Category Archives: HEALTH

Governments and the Telecom industry know about the harmeful effects of RF Radiation

You know lots about Exxon Mobil, the world’s largest publicly traded international oil and gas company.  It has just earned  $16.2 Billion in 2015.  Wow, what a huge corporation.

In such a huge company, you would think that there would be some people in management that understood something about Global Warming and the impact of the continued burning of fossil fuels on Global Warming.  Well, it appears that in 1977 (that is 39 years ago) the management of Exxon Mobile were informed of the impact that continued burning of fossil fuels would have on Global Warming but Exxon Mobile continued to do “business as usual:

  • fund the climate change denial groups
  • purchased drilling licenses in areas that would be ice free when global warming decreased the ice in the north
  • continued to drill and supply the market with oil
  • kept their knowledge secret

See the whole story at

Why is this of interest to those of you who are fighting the ever increasing levels of RFR (radio frequency radiation) from cell phones, cell towers,  wifi hot spots,  wifi routers, wifi computers,  smart phones, and on and on and on?  Why?  Because if Exxon Mobile kept the damaging effects of burning fossil fuel secret for almost 40 years, then you might be correct in assuming that the governments and corporations involved with RFR have been doing the same.

I contend that these organizations know and have known the health impacts of RFR and have known since before WWII. (remember Radar which transmits high powered RFR). That is over 75 years ago.  These organizations continue to grow and to pump out more RFR products and continue to deny that RFR causes any health issues.

So, why is this.  The answer, IMHO, is simply that there is so much money to be lost if the truth were known and understood by the people.  The world finances would take a huge hit,  governments would go broke,  people would sue everyone who kept the industry going.

Environmental Illness – EHS and MCS – We must act.

Thilde Jensen - The Canaries - Marie

The main focus of this site StopSmartMetersBC.COM is to combat the proliferation of the Smart Meters in BC primarily because of the health effects of the Radio Frequency Radiation which includes EHS (electro-hypersensitivity).

Now, it seems, that EHS may be considered as part of Environmental Illness (EI) which also includes MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity)

I have found this extremely interesting article in called The Grow Dome EHS Project.  You should visit it.

The article is on the Financial Times Magazine site.  Take a look.


(Watch out on this site.  You may see the article the first time and then be forced to pay for future access the second time.  Do a print to PDF if you want to keep a copy.  Or pay $1 for a trial.)

The article is about a photographer Thilde Jensen who is EHS and has published a book of photos of people who are effected by EHS and/or MCS.  The title of the book is The Canaries.  Those who suffer from EHS /MCS are the Canaries in today’s world.  We all are suffering but 90% of us are really not aware of the impact, YET.  If we ignore the warning signs now then the problems will be 100 times worse in the near future.  We must resist the increasing RFR pollution and the increase in the chemicals in our lives.

see Thilde Jensen’s site  at

Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) – Olle Johansson in Sweden

In Sweden, electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is recognized
as a functional impairment which implies only the environment
as the culprit. The Swedish view provides persons
with this impairment a maximal legal protection,
it gives them the right to get accessibility measures for
free, as well as governmental subsidies and municipality
economic support, and to provide them with special
Ombudsmen (at the municipality, the EU, and the UN
level, respectively), the right and economic means to
form disability organizations and allow these to be part of
national and international counterparts, all with the simple
and single aim to allow persons with the functional
impairment electrohypersensitivity to live an equal life in
a society based on equality.

Read the full document here  Johansson 2015-1

Hooked on Wireless Technology

Key Scientific Question
Potential Health Effects of Our Wireless Age?

“Do long-­term, low-­level emissions from cell phones, Wi-Fi in schools, cell towers and smart meters cause adverse health effects?”
Clearly, they cause many biological effects.

Click here to download the Slide Show




Please read the

BioInitiative Report 2012


RF Color Charts

The RF Color Charts summarize many studies that report biological effects and adverse health effects relevant for cell towers, WI-FI, ‘smart’ wireless utility meters, wireless laptops, baby monitors, cell phones and cordless phones.

SF Residents Battle Wireless Firms Over Super Bowl Building Boom

Original news article at

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX) — Super Bowl 50 is expected to draw a million visitors to San Francisco and they’ll all be packing cellphones. Wireless providers are racing to beef up service but that’s coming at the expense of some unhappy residents.

Unless Ludwig Chincarini can convince the city to block the plan, Verizon will soon be installing a mini cell tower right outside his living-room window.

