion (1018) times higher than the natural background levels.

In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified RF electromagnetic fields as a “possible human carcinogen”. Much of the evidence was based on studies showing an association between the development of glioma (a malignant brain tumour) and the longest use of wireless phones.

US cancer epidemiologist, Dr Devra Davis says, “We’ve gone from the equivalent of the horse and buggy to the jet in about 10 years.”

Dr Davis is highly credentialed. She was a senior scientist at the National Academy of Sciences, and a presidential appointee of the Clinton Administration and a member of the team awarded a Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore in 2007. She has been campaigning for the safer use of Wi-Fi technology, especially in children.

Case in point. The Rudd Government’s (Australia)  “education revolution” has led to the roll out of Wi-Fi in public schools across the country. Yet there’s never been a single study looking at people’s long-term health risks of Wi-Fi exposure.

“Millions of children are being exposed to something that has never been fully tested,” says Dr Davis. “We’re treating our children like lab rats in an experiment with no controls.”

More and more parents are concerned about their children’s cumulative exposure to Wi-Fi, especially because children’s brains absorb twice as much radiation than adults.

“It’s almost a case of involuntary consent. Parents are sending their children to school to sit in a ‘possible’ human carcinogen,” one parent told me.

We have a federal agency responsible for protecting us against the harmful effects of radiation – the Australian Radiation Protection Nuclear and Safety Authority (ARPANSA). They rarely grant TV interviews, but on this occasion, they agreed to take part in my program.

“There is no established evidence that RF radiation from tablets and phones and Wi-Fi causes health effects,” says Dr Ken Karipidis, a spokesperson for ARPANSA.

It’s also the same position held by reputable authorities like the UK Royal College of Physicians, the Cancer Council of Australia as well as the industry body, Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA).

To my mind, “no evidence of established health risk,” is not the same as saying it’s safe. Sadly, guaranteeing safety is something not even our safety authority is willing to do.

A petition to the WHO and UN has been signed by over 200 scientists in a bid to draw attention to what they perceive as a looming public health crisis. They say current safety standards aren’t protective enough. Some countries like Switzerland, Russia and China have 100 times more stringent standards than Australia.

Former CEO of Microsoft Canada, Mr Frank Clegg says we’ve been misled about the evidence. He has rare insight into the machinations of the technology industry.

“My industry is on a campaign to bury the science and to confuse the message on the harmful effects of wireless devices,” says Mr Clegg. “I’ve seen the tremendous benefits that technology can provide. My concern is nobody can say that it’s safe.”

Mr Clegg sets the scene, reminiscent of Big Tobacco in the 90s when the CEOs of major tobacco companies went in front of US congress and swore under oath that tobacco was not addictive.

The robust position of the Australia’s safety agency reminded me of the scene in the film Thank You For Not Smoking where the smooth talking character of Nick Naylor tells Telco executives: “Gentlemen, practise these words in front of the mirror. ‘Although we are constantly exploring the subject, currently there is no direct evidence that links cell phone usage to brain cancer.’”

Dr Davis says she has seen this before where industry is able to influence or delay the scientific evidence. Early in her career, she worked to ban smoking on planes. Her team showed that after an 8-hour flight, the smoking and non-smoking sections of the plane had the same amount of fine particulate pollution.

“We did that research in about 3 months. But it took 4 years to get a report out. The reason it took 4 years had nothing to do with the science at all. It was [the politics] and I’ve seen that repeated here,” says Dr Davis.

No-one is saying we shouldn’t use these devices. They have revolutionised our day-to-day life and we’ve become to depend on them. I’ve explored ways to use this technology more safely.

Dr Davis says we need to take a precautionary approach with Wi-Fi technology.

“What are we debating here?” says Dr Davis. “Do you really want to see proof that we’ve got millions of people with cancer, like we did with tobacco and asbestos? Is there any question we should have acted sooner?”

I still have these devices but I’ve changed the way I use them based on the evidence that I’ve uncovered. I’d rather take precautions in the absence of all the evidence rather than sticking my head in the sand.

Maryanne Demasi presents Wi-Fried? a Catalyst special that airs Tuesday 16 February at 8pm on ABC1.

Item posted on FaceBook by Robert Riedlinger

Article originally posted on

Contact author @Maryanne Demasi

Monday 15 February 2016 23.00 GMT
Last modified on Monday 15 February 2016 23.17 GMT

Criticism of ICNIRP & WHO EMF Project & the IEEE

Critic of ICNIRP (International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection)
& WHO International EMF Project & the IEEE

Neil Cherry (2000): Criticism of the health assessment in the ICNIRP guidelines for radiofrequency and microwave radiation (100 kHz – 300 GHz)

Dariusz Leszczynski (2012) “In experts we trust” or … should we?

and many more major criticisms of ICNIRP,  WHO, and IEEE.

