2) – – A fantastic letter to an Environmental Health Officer who, in response to concerns about the increasing levels of EMF, quotes Health Canada’s dishonest statements that are found on its website. IMHO, this letter should be sent to every Health Officer in the country as well as to the Health Ministers, provincial and federal. –
1) – – In last night’s update in item #1 was the list I received from ISED showing the cell phones they have tested over the last few years. As well, item #1 included this chart of reported health effects at many times below Safety Code 6’s recommended SAR limit of 1.6 W/kg: –
(BioInitiative 2012 – Report updated 2014-2020 –
These limits are 50% of SC6 prior to 2015, which the SC6 Review Panel recommended maintaining. It was only after pressure from many Canadians, many of whom receive this update, that Health Canada arbitrarily and without explanation made the reduction. The limits are still far too high, among the highest in the world, and far higher than studies have shown to cause biological effects, as shown by the studies listed on the first 5 pages of the BioInitiative Report RF Color Charts above. Please note that this chart does not reflect the studies done in the last few years which provide confirmation and, perhaps, even more effects.