“I mean, the antenna is on the pole ten feet in front of my house,” said Chincarini.

Wireless carriers like Verizon are putting up thousands of the so-called distributed antenna systems in the Bay Area because they say demand for data has nearly doubled in the past year. The industry says these towers are safe. But Chincarini is not convinced.

“There are people who believe there could be effects, like cancer,” he said.

Distributed Antenna System for Wireless Communication

The Federal Communication Act of 1996 says cities and states can’t consider health concerns when regulating the placement of these devices, as long as wireless companies follow FCC radiation guidelines — guidelines that are based on science from the mid-1990s, when we all were still talking on brick-size mobile phones.

“The federal regulations are obsolete,” said Joel Moskowitz, who heads the Center for Family and Community Health at U.C. Berkeley’s School of Public Health.

Moskowitz is among 215 scientists from 40 countries calling on the United Nations and the World Health Organization to develop stronger guidelines for electromagnetic radiation exposures.

“Many researchers that signed the appeal say it’s probably carcinogenic. My feeling is that it’s highly probable that it’s carcinogenic,” Moskowitz told KPIX 5.

But that doesn’t matter to the Feds. Due to that 20-year-old law, the only way residents can legally protest one of these RF-emitting cellphone antennas outside their window is to ignore health concerns and focus on the way they look.

RF Antenna

“It’s really based on aesthetics,” said Omar Masry, the wireless planner for the city of San Francisco. But Masry says aesthetics doesn’t refer merely to the view from your window.

The city can only deny a permit if it obstructs the “public view” of a historic landmark or a park.

That’s thanks to yet another dated law — this one passed by the state when horse and buggies still lined the streets — that gave telegraph companies the right to put up telegraph lines.

We asked Masry if the city has ever sided with residents and revoked the permit for one of these wireless towers. His response: “Well, a recent example was a site at Central and Page streets in the Haight Ashbury district. Residents raised concern about how the antennas would detract from a historic building.”

We asked, “So is it safe to say, once?” He replied: “Once, yes.”

That’s out of 249 protests over the past two years.

After Ludwig Chincarini lost his protest, he kept fighting, taking it to the San Francisco Appeals Board where (for $300) you have the right to fight the cell tower installers in person.

Ludwig presented slides that showed how the proposed tower would obstruct views of Golden Gate Park. He even brought up the subject of health, comparing safety assurances by the wireless industry to cigarette advertising from the 1950s, showing an ad that reads “more doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.”

“Today we laugh at things like that,” said Chincarini.

But an attorney for Crown Castle, the company installing Verizon’s cell sites, was quick to remind commissioners they can’t consider health concerns.

“As you have heard many times now that is simply not a matter that you are allowed to take into account,” said Martin Fineman.

Just when Ludwig figured he’d wasted $300 dollars, a surprise twist! Coincidentally, with our cameras rolling, the commissioners upheld an appeal for the second time ever, citing a technicality with the permit.

Verizon is now appealing that appeal. In a statement to KPIX 5 the company said:

“The demand for mobile data services in the U.S. has nearly doubled over the last year, and is expected to grow 650 percent between 2013 and 2018.* With San Francisco’s population continuing to rise at a record pace, and thousands of people coming to the city every day for work and to visit, adding capacity to our network is critical to keep the city connected. To meet the growing demand, Verizon Wireless is working to deploy a variety of solutions throughout San Francisco, including distributed antenna systems (DAS), small cells and traditional macro cell sites, all of which comply with FCC safety standards. These solutions will add capacity and improve in-building coverage, voice quality, reliability and data speeds for San Francisco residents, businesses, first responders and visitors using the Verizon Wireless Network.”

Crown Castle called KPIX 5 with the following statement:

“Crown Castle takes numerous factors into consideration during the design, engineering and construction of our network in order to most effectively provide the community with enhanced broadband service. Crown Castle believes the carefully engineered poles and route locations selected represent the best option for its network to benefit the community.”

The FCC said it is considering re-examining electromagnetic exposure limits.

And the World Health Organization said that, so far, there is no evidence of health effects from the distributed antenna systems.

First US Public School District Limits Wi-Fi Radiation Exposure to Students and Staff

This items was lifted from an email sent from EMF Refugee
see for more information

First US Public School District Limits Wi-Fi Radiation Exposure to Students and Staff


Ashland, Massachusetts Public Schools have implemented Wi-Fi Device “Best Practices” which include turning the Wi-Fi off when not in use and keeping devices on a table.

Ashland, MA — (SBWIRE) — 09/28/2015 — Based on its own review of the matter, the Ashland Public School District is reducing wireless radiation exposures to children by instituting district wide “best practices for mobile devices”. Spurred by parent Cecelia Doucette’s concerns about the lack of safety data on Wi-Fi and children, the district investigated the issue and developed a policy to substantially reduce wireless exposures to students and staff. Doucette not only brought the issue to the district’s attention, but then also worked with state legislatures who introduced two bills concerning electromagnetic radiation this session. The Environmental Health Trust submitted written testimony on MA Senate Bill 1222 after expert scientists presented information on wireless health risks at a briefing at the Massachusetts State House in June 2015.

Since wireless devices are constantly emitting radiation even when the user is not using the Internet, the instruction to “turn it off when not in use ” stops the Wi-Fi antennas from continuously emitting radiation and is one simple way to reduce the radiation dose and exposure time for children and staff.

Instructions for “Best Practices” are posted in every classroom and include:

– Turn off the device when not in use
– Turn Wi-Fi on only when needed
– Always place the mobile device on a solid surface
– Viewing distance should be a minimum of 12 inches from the screen
– Specific product information guides are available through the IT department
– We ask that staff members regularly remind and instruct students in using best practices in regards to mobile devices

Ashland’s Best Practice of “keeping the device on a table” and no closer than a 12 inch viewing distance is critically important. Laptops and tablets have fine print warnings buried in their manuals specifically stating that the laptop should be at least 8 inches away from the user so that the user is not exposed to radiation levels that exceed as-tested FCC levels. If a device is used on a lap, as is common practice, the student could receive radiation levels far exceeding FCC limits. FCC limits are set to prevent the radiation from heating the brain and body but are not set to avoid chronic impacts on the developing nervous system or reproductive organs.

Many are unaware of FCC fine print advisories in the manuals of every wireless device confirming as-tested distances set to avoid heating. Cell phones, laptops and even baby monitors have these specific instructions in their product information guides. By referring to the product information guides, Ashland Public Schools are informing people about the need to keep a distance between the device and our bodies. As a public service, Environmental Health Trust (EHT) has compiled these fine print warnings on their website

It is important to note that even if users comply with these FCC recommended distances as stated in the device manual, accumulating research shows that biological damage can occur from wireless radiation levels far lower than these FCC levels. FCC limits are only set to protect people from heating harm and do not address non-thermal effects.

This ground breaking policy action by the Massachusetts school district is indicative of the wave of parents raising concerns about Wi-Fi across the country. Ashland, Massachusetts parent Cecelia Doucette wrote an article in Ashland Local Town Pages about these new best practices. Significant news and print media have picked the issue up after Massachusetts parents filed a lawsuit against a private boarding school alleging the school did not accommodate their 12-year-old child’s diagnosed debilitating sensitivity to the school’s WiFi system.

Ashland is the first US public school to create such policy on wireless transmitting devices. However, this US Massachusetts school district now joins dozens of schools and governments that have already implemented even more stringent measures to reduce wireless exposure to children. For example, Israel and France have banned Wi-Fi in kindergarten. The European Union recommends wired Internet rather than wireless in schools.

“Right To Know” efforts by local governments are also moving across the United States.     A judge just upheld Berkeley’s new Cell Phone Right To Know Ordinance which requires cell phone sellers to tell customers about these FCC radio frequency radiation distances.

Suffolk County in New York voted to label wireless routers in all public buildings including schools. The US United Federation of Teachers Union now hosts a webpage on how to reduce exposures to protect pregnant women, other staff members and students.

The Environmental Health Trust maintains a regularly updated database of these worldwide precautionary policies on wireless related to children and schools.

About Environmental Health Trust
Environmental Health Trust (EHT) educates individuals, health professionals and communities about controllable environmental health risks and policy changes needed to reduce those risks. Currently EHT is raising health concerns about wireless in schools and recommending safer hardwired internet connection installations. The foundation’s website is the go-to place for clear, science-based information to prevent disease.

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“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”
– Dalai Lama
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”  – George Orwell “The Autonomic system is affected by microwaves of the centimeter wave length band. These waves affect circulation, respiration, temperature control, water balance, albumin and sugar concentration in the cerebro-spinal fluid, hydrogen ion concentration, EEG, GSR, sleep, conscious awareness, etc.” – W. Bergman (The Effect of Microwaves on the Central Nervous System)