2023-05-03 US Court refuses to admit expert testimony

1) A reminder of a webinar on Thursday, May 4.

Wildlife and Wireless

A Webinar on the Environmental Impacts of Electromagnetic Radiation With Experts in Science, Policy and Law

Date: Thursday May 4, 2023

Time: 1:00 PM EST 10:00 AM PT

2) Replace alcohol with microwave radiation, not much else in this article would have to be changed. Studies showing harm that are being ignored, with incorrect, old information on Health Canada’s website, relying instead on the “industry” doing the right thing. Profit, emotional attachment, even addiction, taxes, government conflicts of interest…. One more example of Health Canada being negligent. I ask again. why is there Health Canada?

Researchers want Health Canada to post updated data on effects of drinking alcohol

Researchers behind the latest guidance on drinking alcohol want Health Canada to update findings on its website to inform the public about safe levels of consumption.

And federal Health Minister Jean-Yves agrees Canadians should have access to that “important piece of advice.”

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) released a Health Canada-funded report in January that says scientific evidence from around the world suggests no amount of alcohol is safe and low-risk is defined as two drinks per week, instead of two drinks per day, based on its previously recommended limits from 2011. But the old information remains on the federal agency’s site.”


3) From Dr. Joel Moskowitz:

28 New Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
May 2, 2023


4) More information is needed to explain this decision. What about the Ramazzini and NTP studies? These showed a direct causal link, in the view of independent scientists. Evidence was “cherry picked”? The old adage applies — “If you don’t look you can’t find.”

(click on photos to enlarge)

D.C. Court Rules Inadmissibility of Evidence that Failed to Show Cancer Link to Cell Phones

“On Tuesday, the D.C. court ruled that the plaintiffs expert testimony should not be admitted because it failed to show a causal link – falling short of a key legal test for evidence admissibility. In fact, the court said the data selected by the expert witnesses were, in part, cherry picked to bolster their case or contained methodological flaws.”



I hope you will take just a minute to respond to Theodora’s request. And when you do, give Citizens for Safer Tech as your group name, unless you have another you prefer to use. We must always remember that what happens in the US, especially in California, will, sooner or later, happen here. The Bill is here in case you want to read it:


From: “Theodora Scarato” <Theodora.Scarato@ehtrust.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 7:09:07 PM
Subject: [EMF] Action Alert: California Assembly Bill AB965 Will Fastrack 5G and 4G
Your Quick Action Is Needed!!!

ASAP, Please Write A One Paragraph Opposition Statement

California Assembly Bill AB965 “Local government: broadband permit applications” allows wireless providers to apply for cell tower transmitter permits in batches of 50 or more, and if not approved quickly enough according to the FCC shot clock, they are deemed approved automatically.

This bill has passed two California Assembly policy committees and is now headed to the Appropriations Committee, it will most likely be heard Wednesday, May 10th.

Today or tomorrow, please write a one paragraph opposition statement based on cost to the state (since the Appropriations Committee only cares about the monetary cost to the state). You are welcome to use the information below or write your own:

Send emails to:

Subject Line: “Group Opposition Letter AB965”

The message:
“We Oppose AB965. Please do not pass this bill to a full Assembly vote.”

Feel free to write 2 sentences using any of the arguments below in your own words:

1. Exposes the state and local governments unnecessarily to industry liability and legal defense costs
2. It would set the state back in terms of climate change management because wireless is a huge energy waster compared to other technologies like fiber.
3. Cost to do business in California due to inadequate wireless speed, capacity, security, and safety compared with other technologies like fiber being rolled out in other states and countries.
4. Write your own argument of cost to the state.

Your Name
Group name


Sharon Noble, Director, Citizens for Safer Tech

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” George Bernard Shaw

Sent from my wired laptop with no wireless components. Practice Safe Tech.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation