1) A member’s daughter shares her story about becoming sensitive as a young teenager. This should be shared widely, and hopefully enough parents will put pressure on school board officials to make schools safer for children.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Stories of Hope ~ a teen’s foggy brain, rash, itch, fatigue, nausea
https://jesssherman.com/blog/stories-of-hope-rash-foggy-brain-fatigue-nausea (33 min. video)
2) Samsung believes that 6G will be capable of doing things George Orwell might have dreamed of — where anything can be replicated, where machines will dominate without time or space limitations.
“Samsung has revealed its plans for 6G technology, outlining its vision for “digital twins” of our physical selves.
In a research paper published on Wednesday, the South Korean smartphone giant stated that there will be three key 6G services: Immersive extended reality (XR); high-fidelity mobile hologram; and digital replicas.
“With the help of advanced sensors, AI, and communication technologies, it will be possible to replicate physical entities, including people, devices, objects, systems, and even places, in a virtual world,” the white paper states.”
3) Here are some products recommended by Devra Davis that could make good gifts. BTW, instead of buying a blue light screen for your computer screen, you can download for free:
“We are asked all the time, “Do you recommend any products to reduce EMF? Where can I get those blue blocking screens for the laptop?”
In response, EHT has created a list of products that we use to lower EMF at home and in the office. What’s more — you can support Environmental Health Trust by purchasing some of the products recommended below….
Important: This is a list for people who want to take first steps to reduce EMFs. If you are having serious symptoms from electromagnetic radiation, you will need to take more steps and choose products with extra protections and with even lower ELF-EMF. We suggest electrical pollution as one resource as well as Safe Living Technology.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Men are only as good as their technical development allows them to be.” George Orwell