1) Saturday morning, 10:00 am PT is a Zoom meeting that I just learned about. It involves accessibility to elections and might be an opportunity to raise the issue of EHS re. locations used for voting.
Canadian Accessible Elections Town Hall Webinar 2021 Rules for Engagement
Registration is required. Register at:
Click to access Canadian-Accessible-Elections-Town-Hall-2021.pdf
2) A thought-provoking article from the UK about cyber-attacks, how to defend and how to respond. This is the new world.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Why an escalating cyber-battle could risk nuclear war
“A technological arms race Our reliance on electronic devices makes us more vulnerable to attacks and makes it probable that technology may emerge that could send another country back to the Stone Age. People would die, property would be damaged and the impact could last for years. As the first duty of a government is to protect the people it serves, how should a government prepare to defend against such an eventuality? Do you enter another arms race, matching each new form of weapon with your own?”
or https://tinyurl.com/u35684cm
3) Below in Letters are very emotional pleas from members in Qualicum Beach where more cell towers are being erected, near homes and schools. Despite having received hundreds of letters of concern, the City Council refused to follow procedure. One must ask who do the councillors work for?
The Dowes are hoping to alert others to what is happening in Qualicum Beach — with the need for more cell towers to support the 5G grid this will be happening in every community. Councils should be listening and responding to their constituents, many of whom have become very educated on the risks to health and privacy presented by this grid. The Councils should be writing letter of non-concurrence, not simply agreeing to the applications.
As many of us have experienced, those in authority are ignoring letters and emails. Qualicom Beach Council has yet to even acknowledge a 37 page letter from some First Nations groups written in Oct. 2020. Please contact the Dowes if you would like to help. They have asked for their email addresses and phone no. to be included with their letter.

From: Carol Dowe <caroldowe@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, May 26, 2021 at 12:18 PM
Subject: Qualicum Beach Improper Public Consultation Process
To: RECEPTION, ISED MINISTER CHAMPAGNE <ic.reception11-mino.ic@canada.ca>, ISED, Honourable Francois-Phillippe Champagne <ISI.minister-ministre.ISI@canada.ca>, John Sparks, Investigator, Ombudsperson office <jsparks@bcombudsperson.ca>, Jonathan Hand, Admin Asst., Municipal Affairs, Governance Services <Jonathan.Hand@gov.bc.ca>, Inspector of Municipalitis, British Columbia <LGGovernance@gov.bc.ca>
May 26, 2021. [Please confirm receipt]
Attention: ISED Minister, Honourable Champagne
BC Ombudsperson, John Spark, Investigator
BC Municipal Affairs, Governance Director, Patrick Thompson
Dear Honourable Champagne, Mr. Spark and Mr. Patrick Thompson
re: Qualicum Beach Improper Public Consultation Process
Please confirm you have received the most recent emails I have sent you numbered from #33 to 40. These are documents showing all the difficulty we are having here in Qualicum Beach with the Public Consultation process. One of our Council members even sued the mayor and council and won.
We need your help as soon as possible. Because of this process, a cell tower was allowed to proceed, and does not reflect the majority of our citizens. We have some 500 pages of personal letters sent to you along with the petition of 1100 signatures against the cell tower. There were some 140 people from Eaglecrest that attended the Site Path Consulting gathering.
We felt after Telus “encouraged” by way of Site Path John Wood, Pres. of Eaglecrest Res. Assoc. to be proactive against us, we could not trust Telus, let alone our Qualicum Beach Council.
You can see there are over 10 organized groups in Qualicum Beach that feel the same way. Please please read the 2nd Opinion newspaper articles to be apprised of what is happening here!
We would greatly appreciate confirmation of receipt of this letter along with the earlier documents numbers #33 to 40, as well as the others I sent earlier in May.
We need your help!
Carol and Fred Dowe for the
Concerned Citizens re: Improper Public Consultation Process of Qualicum Beach
From: Carol Dowe <caroldowe@gmail.com> (Name and email address given with permission)
Date: Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 8:45 AM
To: <gopublic@cbc.ca>, Fred Dowe <fred@dowe.ca>, Carol Dowe <caroldowe@gmail.com>
April 7, 2021
CBC, Go Public,
Please look into this as soon as possible, because Telus may begin soon!
Kind regards,
Dr. Fred and Carol Dowe for the
Concerned Citizens opposing Telus Cell Tower at
Qualicum Beach.
250-752-2104. caroldowe@gmail.com
April 5, 2021
Mr. Entwistle, CEO and Board of Directors
Telus Corporation, Vancouver, BC
shelley.kulle@telus.com. (Admin. Assist)
Mr. Entwistle and Board of Directors: re: Proposed Telus Cell Tower at Qualicum Beach – Opposition
We want to thank Ms. Shelly Kulle, your administrative assistant, for helping us receive the information we have arranged to send you. We found her to be kind and helpful.
