Category Archives: HEALTH

Bret Bocook died in March 2015 of a brain tumor caused by his use of a CELL PHONE

This was posted originally on Facebook = Citizens For Safe Technology by Karen Weiss

Bret Bocook - pic


RIP Bret Bocook.   Bret died in March 2015 of a brain tumor caused by his use of a CELL PHONE.

See this

Let’s help get his message out.

In this video Bret talks about many Telecom companies taking out patents for cellphone/antenna designs to lower RF exposure … and how this equates to absolute FOREKNOWLEDGE. That foreknowledge will someday translate to CRIMINAL offenses when the lawyers figure out this is going to be the biggest class action extravaganza in history.

I think that there will be a day in the near future when it is revealed in some way that ALL wireless manufacturers and distributors and federal governments knew and have known for years that the radiation from cell phones when commonly used pressed against the head, that they may cause BRAIN CANCER; that they WILL cause BRAIN CANCER in a portion of the users.

This is the case of FOREKNOWLEDGE and I expect that this will be grounds for pressing CRIMINAL charges against the various companies and governments and the executives and technical staff and even the owners of property on which cell phone towers (masts) have been erected.  There are so many entities that are complicit in this problem.

When this dam of denial breaks then there will be many major class action suits launched and won.    Lloyds of London has already served notice that they want none of this and have stopped insuring anything that is connected with RF radiation which includes CELL PHONES.  They know what is coming. If the retail insurance companies also step out of the line of insurance payment then who will pay for the damage?  The wireless companies will dig deep and pay and then declare bankruptcy.  This is going to be a financial blood bath.  Will the various government pass laws that will prevent any claims because thee will be too much economic turmoil.  Maybe.  They will do what they have to to keep the ship afloat.

The biggest impact will be on the economy when ALL wi-fi and Cell phones will be now used a very limited way.  It is going to be very interesting.  No more free wi-fi in the coffee shops or schools or in the work place.  No more cell towers built on hospitals and tall apartment buildings.  No more seeing people walking down the street glued to their smart phone.  Actually, I think that this may be viewed as a very positive step.

And that will not be the end of the story.  If cancers caused by Cell phone usage takes 10-20 years to be diagnosed then there will be a huge wave of cancers in 2025-2035 that will swamp the health providers and the various health plans.  There are some important studies that predict this just like cancers from tobacco and asbestos.

If you thought that the fight against tobacco and its link to cancer was long and tortuous then just watch this fight, which is going on right now, against Cell phones and other RF Radiation devices which are linked to cancer.

See also Bret Bocook Facebook

Bret Bocook - pic2


Cell Phone Dangers – Dr. Devra Davis

Published on Apr 25, 2012

In an address to National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Dr. Davis provides a state of the art science review and concludes that current evidence indicates that cellphone radiation has biological impacts. She summarizes technical studies relying on lab specimens, animals and exposure modeling of children and adults. She also features case reports on young women with unusually located breast cancers who kept phones in their bras and developed tumors located under the phone antennas.


Cell Phone Dangers | Dr. Devra Davis @ National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)


IMHO this is one of the MUST VIEW videos that may have life or death consequences to you or your family.  Please view. (only 1 hour)

Electromagnetic Age – Sleeping Giant by Dr. Mac Paterson

Dr Paterson has made several presentations in the Okanagan Valley of BC describing the Potential Health Effects of our modern Wireless Age with Smart Phones,  Wi-Fi devices and Smart Meters.

See his slide presentation here.  The format is in PDF format and the file is rather large, about 60 MBytes so you have to down load the file and then open it with Adobe Reader.  Sorry, there is no audio with this version.  We are working on getting a YouTube version with Dr. Paterson narrating and giving more details.

Dr. Paterson’s presentation describes the major health impacts of RF Radiation and is a must view.  Please educate yourself to protect yourself and your family.

Dr. Paterson’s Professional History

Dr. Paterson’s slide show. Age Sleeping Giant.pdf

Wi-Fi, Radio frequency Radiation and your Health

Jerry Flynn has made many presentations that show that Radio Frequency Radiation is extremely harmful to YOUR HEALTH.

Here is a short version of his major presentations.

