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Experts have been warning for years that children are being endangered by being exposed to wireless radiation in schools. They may become ill while students or suffer as adults because of exposure in schools that didn’t need to happen and shouldn’t have happened. Many of us have provided scientific evidence to Ministers of Education, to School Trustees and the Public Health Officials. Teachers have asked for safe places in which to teach, yet wireless technology is used in schools throughout the province and country. This group is from the USA but, in many of their documents, simply exchange “FCC” with “Health Canada” and the information applies here. I have asked the organization for permission to use their templates and “Canadianize” them and will let you know when I receive their response. Please read the letters and documents hyperlinked in the article, and please consider sharing widely. There is power in numbers.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
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Grassroots Environmental Education and Grassroots Communications are very pleased to announce the launch of the TechSafe Schools project – a multi-faceted program designed to help schools reduce exposure to RF radiation.
The TechSafe Schools project consists of a personal letter addressed to school administrators, a legal letter from seven prominent attorneys with experience in wireless radiation and tort litigation; a short Q&A brochure about RF radiation in schools and an invitation for school officials to attend one or more of three national webinars we will be sponsoring in early March.
….continued here: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2021-02-25-announcing-the-techsafe-school-project/