Do you care about your image as a Telus corporation here in our little Town of Qualicum Beach with 9,000 residents? We realize you are a huge corporation with an agenda to build as many cell towers as possible. But we are residents concerned about our health and future for our children and grandchildren. This is like the David and Goliath story. Do we stand a chance of convincing you of the truth?
Have you relied on the report from Site Path Consulting without knowing all the facts? Their report reflects some 140 citizens for the cell tower, and 38 of us against. (in their report, which does not reflect hundreds of letters to Qualicum Beach Mayor and Council opposing this cell tower) In the Site Path questionnaire, people were asked which location they chose, but not if they were against the tower. So this was not a proper way to gather information by leading the question. We could not trust Site Path Consulting methods.
We could not trust their reporting after the John Woods letter [Telus urging Eaglecrest to turn out to meet our opposition which is not a fair ethical method of gathering info], and so wrote directly to our Mayor and Council to let them know how we felt. Because of the lack of integrity of how this report was gathered, we decided to write the mayor and council directly. Some 500 letters later, Qualicum Beach Council indicated this was the largest response to any concern they have ever experienced in Qualicum Beach!
We thought we could trust our mayor and council, but found otherwise. They are famous for their controlling bullying tactics. Qualicum Beach has a mayor and 4 council members. One of our council members resigned and ran for BC MLA and now represents our area and another Councillor was on medical leave because of the toxic atmosphere with the mayor and other council members [Parksville QB News Front page, Dec. 10, 2020 [” Councilor Filmer taking medical leave citing very very toxic Town Hall bullying. At a time when we should be finding ways to treat each other with kindness, care and support. “]. There are many other examples we could quote.
We are residents for 35 years of Qualicum Beach and represent some 500 plus letters written to Council, along with a petition of over 1100 Opposed to the proposed Telus cell tower here in Qualicum Beach.
Telus, you have said, and our mayor that the claims of (sic) some 140 Eaglecrest residents is they don’t have cell service, especially if needed in an emergency situation.
That simply is not true. Did you know Rogers has cell service tower 400 metres from your proposed site by the Christian Fellowship Church that turned down your 1st request. And your new site is right across the highway, some 500 feet from that site? With the use of Rogers cell service, we checked 12 locations in Eaglecrest and had no problem with cell service. Had you thought of working with Rogers?
Our Mayor and Council are under scrutiny and investigation by the BC Ombudsperson, the Minister of Municipal Affairs for their “controlling, bullying” tactics, and not representing the people on many topics here in Qualicum Beach, with some 10 organizations represented.
During Covid 19 extremely stressful times of 2020, Telus, by way of Site Path Consulting, pressed forward a 2nd time to pursue a cell tower in our area, the next month following rejection of the 1st attempt!!
We already have 3 towers!! We don’t need more.
You are aware of Telus cell tower being turned down a year ago by the Regional District of Nanaimo for the Coombs tower, after Dr. Faulkner and Dr. Cline presented to the Board??
We attempted on 4 occasions to present as a delegation to our Town of Qualicum Beach, and were told, the application had not yet come in from Telus. And 2 days after it arrived, the mayor and council approved the Telus application, saying “They had heard enough from the letters and petitions, and had to make a decision”. This even after the Town of Qualicum Beach Staff made a recommendation that more time be made available for our group to bring in
Dr. Faulkner and Dr. Cline.
Our voices were not heard, our mayor, council and citizens of Qualicum Beach did not receive the vital information from Dr. Faulkner and Dr. Cline. We are concerned about the harmful effects of EMF health issues to our children and grandchildren. There are hundreds, even thousands of reports now from doctors opposing cell towers and the effect of EMF radiation.
We are deeply concerned for the 3 Daycares in our area that are very close to this proposed cell tower. They are for 3, 4 and 5 year olds, whose skulls are not matured, and the effect of EMF radiation can be harmful. There are also 2 elementary schools, several senior nursing homes, and hundreds of residential homes close by. These are vulnerable people! We have even had 3 families move from the area because of grave concerns.
Do you have children and grandchildren? Are you concerned? Read the many reports that you’ve been sent.
We are an army of deeply concerned families in Qualicum Beach, and will fight with every fiber in us to protect and preserve our families from your cell tower! Please STOP THE CELL TOWER!!
Dr. Fred and Carol Dowe
Concerned Citizens Opposing the proposed Telus Cell Tower at Qualicum Beach
CC: ISED Minister, Francois-Phillipe Champagne
Honorable John Horgan, MLA Premier of British Columbia
Honourable Josie Osborne, MLA Minister of Municipal Affairs
Adam Walker, MLA, Parksville-Qualicum
Chair, Tyler Brown, Regional District of Nanaimo, Board of Directors
Inspector of Municipalities, British Columbia
Editor, Parksville-Qualicum Beach News
Editor, Second Opinion, Qualicum Beach
Editor, Oceanside News
Editor, Times-Colonist
Kieran Oudshoorn, CBC
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” Leo Tolstoy