2024-01-30 Telecoms and our “personalized health care”

1) An excellent introduction by Dr. Cindy Russell to the 7 studies by Mona Nilsson and Dr. Hardell showing the virtually immediate effects suffered from exposure to 5G transmitters.

(click on photos to enlarge)

5G Health Effects: 7 Case Reports of Health Symptoms After 5G Cell Towers Placed in Sweden

“Now that the massive rollout of 5G cell towers is proceeding throughout cities worldwide, remarkably devoid of the barriers of premarket testing or health and safety studies, and propelled by industry friendly laws, research is now being published on the real-life exposures and health effects of operational 5G towers. For now, this series examines only short term neurologic effects which have been reported. Long term health effects will not be known for decades.”


2) Here is a video that was made (and shared) many years ago, when smeters were just being introduced, and is now making another round. A member suggested I share it again to remind people what these things are doing. And as the IoT expands, and when the ZigBee chip (the second transmitter that is inside the ITRON smeters in BC) is activated, even more private information will be gathered and sent into the ether.

SMART METERS are not what you think they are

https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Video+Smart+Meters+are+not+what+you+think+they+are&t=chromentp&ia=web&iai=https%3A%2F%2Frumble.com%2Fv1u3zwe-smart-meters-are-not-what-you-think-they-are.html&pn=1    (4:32 min.)

3) Step by step, the telecoms have become involved in healthcare, obtaining access to our personal records and data. Telus is doing it in Canada and many in the USA have been doing it for a few years already. Maybe I’m being paranoid, but this makes me very nervous.


TELUS Health and Clinia join forces to transform health navigation and personalize care

Partnership to revolutionize healthcare experience through AI-driven solutions, enhancing interconnectivity and cost sustainability for payors and providers

“Montreal – Today, TELUS Health, a global leader in health technology, and Clinia, a leading provider of health-grade search technologies have announced an exclusive strategic partnership to revolutionize health navigation and deliver personalized care throughout individuals’ health journeys.

By harnessing Clinia’s AI-powered technology stack, TELUS Health aims to streamline provider registry networks management, facilitate seamless interconnectivity and drive improved cost sustainability for payors and providers, eliminating the problems associated with traditional provider registry networks.”


[- https://www.telus.com/en/health/press-releases]

ROGERS “Hypercare”


“As of November 2022, the FDA approved more than 520 AI tools to support healthcare delivery.”

First 5G Hybrid Health Network – Sept 2023



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“In digital era, privacy must be a priority. Is it just me, or is secret blanket surveillance obscenely outrageous?”     Al Gore

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. PLEASE Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation