Category Archives: RFR

5G Radiation Dangers – 11 Reasons To Be Concerned

See this excellent summary of the new 5G Cell Communications technology that is being developed and in some cases implemented.

The 5G has many benefits over the current 3G and 4G cellular systems BUT is has many many potential health impacts that you should be aware of.

See the details by Lloyd Burrell at Electric Sense


#1 – A Denser Soup of Electrosmog
#2 – Effects on the Skin
#3 – Effects on the Eyes
#4 – Effects On The Heart
#5 – Immune System Effects
#6 – Effects on Cell Growth Rates
#7 – Effects on Bacteria Resistance
#8 – Effects on Plant Health
#9 – Effects on the Atmosphere and Depletion of Fossil Fuels
#10 – Disruption of the Natural Ecosystem
#11 – Most 5G Studies Mis-Leading

Cellphones, WIFI and Cancer: Will Trump’s Budget Cuts Kill ‘Electrosmog’ Research?

Amidst concern over President Trump’s emasculation of the US Environmental Protection Agency, and cuts to the USA’s climate research, other ground-breaking areas of environmental research are being ignored.

For well-over a decade, at a cost of $25 million, a US National Toxicology Program study has been assessing the links between the use of mobile phones and rare, though increasing forms of cancer.

Unfortunately, before the results of this study are published, it may be ‘lost’ in the coming cuts.

(by Paul Mobbs of

Cellphones, WIFI and Cancer: Will Trump’s Budget Cuts Kill ‘Electrosmog’ Research?

Cellphones, WIFI and Cancer: Will Trump’s Budget Cuts Kill ‘Electrosmog’ Research?

A FaceBook post from Devra Davis

There are so many tragedies in the headlines today it makes our heads spin. But one of the really big ones may not be apparent. Proposed cuts to the budget for the national toxicology program could effectively choke off our ability to predict risk and prevent harm. No where is this prospect more daunting or important then when it comes to the complex critical need for research on wireless radiation and our health. The Chinese have an expression: a way of looking is a way of not looking.

Waterloo man blames Wi-Fi for sickness

Here is an interesting item from 2012 about EHS.

EHS has been known for years and the number of people who are suffering from level 9-10 EHS is increasing dramatically.

Many people with level 4-6 EHS suffer but have not connected the dots that link their feeling of unease,  head aches,  sore muscles,  trouble sleeping, etc. is caused by the high levels of RFR (radio frequency radiation) from WiFi routers,  DECT phones,  cell towers and in some cases sleeping too close to Smart Meters.

Many people, most people, who have level 1-3 EHS seem not to feel any impact from RFR but they are being hammered by RFR at the same rate as the others and the long term impact will probably be the same.  Lots of research being done on this.

Cellphone companies are placing antennae in residential areas without warning.

Cellphone companies are placing antennae in residential areas without warning.

This is a CBC story from 2012 October illustrating the problems that citizens are having with the bully tactics of the cell phone companies.

Now is 2017 and similar tactics are being done by the cell phone companies as they are pushing the installation of SMALL CELL antennae on existing wooden telephone/power poles.  Every street and every home is now becoming exposed to high levels of RFR – microwave radiation.

If you are concerned then learn more about this major problem and join with others in fighting this increase in Electro Smog and the major health impacts.  Also, learn more about the potential use of 5G antennae which may be much worse for those that are sensitive.

Olympic Peninsula US Navy War Games – Update (make Comments until Feb.24, 2017)

Navy extends comment period to February 24
Due to numerous citizen requests for more time to analyze the Navy’s 1400-page Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on the proposed addition of 36 more Growler aircraft at NAS Whidbey Island, the Navy has extended the comment period to February 24.

The DEIS calls for an increase in the number of air field operations at Whidbey’s Ault Field of up to 38,700 each year.  It is not immediately clear how many of these activities will be operating over the Electronic Warfare Range, where the Navy has previously promised an increase of only 10% over its historical level of 1250 flights per year. Click here to

submit your comments.

More Navy warfare activities planned
On January 20 the Navy presented an update on the status of NWTT Phase II Environmental Impact Statement and monitoring program, along with advance information on NWTT Phase III EIS project to the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council in Port Angeles.

John Mosher/ U.S. Navy; Jackie Queen/ USN; Andrea Balla-Holden/ USN; Naval Undersea Warfare Center/ USN provided outreach materials that referred to large increases in Navy activities as “mission adjustments”, which include another EIS for the NWTT, with scoping starting this summer. In the time between 2016 and 2018, at least 34 Navy FONSIs and RODs are scheduled in the Puget Sound-coastal Washington region alone.

During the public comment period STOP’s representative stressed that the Navy’s “averaging” model for noise pollution would underestimate the jet noise and its effect on marine wildlife and the Marbled Murrelet; and the increased fuel consumption (from more Growler jets) would exacerbate climate change.

Pacific Northwest Coast Alliance Update
On January 20 representatives of Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve, Quiet Skies Coalition, Save The Olympic Peninsula, Protect The Peninsula’s Future, Olympic Environmental Council, Friends of The San Juans, and the  Marrowstone Island Committee met to share the concerns of their constituencies about the Navy’s ongoing expansion of military training in the region.

The Alliance expects to pursue a number of initiatives to raise public awareness of the value of preserving the incomparable recreational environment provided by communities on the Northwest Washington Coast. Stay tuned for opportunities to participate in the months ahead!

(click on photo above to enlarge to read)

Save The Olympic Peninsula, P.O. Box 3133, Port Angeles, WA 98362


More Information:


Radiation protection in conflict with science


The world if overflowing in data and information and it is difficult to keep focused on what is important.  I search and follow many links and sometimes find very valuable items.  This is one.  Please read.

Radiation protection in conflict with science

by Pr Franz Adlkofer  – 2011


EHS RETREATS – In this article there is reference to the Area for the EHS – Forest Saoû France a retreat for those suffering from EHS.   Do a web search and read.  This was a good idea until the governments shut it down.  I must research more on EHS safety sites.

Here is a new link on the French EHS retreats –  –  I have no ideal if this is still active.



EHS = Electrosensitivity: “A Disability that Cannot be Dismissed”

“Sciences et Avenir” interviewed Dr. Pierre Biboulet, the medical expert appointed by the Court of Toulouse which for the first time in France accorded an adult with disabilities allowance for reasons of hyper-electrosensitivity.  (also EHS = electro hyper sensitivity)


Cellular Deception


Links from video

eNodeB Antennas – Close and Personal

Over 60 scientific studies reporting potential harm at or below Safety Code 6 (2015), Health Canada’s guidelines for safe human exposure to radio frequency/microwave radiation

Will We All Become Electrosensitive? (pdf)


Is Wi-Fi Safe for Children?
Beware of Health Risks

Citizens: Unite Against Microcell Transmitters – Petition


Microcell antennae pose new threat to health

Telus in Canada and other major Cellular service providers are now installing small microcell towers on existing telephone or power poles.  This is done to have better service to customers and to avoid the possibility of community objections.

Chris and I recently surveyed several of these new microcell transmitters in Mission BC and found that the RFRadiation created by these microcells was very high especially to those home that were close by.

If you research the precautionary levels of RFRadiation recommended by various agencies you will see that many recommend 1000 µW/m² and lower.  The house we measured had over 30,000 µW/m² in the front yard and an estimated 50-60,000 µW/m² in the house.

You can learn more about Microcell installation which are also called eNodeB.  click here