See this site


The most harmful corruption in Canada’s history – which no media will touch!

The most harmful corruption in Canada’s history – which no media will touch!

It is a tragedy and a national disgrace that no media will touch this issue.

Only Doctors and Nurses Can Stop Health Canada’s Worst-Ever Crime Against Humanity


Time is running out for Canada’s entire medical profession to wake up and realize that they too are constantly being exposed to hazardous levels of invisible and virtually undetectable man-made pulsed non-ionizing radiation – as are Canada’s Prime Minister, Health Minister, Minister of Public Safety and Environment Minister, every member of parliament and the entire population of Canada (See below).

This preposterous, blatant disregard for human health and well-being would not be possible were it not for a sinfully silent news media oligopoly!
Canadians are being lied to about the alleged ‘safety’ of “low-intensity, pulsed, non-thermal, non-ionizing radio frequency (RF) radiation, which is emitted by all of today’s consumer wireless products as well as ‘Smart’ meters and ‘Smart’ appliances.

See Attachment, Part One.

Canadians are being lied to about the alleged ‘safety’ of today’s extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation, i.e., the harmful electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) which are always present in anything in which 60 Hz alternating current (A/C) electricity flows, such as in high voltage transmission and residential distribution lines, substations, power transformers, ‘Smart’ meters, ‘Smart’ appliances, household electricity, electrical appliances, etc.

See Attachment, Part Two. [1]

Canadians are being lied to about ‘Microwave Sickness,’ now called “Electro-Hypersensitivity” (EHS), first identified in 1932 and is now a growing, world-wide problem. [2] [3]

Since its inception in 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) has experienced almost constant turmoil and challenges. No longer enjoying secure funding from governments, it now relies on voluntary contributions from governments and other sources.

Currently, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the biggest voluntary contributors to WHO! [4] Radiation regulatory agencies, electric power utilities, and the wireless/telecom industries have meticulously studied, learned from and improved upon the extremely successful, deceitful tactics employed by the tobacco industry for so many profitable decades.

These are unprecedented times in Canada’s history. Canada’s own Prime Minister and his entire government are shielded from the systemic corruption that is ongoing within the Minister of Health’s radiation protection bureau (see attachments). Tragically for all persons living in Canada, our provincial governments have shown themselves to be willfully silent to those of us who have made many attempts to alert them over the years. Despite the existence of an ever-growing mountain of compelling peer-reviewed evidence amassed from scientists around the world since the 1950s, Canada’s news media chooses to remain largely silent. For that reason, it behooves Canada’s doctors and nurses to use their national organizations to notify the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health, personally, of this outrageously evil crime against humanity!


James G. (“Jerry”) Flynn, Captain (Ret’d)

[1] Currents of Death, by Paul Brodeur, pp 312.





Governments and the Telecom industry know about the harmeful effects of RF Radiation

You know lots about Exxon Mobil, the world’s largest publicly traded international oil and gas company.  It has just earned  $16.2 Billion in 2015.  Wow, what a huge corporation.

In such a huge company, you would think that there would be some people in management that understood something about Global Warming and the impact of the continued burning of fossil fuels on Global Warming.  Well, it appears that in 1977 (that is 39 years ago) the management of Exxon Mobile were informed of the impact that continued burning of fossil fuels would have on Global Warming but Exxon Mobile continued to do “business as usual:

  • fund the climate change denial groups
  • purchased drilling licenses in areas that would be ice free when global warming decreased the ice in the north
  • continued to drill and supply the market with oil
  • kept their knowledge secret

See the whole story at

Why is this of interest to those of you who are fighting the ever increasing levels of RFR (radio frequency radiation) from cell phones, cell towers,  wifi hot spots,  wifi routers, wifi computers,  smart phones, and on and on and on?  Why?  Because if Exxon Mobile kept the damaging effects of burning fossil fuel secret for almost 40 years, then you might be correct in assuming that the governments and corporations involved with RFR have been doing the same.

I contend that these organizations know and have known the health impacts of RFR and have known since before WWII. (remember Radar which transmits high powered RFR). That is over 75 years ago.  These organizations continue to grow and to pump out more RFR products and continue to deny that RFR causes any health issues.

So, why is this.  The answer, IMHO, is simply that there is so much money to be lost if the truth were known and understood by the people.  The world finances would take a huge hit,  governments would go broke,  people would sue everyone who kept the industry going.

Hooked on Wireless Technology

Key Scientific Question
Potential Health Effects of Our Wireless Age?

“Do long-­term, low-­level emissions from cell phones, Wi-Fi in schools, cell towers and smart meters cause adverse health effects?”
Clearly, they cause many biological effects.

Click here to download the Slide Show