2023-11-21 Confronting cell tower/telecom industry

1) Concerned Residents of Hornby Island (CRHI) is not waiting or depending on the Islands Trust to take appropriate actions to support the concerns regarding cell tower(s) on their pristine island. Below is a major letter by Will Thomas with a call for support and action.

CRHI is also helping blow the whistle on SitePath Consulting’s Brian Gregg and the charade that is being made of the “public engagement” process. If you have stories of how cell towers are being pushed through with little to no regard for the concerns of local residents, please write to the appropriate government official. Kindly cc your email complaints to CRHI member:  willsenior@protonmail.com .”


The flyer referenced in Will’s letter, but which is broader than RF/cell tower-related.


2) Stamford, Connecticut has taken a stand to protect its citizens and is willing to face a potential lawsuit by the telecoms who feel that the FCC has given them the right to put cell transmitters anywhere they wish, just as in Canada where many are mere yards from homes and bedrooms where children sleep. It’s time for us, the public who are paying the bureaucrats in public agencies like Health Canada and ISED, to say NO to being irradiated, to having electro-pollution increased, even in our homes, without our permission, without our being told of the risks.

From Cece Doucette:

“Thank you to Connecticut State Rep. David Michel for protecting your city! Rep. Michel invested the time to learn about the wireless radiation issue and brought in the experts below to present.
See articles from the Connecticut Examiner,(https://ctexaminer.com/2023/11/09/stamford-rejects-deal-allowing-5g-on-city-owned-utility-polls/) the energy industry in Europe, and an in-depth article from The Defender.

Bravo to public servants everywhere questioning industry disinformation, coming up to speed on the facts, and protecting their communities!”

It’s up to citizens to bring this issue to their own towns and legislators. Please share!

(click on  photo to enlarge)

Connecticut City Rejects 5G Citing Evidence of Health Risks

After being presented with evidence of wireless radiation’s negative health impacts, the Board of Representatives in Stamford, Connecticut, voted to reject an agreement that would have allowed telecommunications carriers to install 5G equipment on city-owned utility poles.

“The boards land use committee voted to recommend rejecting the pact after hearing from the experts.

Davis, founder and president of Environmental Health Trust (EHT), told The Defender, “Confronted with overwhelming, independent scientific information about the real and present dangers of bringing electromagnetic fields closer to humans than ever before, Stamford voted to protect people and their environment.”


3) Earlier this month, 18 teachers walked out of their classrooms at William Lyon Mackenzie School because of concerns about the RF radiation from cell towers that were nearby.


Telecoms target places/organizations that need money which makes them more agreeable to allowing cell towers and transmitters on or near their buildings. Such places are churches, hospitals, senior citizens homes and, yes, schools. Shelley Wright, a retired teacher, is Director of Canadian Educators for Safe Technology and she wrote to the principal asking to meet, offering to help. Based on past experience, I bet he refuses.



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Our problem right now is that we’re so specialized that if the lights go out, there are a huge number of people who are not going to know what to do. But within every dystopia there’s a little utopia.”      Margaret Atwood

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation