1) Another study confirming the negative effects on children spending time before screens. Effects include behavorial problems as well as physical ones. Please share this with parents and teachers (and School Trustees) — those who can control exposure, at least to some degree.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Canadian researchers connect more screen time to worse childhood behaviour
“A Canadian study found children who spend a lot of time watching electronic screens are more prone to anxiety, depression and aggression.
Ontario children’s screen time on computers, television, video games and smartphones rose from 2.6 hours per day before the pandemic to 5.9. The average has since fallen to 3.9 hours, but the Canadian Pediatric Society recommends no more than two….
Externalized behavioural problems show as aggression, attention deficit, and hyperactivity in children. Internalized behavioural problems during adolescence can impact mood and emotions causing anxiety and depression.”
2) Below is a letter that was sent to union reps for all 78 school districts in BC. Teachers (and children) are being irradiated for hours every school day from cell towers, Wi-Fi, laptops, etc. This issue has been brought before School Boards in several districts, but to no avail. The teachers are facing an occupational hazard every school day from cell towers, Wi-Fi, laptops, etc. and deserve to know it. Parents deserve to know their children are sitting in a bath of electrosmog every school day — it’s time for us to raise this issue forcefully, too. But one step at a time.
A major step was taken by those 18 teachers in Ontario who walked away from their jobs. This is our attempt to follow up in BC. Hopefully others will do the same across Canada.
We are writing to you as Union Representative for the teachers in your district.
The telecom industry favours schools and school property as places where they can install cellphone antennae or erect towers. This is not unexpected because schools always need money and the telecom industry pays a very modest amount for access. But earlier this month, 18 teachers in Toronto expressed their concerns about working in close proximity to cellphone towers because of the radiofrequency radiation (RFR) that is emitted.

18 teachers refused work at Toronto school over possible radiation from cellphone tower
TDSB reviewing cell tower radiation concerns at North York high school
The current standards in Canada are inadequate, according to many well-respected scientists and doctors. They were established decades ago and do not reflect the many peer-reviewed scientific studies showing that serious and permanent biological effects can occur after exposure to even very low levels of RFR. One major study was done over a 10 year period, costing more than $25 million USD, by the prestigious Ramazzini Institute in Italy. The final report was published more than 5 years ago and Health Canada has refused to acknowledge it.
World’s Largest Animal Study on Cell Tower Radiation Confirms Cancer Link
“The evidence indicating wireless is carcinogenic has increased and can no longer be ignored,” stated University of Toronto Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor Emeritus Anthony B. Miller MD, Member of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of Canada and the UK, and Senior Medical Advisor to EHT who is also a long-term advisor to the World Health Organization.
“This study raises concerns that simply living close to a cell tower will pose threats to human health. Governments need to take measures to reduce exposures from cell tower emissions. Cell towers should not be near schools, hospitals or people’s homes.”
All of this evidence, and more, confirms that teachers have a right to be concerned about working near cell towers. The BC Teachers Federation advocates for a quality education system which, we suggest, is not possible in an unhealthy environment.
We are asking that BCTF consider the information that is provided above and the actions taken by the teachers in Ontario. This letter has been sent to Mr. Clint Johnson, President of BCTF.
This is an issue that is becoming more acute with the expansion of the wireless grid. Teachers have a right to know about the dangers associated with radiation emitted from cell towers. No amount paid to the schools by the telecom company is sufficient to put teachers’ health at risk.
Yours truly,
Sharon Noble,
Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
Shelley Wright
Director, Canadian Educators for Safe Technology
Janis Hoffmann
Founder, Parents for Safe Schools
Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech
“We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.” Malala Yousafzai
Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.