This slide show presentation requires a program on your computer that will display a slide show using file type PPTX.

Jerry Flynn is a retired Canadian Military Captain who spent 22 of 26 years in Canada’s military in Electronic Warfare and Signals Intelligence. His experience included two years in National Defense Headquarters, Ottawa, in the Directorate of Electronic Warfare (EW), during which he worked closely with army EW units of  Canada’s U.S. and NATO allies.
Previously he was the Executive Officer (2-i/c) and Operations Officer at one of Canada’s largest and most sensitive  Intelligence-gathering stations. Earlier still Jerry conducted naval radio warfare operations at sea with U.S., Australian naval forces, having served aboard two Canadian warships.
He currently is a guest on talk shows throughout North America and in the UK and as well has toured throughout BC presenting to audiences on this subject.

Ontario Hydro One Customers are going BALLISTIC

People living in BC are having a tough time with BC Hydro and Fortis BC.

The problems we are fighting are

  • Smart Meter Radiation causing health problems
  • High and unexplained power usage
  • Bully tactics about Smart Meter installation
  • Onerous charges for keeping old Analogue meters

I have just visited a face book group that is trying to get consumers of power in Ontario which is supplied by Hydro ONE.

See this Face Book group and get ideas how we can fix our problems with BC Hydro and Fortis BC.

Hydro One - Enough is Enough


ZigBee – Here it comes, ready or not



Do you know much about ZigBee?

The ZigBee network system that will talk to all of your utilities like the furnace,  stove, and dishwasher, is coming down the tracks and like it or not, it will be a major factor in most homes in the next 3 years or so.

There are many benefits according to the industry that is building all of the electronics that make up the ZIGBEE system.  Life is going to be so much better and happier and easier with ZIGBEE.  Just think, you can check on the temperature of your refrigerator from work or turn on the furnace automatically on your way home or dim the dining room lights from your smart phone.

However, there are many problems that have been identified about the ZIGBEE system:

RF Radiation will be increased and will be generated by ALL of your household electronic devices:  lights,  TV,  DishWasher, Stove, Clothes Washer/Dryer,  and even smart light bulbs.  The home will be awash in RF.

There are many people now that are EHS  (if you do not know what this means then do a search).  Estimates are that 10% of the general population are EHS now.  Researchers believe that this rate is increasing and soon will be 50%.  Does that mean that all homes with Smart Meters and the symbiotic ZIGBEE network will be toxic to a major segment of the population and will decrease their level of health and enjoyment of life?  There are studies that show RF Radiation has a detrimental effect on health especially in the fetus and young children.  RF Radiation has been shown to cause cancer (see Cell phone brain cancer studies).

Privacy –  Hackers will be able to find out so much about the lives of the residents of the house:  how many people are living there,  estimates on gender,  estimates on age range.  Marketing firms will be able to send advertising specifically to the target group. eg.  if you have young children then you will have marketing specifically for young children. etc.   Governmental security agencies will certainly be using this to spy on suspects. (good or bad?)

Security –  Hackers will find ways of using your ZIGBEE system to get as much information from your house as possible.  If they can steal a billion dollars from many banks (this is just in the news) then hacking the Smart Grid and your ZibBee house network should not be much of a problem.  Scenario –  Hacker turns off the power to the freezer while you are away for the weekend and all of your frozen food is now unfrozen.  Hmmm,  what to do?

Control – If all of your electronics are on the ZIGBEE network and you have some control over them, THEN agencies outside of your home will also have control over them.  This is a 1984 scenario.  Your air conditioning can be turned off when there is not enough electricity for everyone.  Is this good or bad?  The channel that you are watching on TV will be known by the ZIGBEE (maybe) and thus fed to a polling agency or marketing agency.  You may not be able to turn on the clothes dryer at supper time because the power company tells the ZIGBEE unit to prevent use until 10 pm, for instance.

It is going to be very interesting to see how this plays out.

Check out the details of ZIGBEE (CLICK HERE).


The Electromagentic Age – A sleeping Giant by Dr Mac Paterson

Dr Mac Paterson gave a presentation in Kaleden BC on Saturday Feb 21, 2015.  The presentation was attended by about 250 people.

The presentation is not available yet on video but hopefully it soon will be.

