“Microwave Radiation has been Shown to Cause Neurological Damage”

The Newsletter of EMF Refugee,
The International Coalition for an Electromagnetic Safe Planet (IC-ESP)


Wakeup Everyone,  If this bill passes in California then this will make it much more difficult for those of us in the rest of the USA and in Canada to stop this massive increase in the Electro Pollution by all forms of RFR.  This is VERY VERY Serious because high levels of RFR have been shown to cause many serious effects.

Do your research on this.  Remember that when there is lots of money to be made then corporations will lie.

Remember Tobacco and Cancer,  Thalidomide and deformed babies,  Asbestos and lung cancer,  fracking and clear water,  nuclear power plants and radioactivity.

“Microwave Radiation has been Shown to Cause Neurological Damage”– Physicians and Other SB 649 Opponents Address California Assembly June 28th