2023-10-13 Virtual Film on Sunday re. Nuclear Power Plants

1) The more information that confirms the biological effects of EMF the better. Hopefully soon, the agencies like Health Canada and the FCC will begin to acknowledge them. This report explains how exposure to EMFs can have both beneficial and negative results, each highly dependent upon frequency and power. It is worth the read, especially the section about how to help reduce the harmful effects of our everyday exposures.

Wireless radiation and the brain

“…it’s the central nervous system (CNS) that’s most affected by exposure, especially the hippocampus. ‘Specifically, microwaves can damage the brain (one of the two key components of the human CNS), particularly affecting the neurotransmitters which play an important role in passing signals inside the body,’ the authors wrote. ‘Accordingly, microwave-induced injury to neurotransmitters can cause a delay in the signaling process, which has critical implications for body function.’'”


The study:

Microwave Radiation and the Brain: Mechanisms, Current Status, and Future Prospects


2) In our search for more energy, nuclear power stations have been recommended by many. But the potential dangers are real and awful. A major film is available “virtually” this Sunday. I don’t know the price of the tickets but full information is available when you sign in. Here is the trailer:


(click on photos to enlarge)

Exploring humanness during radioactive times: a review of “SOS: The San Onofre Syndrome: Nuclear Power’s Legacy”

“I’ve seen “SOS” three times, and each time, I’m stunned by how much I don’t know about nuclear power and nuclear waste. And yet, the film genuinely encourages me in my humanness. Hearing Naoto Kan, Prime Minister of Japan during the Fukishima meltdown, state that he’s changed his mind about nuclear power 180 degrees dazzled me. So did S. David Freeman (who directed utilities in Tennessee, Los Angeles and Sacramento—and who closed down reactors) when he said, “We’ve got to kill the reactors before they kill us.” The film shows one ordinary person after another respond with integrity to this insane situation that we did not create. Generously, these people share what they’ve learned, name questions and options—and spread courage….

At its October 8th world premiere at the L.A. Awareness Film Festival, “SOS: The San Onofre Syndrome: Nuclear Power’s Legacy” won Documentary Feature Grand Jury Award.

The virtual premiere takes place Sunday, October 15th, at 5 pm Pacific Standard Time. Q+A with filmmakers Mary Beth Brangan, James Heddle and Morgan Peterson will follow the screening.”


3) A podcast partially devoted to EMFs. It starts at about the 43 min. point. Beware that he uses the term “5G tower” for any tower and we all know that cell towers by and large do not emit 5G (milliwave) frequencies because milliwaves do not transmit far or efficiently. There may be 5G technology and design (phased array antennae, etc) but in most cases the frequencies are in the 600 MHz -3.6GHz range, not higher. The 4G technology is still being used widely and it uses the same range.


200 Miles of EMFs: A Car Ride Into the Invisible by Dr. Henry Ealy – America Out Loud – October 09, 2023:



From: “VISTA – Vancouver Island Safe Tech Alliance” <VISafeTechAlliance@proton.me>
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2023 8:02:33 AM
Subject: Letter template to send re non-consent to non-ionising/ionizing irradiation

Hi everyone,
Here are some letters of notice and non-consent to non-ionising radiation that you can send to your Council, the land owner, and your MP.

Provided by Radiation Research Trust www.radiationresearch.org


Also of interest:

This is a two-page letter sent by federal Member of Parliament Peter Fonseca to the relevant federal Minister in May 2023. It was written to support residents that are opposed to a cell tower in Mississauga, ON.


Here’s a quick intro to it:


Kind regards,

the VISTA team

Vancouver Island Safe Tech Alliance (VISTA)

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead

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Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”     Mark Twain

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation