(click on photos to enlarge)
Head and neck tumors associated with cell phone use have increased in the U.S. since 2000
While the size of the US population increased by 16% between 2000 and 2019, the number of cases reported in the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) SEER 22 registry for these four tumors increased more significantly:
> an increase of 53% for glioblastoma,
> 124% for non-glioblastoma. -malignant meningioma,
> 52% for salivary gland cancer
> 132% for thyroid cancer.
As a reminder, we are also witnessing a very worrying increase in head tumors in France, with, according to data from Santé publique France :
> a 4-fold increase in glioblastoma (a particularly serious brain cancer) over the past 30 years.
Learn more
More and more scientists and medical specialists are also advising against keeping a cell phone in your trouser pocket to avoid the risk of male infertility.
Read the 20 Minutes article (in French-need a google translation)
Apple’s iPhone12 SAR exceedance shows that some manufacturers are downplaying the public health issue and misleading millions of users who have not had the right to update their handsets.
Please sign our iPhone 12 petition. So let’s continue to send a strong message to the giant Apple that these iPhones really do protect users’ health and safety. Next target 15,000 and more
Please support Phonegate Alert NGO by making a donation, by becoming a member and by spreading our message around you.
– donate via the secure HelloAsso platform or in English here
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-donate by sending a check or making a transfer to our bank account
– Join the association via HelloAsso
So please consider making a donation to our NGO, and thank you again to those who have already taken part in our appeal campaign.
We look forward to seeing you in 2024 to continue our common fight.
Thank you for helping us spread this message as widely as possible.
The Phonegate Alert Team
– https://twitter.com/phonegate_alert
– https://www.facebook.com/PhonegateAlert

USA – https://phonegatealert.org/en/press-release-revelation-of-the-chicago-tribune-on-the-tests-of-the-most-popular-cell-phones-in-the-united-states/
Canada – https://phonegatealert.org/en/unsafe-canadian-cell-phones/
Denmark – https://phonegatealert.org/en/phonegate-denmark-first-withdrawal-of-a-smartphone-razer-phone-2-and-intervention-of-the-health-authorities/

– https://www.change.org/p/ms-el%C5%BCbieta-bie%C5%84kowska-protect-the-health-of-millions-of-mobile-phone-users
– https://www.amazon.com/dp/2958316904