5G Protest – Victoria, BC – September 26, 2020


Victoria, BC —  5G Protest    (click on photos to enlarge)

Saturday, Sept. 26 – 1-2pm

At ISED (formerly Industry Canada) office, 1230 Government St.

Bring signs and posters, and remember social distancing and masks.  We will picket on the sidewalk outside this office.  Make signs that have some info about higher energy use, capturing data for Internet of Things, cybersecurity hazard, as well as health issues.

You can get ideas for signs at: https://www.5gcrisis.com/signs


Posters – http://emrabc.ca/?page_id=16341

Hopefully, we will be able to share some of our information with people new to the topic.

Please spend just an hour of your time to protest publicly against 5G and ISED’s failure to ensure our safety, privacy and environment.