Dr Paterson is scheduled to give the presentation in Kelowna and Salmon Arm next month, so watch for the dates and locations.

Here are some of the parts of his presentation that I found interesting.

Dr Paterson has been involved in research all of his career and has many professional publications to his credit.  He specialized in Molecular Oncology.

The Canadian Safety Code 6 is only concerned with the heating effects of radiation and nothing to do with the electrical effects on the human body.  The human body is chemical and electrical in nature and even very low levels of microwave radiation impacts the body.  Safety Code 6 allows 600 µW/cm² (microwatts per square cm) whereas it has been shown that the human body is sensitive to 0.1 µW/cm² ,  a factor of 6,000 times.

The experts that decided on the level of the Safety Code 6 were experts in the physics of electrical RF radiation and there were no experts who knew anything about the effect on the human body’s electrical functioning.  This resulted in this huge discrepancy.

Some people that suffer from EHS (Electro Hyper Sensitivity) feel RF radiation at levels that are 0.5% of the levels allowed by Safety Code 6.

Dr Paterson estimates that about 25,000 people in BC suffer from some level of EHS; mild to severe.  Also, other researchers estimate that 4% to 10% of all people in the world are EHS.  There are estimates that 50% of all people will be EHS soon.  One researcher says by 2017.

There are many studies (42 to date) that confirm the fact that the magnetic field created by high voltage (high tension) power lines does cause a significant increase in childhood leukemia.

Concerning the opt-out of Smart meters, Dr Paterson says that communities, and not individuals, should OPT-OUT.

Pulsed RF radiation has been shown to be 2.5 times more damaging to human health than clean sinusoidal 60 Hz power.

Computers that use the SMPS (switch mode power supply) create significant amounts of DE (dirty electricity) which is pulsed and may (does) cause health effects especially in EHS people.

Tobacco has been shown to have a 20 year lag time between smoking and the average time of the diagnosis of cancer.  RF Radiation is thought to be similar and if so then the numbers of cancers due to RF Radiation will soon increase dramatically.  This will crush the medial systems and the economy.





44 Reasons why CELL PHONES can cause CANCER



Is there a connection between cell phones and cancer?  Here are 44 reasons to believe that cell phones can cause cancer.

Cell phones emit microwave radio-frequency radiation. Fact.

This radiation has the ability to penetrate our bodies. Fact.

Our governments do virtually nothing to protect us from these dangers. Fact.

And yet there is strong evidence and multiple peer reviewed studies that indicate that cell phones cause cancer and other diseases.

Take a look for yourself at these facts from The Telemedicine Reporter – a Library of Eclectic Medical Wisdom.  Published 2015 Feb 10.

Look at this list of 44 reasons, lots of studies, quite technical.  And especially look at Reason  43. Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Time Bomb – the one with the graph that shows brain tumor cases could reach epidemic proportions within the next decade.

See the whole report on this –

See full original article by Lloyd Burrell at ElectricSense

EHS problems in The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

The Section for Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society (TEN) of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has now produced it’s final draft opinion that we reported on recently. It would have represented a giant step forward in the recognition of EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity) and the need in society to dramatically alter our approach to supporting sufferers of the condition.

However on the 21st January 2015, a Counter-Opinion was proposed and voted on before the EHS Opinion and the Counter Opinion was passed by plenary vote. That means that the good TEN 559 EHS Opinion was dismissed.

The Adams Counter-Opinion was voted on first and was passed 136 votes to 110 votes with 19 Abstentions. .

Read the summary attached.  Note that Adams is very heavily connected to industry and is very much driven to prove that EHS is not a problem.  Ted’s Rule #1 = “Follow the money”.  He also promotes installation of Smart Meters and the Smart Grid.  This is just another example of the wireless industry bull-dozing their way through the democratic process.

Also see this open letter by Susan Foster about the vote against recognizing EHS.


How Dangerous and Expensive Became “Smart” An Exposé of the “Smart Grid”

Here is an excellent review of the current status of the EMF problems:  Smart Meters,  WiFi,   CellPhones, etc.

This is a must read.

Amy Worthington, a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation from Idaho, is an investigative journalist who has researched and written many articles on the topic of wireless radiation.