Hi, Everyone. I am back from my break during which, many thanks to Barb and Norm, I barely touched my computer. As a result I am extremely far behind on my emails and may never be able to read them all. If there is something that is very important, please do send to me again at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca
1) Studies have shown that some groups of people are more sensitive to EMF than others, e.g. children, elderly, those with impaired immune systems. Unfortunately, the medical people are not being taught about this, and now there are “smart hospitals”. RF is already pervasive with cell towers on the buildings, staff carrying cell phones, pagers and laptops, cordless phones by the beds, wireless monitors in neonatal units, but now there will be no way to escape for those who will be most affected. The first “smart” hospital in Canada is now open and ready for business at Vaughan, Ontario. What happens when the grid is hacked?
Information, Communication, and Automation Technology (ICAT) Healthcare Vision
“Through the utilization of state-of-the art health care technologies in a facility designed on the principles of the Internet of Healthcare Things, and leveraging experience in continuous quality improvement, Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital will be at the forefront of innovation in smart hospital design.”
(click on photo to enlarge)

SMART Hospital and Innovation
“Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital is the first hospital in Canada to feature fully integrated smart technology systems and medical devices that can speak directly to one another to maximize information exchange….
What if we could leverage technology and information from building systems (such as temperature, air quality, and lighting), medical devices (such as vitals machines, IV pumps, and hospital beds), and other health care processes? …
As an example, the patient rooms at Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital all have smart beds. These beds can communicate with your electronic health record, with your care team, and even with you.“
And hacking/cyberattacks are happening. It seems to me that having a fully wireless (aka “smart”) hospital is something that will result in tragedies.
Baby’s Death Alleged to Be Linked to Ransomware
“Access to heart monitors disabled by the attack allegedly kept staff from spotting blood & oxygen deprivation that led to the baby’s death.
A U.S. hospital paralyzed by ransomware in 2019 will be defending itself in court in November over the death of a newborn, allegedly caused by the cyberattack.
As the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, the baby’s mother, Teiranni Kidd, gave birth to her daughter, Nicko Silar, on July 16, 2019, without knowing that the hospital was entering its eighth day of clawing its way back from the attack.”
2) I know that this major article was included in a recent update, but I would like to share some very interesting statements from the third and last report by Dr. Henry Lai and Blake Levitt about the effects of RF on our environment, with special attention to flora and fauna. The abstract is available at this link and it alone is worth the read. The entire article is not available to the general public yet. When it is, I will share. In the meantime, below are some examples of significant information provided by Dr. Lai and Blake Levitt. I will provide more in tomorrow’s update.
“Many species of flora and fauna, because of distinctive physiologies, have been found sensitive to exogenous EMF in ways that surpass human reactivity. Such exposures may now be capable of affecting endogenous bioelectric states in some species. Numerous studies across all frequencies and taxa indicate that low-level EMF exposures have numerous adverse effects, including on orientation, migration, food finding, reproduction, mating, nest and den building, territorial maintenance, defense, vitality, longevity, and survivorship.”
From the report itself,
– “Government exposure standards Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) In the U.S., there are no federal government exposure standards for humans, much less wildlife, for the extremely low frequency (ELF) bands between 0 and 300 Hz. Within this range are the 50–60 Hz exposures common to powerlines and electric utility wiring that continue to rise due to our increasing energy demands, as well as electric utility grounding practices that use the Earth itself as the return neutral for excess current back to substations. Today in many regions, rather than run additional neutral lines (at significant expense) on utility poles along roadways to handle the extra harmonic load that all of our new electronic and wireless devices place on the lines, utilities siphon off excess voltage every few poles apart directly into the ground. Earth itself becomes the neutral line, sometimes with significant accumulations near substations that can elevate contact currents in nearby homes and outdoor environments, affecting pets and urban wildlife, as well as on underground metal gas pipelines that can form dangerous corrosion and hotspots.“
– “In addition, new technologies like “wireless electricity”—called wireless power transfer (WPT)—to charge electric vehicles, batteries, computers, and chargers are coming on the market, creating novel ambient wireless and DC power exposures that we have never seen before, spanning from ELF through the 9 kHz to 40 GHz frequency bands…. This is a completely new exposure to which many species of flora and fauna are sensitive (see Part 2). Such industrial-scale grounding practices and wireless ELF/RFR have never been studied as environmental factors for air, land-based, or underground wildlife. This includes potential damage to flora with vulnerable root systems in the ground while their primary growth is above ground level (AGL), making flora susceptible to both ELF and radiofrequency radiation (RFR) exposures.”
– “Most of the current guidelines used in Western countries are based on the specific absorption rate (SAR)—the rate of energy absorbed per unit mass of biological tissue with units expressed in watts per kilogram (W/kg) or milliwatts per kilogram (mW/kg) of tissue. Harmful effects from which the SAR was originally derived were based upon relatively few animal studies in the 1980s [14, 15] in which behavioral disruption was observed at approximately 4 W/kg when test animal body temperatures rose by about 1°C…. SARs are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to measure in living models.”
– “The (recent ICNIRP) reclassification is inviting adverse effects to the ear, the brain, the eyes, and potentially other systems in the body [23]. It also exponentially increases ambient RFR levels with the number of active cell phones in operation at any given location. Health concerns over human eyes directly translate to species with eye structures similar to humans which includes most mammals. But in other species, effects are potentially more dire. Many insect species, for instance, have compound eye structures with sometimes thousands of lenses in addition to which insects do not dissipate heat efficiently. Their smaller size also makes them a resonant match with RFR’s higher frequencies.”
– “Today a growing number of people, domestic pets, and urban and suburban wildlife are exposed to 24 h EMFs from individual devices, products, and infrastructure [21, 24–27]. Popular wireless devices such as baby monitors, smart grid/meters, home and industrial appliances, WiFi routers, remote controls, security systems, personal “assistants” like Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri, and some wireless laptop computers fall at, or below, the power density level of 1 mW ERP which qualifies them for categorical exclusion (CE, or CatEx) from licensing review.“
– ” Today, FCC CatExs include most consumer wireless products and the infrastructure for hundreds of thousands of individual 4G and 5G small cells. Exclusion criteria are based on such factors as type of service, antenna height, and operating power. CatExs are not exclusions from compliance itself, but rather exclusions from performing routine evaluations to demonstrate such compliance and therein lay problems because no one is monitoring. Qualifying for CatEx is based on manufacturer’s declarations.”
-“What are widely thought to be local indoor transmitters such as personal WiFi and home signal boosters, can and do penetrate walls to become outdoor exposures too. Every new application, though functioning within its own categorically excluded parameter, adds that much more to the aggregate, in essence creating a synergistic effect with the sum of exposures being greater than the individual effects of each component part. Although aggregate RFR levels are not supposed to exceed the FCC or ICNIRP regulations, no regulatory entity today measures, enforces, or attempts to mitigate for this [23] unless complaints are filed over interference issues with other systems. Each CatEx exists within its own technical realm, considered safe if kept under 1 mW ERP. Most such excluded devices and/or networks have considerable overlap, creating multiple exposures, and possible elevated effects. This is not a realistic, scientifically sound, or safe way to determine actual exposures to humans, domestic animals, or wildlife from aggregate, ambient radiation.“
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.” Walt Whitman