2023-06-01 “Smart” hospitals: 5G

1) 5G (they are talking milliwave frequencies, I think) everywhere in a hospital making it even worse for EHS sufferers. One of the significant advantages is speed — “The critical difference for health care is that 5G has less than a millisecond of delay, compared to about 70 milliseconds on the 4G network,” Can 69 milliseconds really make a big enough difference in healthcare to justify this?

Coming to a hospital near you: 5G

“Artificial intelligence may be grabbing headlines, but another technology revolution is finally starting to take place within the walls of hospitals: the switch to 5G.

Why it matters: While most consumers still think about cellphone speeds when it comes to fifth-generation wireless networks, they could be game changers in enabling “smart” hospitals, along with intelligent grids and transportation systems….

It also will allow faster and more accurate diagnoses and the sharing of vast amounts of genomic data as the U.S. health system embraces more personalized medicine. It will drive a further increase in telemedicine. And it would accelerate the adoption of virtual reality and artificial intelligence and enable the explosion of internet-connected devices known as the Internet of Things (IoT).”


2) One more example of “smart” devices being invasive and capturing personal data not relevant to the job. Just like smeters that capture information and data not needed for billing. And now “smart” devices are proliferating, even invading hospitals.

(click on photo to enlarge)

Amazon to pay over $30 million in FTC settlements over Ring, Alexa privacy violations

“While Ring has claimed its products help keep customers safer with its doorbell security cameras, the FTC alleged that Ring instead comprised customer information by giving third-party contractors access to customer videos, even when it was unnecessary to perform their jobs.

Ring employees and those who worked for a third-party contractor in Ukraine could access and download every customer’s videos, with no technical or procedural restrictions on the practice before July 2017, the FTC alleged…

Amazon acquired Ring for a reported $1 billion in 2018 and the company now operates as a subsidiary of Amazon. The deal has helped Amazon grow its presence in the smart home and home security categories. But Ring has also drawn criticism from privacy and civil liberties advocates over a controversial partnership with thousands of police departments across the country.”


3) A reminder about a very important petition in the USA and we are being asked to provide our comments even though we live in Canada. How many people have suffered because the FDA has not done it’s job? And the US is often considered the leader. If it happens in the US, it happens here.

Please take a few minutes and provide your comments.

The FDA Petition… Ready, Set, Comment!

“The FDA has opened a “docket” for our recent petition, so now you can file your own comment. Please remember, this is about the LAW, not about health effects. This is about FDA’s legal obligation to evaluate how people are being exposed, and to develop techniques for minimizing that exposure.



Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”     Francis of Assisi

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation