2023-08-25 Appeal re. Italy’s RF exposure limits (which are a fraction of Safety Code 6)

1) Ads for smartphones, iPads, etc. are aimed at children and busy parents, many telling parents of educational advancement. But they fail to address addiction, lack of exercise, failure to communicate socially, exposure to EMF. There are so many reasons to avoid giving young children wireless devices.

(click on photo to enlarge)

Screen time linked to developmental delays in children under 4

“Between one and four hours of screen time per day for children under 1 year old is linked to higher risks of developmental delays in communication, fine motor, problem-solving, and personal and social skills by age 2, researchers found….

Those who had more than four hours of screen time were the most likely to have developmental delays in all four categories by age 2 and were more likely to have continued delays in both communication and problem-solving skills by age 4.”


The study:

Screen Time at Age 1 Year and Communication and Problem-Solving Developmental Delay at 2 and 4 Years

“Screen time is the amount of time that individuals spend watching television, playing video games, and using mobile phones, tablets, and other electronic devices….

These outcomes include communication,7,8 daily living skills,7 socialization,7 gross and fine motor skills,8 problem-solving skills,8 personal and social skills,8 developmental screening test total scores,9 cognitive development,10,11 socioemotional development,9 language development,1113 attention problems,14 behavioral problems,15,16 and developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder.17,18

https://tinyurl.com/5mtce9fh   or


2) Experts in Italy are protesting the increase in exposure levels to 10 uW/cm2, which is many times higher than the level at which biological effects occur. By comparison, Safety Code 6’s limit for this frequency is 440 uW/cm2. Before it was reduced without explanation in 2015, the limit was 1000 uW/cm2 — the ICNIRP limit.

Scientists weigh in on Italy’s radiation standard

“Scientists from around the globe have appealed to the Italian Government not to increase the exposure limits in its radiation standard.’

The news that the Government is considering the possibility of increasing the attention value by 6 V/m for the living areas where people stay more than 4 hours is the cause for great concern,’ the scientists wrote in their ‘Appeal of the Scientists for Electromagnetic Safety’, sent 4 August 2023.

Associate Professor Olle Johansson, one of the signatories to the Appeal, said that ‘the so-called natural background may be regarded as a (relatively) safe exposure level, and 6 V/m (at 1,800 MHz) is still 10,000,000 times (or more!) that level’.


This link has excellent factors for converting from one power density unit to another. It also has limits by country, but Canada’s is wrong. At 900 MHz, the current limit is 275 uW/cm2 compared with Italy’s of 10 uW/cm2. Prior to 2015, it was 600 uW/cm2.

Conversion Chart, World Exposure Limits, Human Exposures EMR/EMF


32 pages of experts with their studies and reports. Could have some useful articles.

Appeal of the Scientists for Electromagnetic Safety To the Italian Government, to the Parliament, to the Regions and to the Autonomous Provinces

“We – the undersigned biologists, physicists, chemists and doctors – have been conducting research on the effects of electromagnetic fields for decades and we have never used industry funds of telecommunications, proving that we have always worked in the exclusive interest of public health.”


3) Not RF related but an interesting/concerning article and comments from a member that apply to BC Hydro and many other utility companies as well.

“I know it’s not RF related, but it’s becoming quite evident (as you would know better than most!) that corporate boards cut costs on safety and maintenance work. That would eat into the profits!

This article is very good at eluding to that, and the comment sections are excellent, as they sound exactly what we’ve heard about regulatory capture and captured agencies.”

Hawaii utility faces collapse as others delay on extreme weather risks

“One after another, power companies confront massive liabilities for wildfires, but many have been slow to respond to threats, including those posed by climate change”

https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/08/25/hawaiian-electric-maui-fires-power-companies/  or



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water.”     Sigmund Freud

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation