1) The HESA committee of the federal Parliament “studies issues that relate to Health Canada, including bills and regulations. It also has oversight of four health-related agencies, including the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the Public Health Agency of Canada.” There have been 2 HESA reviews of Health Canada’s handling of issues related to EMR (2010 and 2015). After hearing from independent experts, recommendations were made but nothing has changed.
http://www.c4st.org/images/hesa-2015/412_HESA_Rpt13-e.pdf (See Introduction Section C pg. 3 re. 2010 HESA recommendations)
The current HESA committee has 3 members from BC:
Chair, Ron McKinnon of Coquitlam-Port Coquitlam
Don Davies of Vancouver-Kingsway
Tamara Jansen of Cloverdale-Langley
The Standing Committee on Health studies issues
Some members are planning to arrange a meeting with each of these MPs. They are asking for anyone who would lives in one of these ridings, is an eligible voter, and would like to participate to contact them:
phl222@telus.net or swalker3@shaw.ca
2) 5G is now live in portions of many US cities and in sections of 4 Canadian cities, with more being planned for this year.
Here’s every U.S. city with 5G coverage right now
(click on photo to enlarge)

Canada’s first 5G network goes live in four cities
“You no longer need to head to the US if you want a taste of 5G in North America. After starting its rollout in January, Rogers has switched on Canada’s first live 5G network in the downtown cores of Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver…
You can expect 20 more markets to get 5G this year, Rogers said. At the same time, it’ll start using low-band 600MHz access that should both widen coverage and help you stay connected to 5G indoors. It’ll eventually start using 3.5GHz service as well as spectrum sharing that lets it use LTE airwaves for 5G.”
3) Last week there were articles and videos raising concerns about 5G being installed in US schools during this “self-isolation” period. Here is a follow-up, with comments on page 2 from people who are sharing information about thing happening in their areas. I am not sure how people know that this is 5G, but anything that is being done surreptitiously, without informed consent, should be fought and brought to the public’s attention.
So far, no one has advised me that anything like this is happening in BC or Canada. School rooms already are filled with wireless devices and modems and this happened without giving teachers, parents or students any information about the scientific evidence that warns this to be harmful, or without allowing choice.
All EMR is dangerous, whether 2G, 3G, 4G or 5G.
During Shutdown 5G Being Installed Covertly in US Schools, Dept. of Education Directive
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.” Albert Einstein