2023-07-07 C4ST Call to Action. Please help.

1) Your help is needed. Please take a few minutes to read this and complete this survey. “This is a rare opportunity to bring the issue of wireless radiation (NIR-EMFs -non-ionizing radiation electromagnetic fields) to the attention of people in government who can do something about it.

(click on photos to enlarge)


Ask to Add “Reduce EMF Pollution” to Canada’s Biodiversity Strategy

Call to Action – Please complete and submit the Environment and Climate Change (ECCC) survey asking to have reducing EMF Pollution added to Canada’s 2030 Biodiversity Strategy


**Note: Some people have reported having problems with the link to the survey. Here is a live link (at least right now):


2) A fantastic letter to an Environmental Health Officer who, in response to concerns about the increasing levels of EMF, quotes Health Canada’s dishonest statements that are found on its website. IMHO, this letter should be sent to every Health Officer in the country as well as to the Health Ministers, provincial and federal.

“Your response as Environmental Health Officer is deeply troubling as it illustrates a lack of understanding regarding this highly specialized field, as todays non-industry funded, peer reviewed research, clearly identifies manmade, pulsed radiation, as hazardous to health and the environment.

Your quote: “Based on current scientific data, we have concluded that you will not experience adverse health effects from exposure to radiofrequency EMFs at the levels permitted by Safety Code 6. This includes exposure from equipment that uses 5G technology.”


Safety Code 6 (2015) Power Density


3) It is very good that cell phones are being banned; this will reduce the RF exposure some. Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound as if the link is being made between the cognition and concentration issues and EMF. Distraction isn’t the only cause.

Netherlands: Phone ban announced to stop school disruptions

“Students must be able to concentrate there and be given every opportunity to learn well. We know from scientific research that mobile phones disrupt this.”

Various studies have found limiting children’s screen time is linked to improved cognition and concentration.   https://www.bbc.com/news/health-45651725

Other tech including tablets and smartwatches are also included in the Dutch ban.”



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Nature is the source of all true knowledge. She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention without necessity.”     Leonardo da Vinci

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.



Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation