2024-03-28 Ontario School Boards sue Social Media giants

1) From Josh Hart from Stop Smart Meters.org in California. Excellent arguments against removing land lines that should be heard here in Canada by the CRTC and other authorities, as well as the media. Most people have no idea of the ramifications of losing their landline.

Will the CPUC yield to AT&T despite over eight hours of public protest?

“Many Marin and Bay Area residents joined others up and down the state who rely on landline connectivity for a variety of reasons. Several made the point that not only customers in rural, remote, unserved, underserved or urban dead zones are dependent on wired landlines, but also elderly, disabled, socially isolated persons, and the growing number of individuals who cannot use wireless devices because emissions make them ill….

Several city council members and county supervisors told the judge and commissioner assigned to the case that their counties must have reliable landlines for their emergency infrastructure, and would not be able to protect their citizens without them.

A technical director in broadcast TV reported that landlines are essential for voice quality and reliability.”


2) A terrific first step is being taken by 4 School Boards but it stops short. Students’ mental health, aggression, etc. is being blamed entirely on social media, which has been shown to be addictive. What about wireless radiation that is being emitted all day long to children who have cell phones to access social media as well as the other wireless devices in schools? Why not refuse to allow cell phones in schools to eliminate social media disruption and reduce exposure? These Trustees have been sent information about wireless radiation but refuse to demand that these devices be safe, too.

(click on photo to enlarge)

Ontario school boards sue TikTok, Meta and Snapchat for $4.5B, claiming they’re ‘disrupting student learning’

“In a statement, the TDSB’s Director of Education, Colleen Russell-Rawlins, said the influence of social media on today’s youth at school cannot be denied.

“It leads to pervasive problems such as distraction, social withdrawal, cyberbullying, a rapid escalation of aggression, and mental health challenges,” said Rawlins. “Therefore, it is imperative that we take steps to ensure the well-being of our youth. We are calling for measures to be implemented to mitigate these harms and prioritize the mental health and academic success of our future generation.””


3) Please consider signing this petition and sharing. Trustees have the responsibility for protecting the children and teachers in schools in their districts. Many are failing to do their jobs.

Fauquier Virginia Schools Bravely Fighting Cell Towers Off Their Schools & Petition

A school petition for you today below (10 second sign & can sign from anywhere.) Please Sign & Share.

Fauquier Virginia is joining schools and school districts around the country in fighting to keep cell towers off their schools.

Milestone towers is proposing a 150 foot cell tower at Liberty High School and they are considering multiple school placements in the district.

Parents are organizing to keep these towers off of their children’s schools and working for safer placements for these towers. Please sign and share their petition.

These petitions and the support they demonstrate are making a significant difference with positive outcomes for schools across the country. Thanks so very much for your help!”



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”    Thomas A. Edison

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.




Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation