2023-09-25 Update: Quebec Lawsuit against Apple & Samsung

1) An excellent summary of the history and collusion behind smeters — including how the product defense companies, who defend indefensible products, such as Exponent, have been paid by corporations, such as FortisBC, to tell consumers that wireless devices such as smeters are safe. Another important point is one that we made with the smeter fire report — that no independent Electrical Engineer had certified smeters to be safe. Engineers who helped me said none would because they are not safe. Yet we were forced to have these on our homes, endangering our lives, our health and the environment.

(click on photo to enlarge)

‘Smart’ Meter Update: Late Lessons from Early Warnings, Still

“Sam Parish, a forensic engineer from Rhode Island, offers an eloquent solution to the current predicament, recommending a “Smart Meter Infrastructure Code of Ethics for Engineers.”

Not just any scientist/expert should testify.

The smart meter debacle would have been stopped in its tracks if the experts were bound by a professional code of ethics, with transparent complaint procedures, investigation, and oversight because the reign of product defense would have been halted instead of enabled….

What is clear is that a very small number of citizen researchers and independent experts and a very small number of ethical decision makers, world-wide, have been constructing the scaffolding that will enable humanity to eventually evolve the science and to safeguard, once again, the planetary frequencies that sustain all of life.

It is the activists (and not the mainstream media) who are creating the accurate historical record, published only by the “alternative, independent press,” including Activist Post.”


2) There is a critical class action lawsuit that was filed in Quebec against Apple and Samsung over the way phones are being tested. As I found is allowed by ISED, companies can test their phones at distances that are totally different from the way they are used. And the companies make it very difficult (if not impossible ) for people to know this. Instead, they are led to believe that if the phone passes the certification tests they are safe. This video is a discussion with lawyer Charles O’Brien and Engineer Pedro Gregorio who are leading this legal action. It is very interesting.

Citizens Sue Phone Companies: Critical Legal Update w/ Charles O’Brien & Pedro Gregorio

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOO0Porb0fc   (44 min.)

3) Ever since people learned that 5G transmitters were being installed outside homes, on poles along streets, many have wanted to buy an RF meter that would allow them to know the level of microwave radiation to which they are being exposed. The level was already high in most places from wireless devices and transmitters using 3G and 4G. The problem is, or will be, that 5G has the potential to use frequencies (milliwave vs. microwave) that are too high for the current RF meters to measure. Until recently, there were no affordable meters that could measure these higher frequencies. This is changing, but here is an article that advises what to consider when buying a meter.

Why You Shouldn’t Buy this 5G EMF Meter

“The other major update from beta testing the Safe and Sound mmWave meter is that 5G is behaving differently than we were led to believe. To cut to the chase, it can penetrate walls and windows at high levels, and at least in some areas, the antennas are not “on-demand” but rather transmitting constantly. The wireless industry hasn’t been truthful with us.

Because of that, it may very well be wise to get one of the meters in this article if you live in the city or a high population density area. You can use the tools found in this article to decide just how high your index of suspicion should be for getting a mmWave meter.”



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief, or ignorance.”      W. Clement Stone

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation