1) A very interesting interview with Robert Kennedy, Jr. about dangers to children, including 5G.
Dangers of 5G to Children’s Health
“Mr. Kennedy: Children’s Health advocates on behalf of children’s health and particularly against toxic exposures, including pesticides like glyphosate. We have been very instrumental and involved in the Roundup case and litigation. PFOAs and then other kinds of pesticides and fluoridation. And, so, 5G is something that really fits in with all of the other things we are doing. Our children today are walking around or swimming around in a toxic soup. There is a lot of inflammation and reaction that has synergistic effects from all kinds of different sources as it is and 5G may be an aggravating factor in all of those things. Electromagnetic waves, we know, impact children and they impact fetuses and children more than they do adults. We know they cause immune activation, they cause inflammation. The World Health Organization has said they are probable carcinogens. And this, we’re talking existing cell phones with people, which are 2.4 GHz, much, much less potent in terms of their capacity to disrupt genes and to disrupt the electric currents of our body.”
Please note that on page 6 Josh makes the following statement which I have not been able to confirm. In fact a very trusted contact is doubtful that this is true. A few months ago I communicated with Mr. Broomhall when I read that he had managed to have cell towers/microcells removed through charges that the telecoms were committing assault/trespass with their signals. When I asked for details about these successful legal actions, Mr. Broomhall did not respond. Another contact in Australia told me that to date there had been no successes because Mr. Broomhall is still seeking someone who is willing to fund the legal actions. If I learn more that could help us, I will share, but in the meantime I would suggest that Josh’s statement not be taken seriously.
“Josh: Now there is someone, a lawyer in Tasmania, Australia, that is part of this summit that I’ve interviewed: Raymond Broomhall. He’s led the charge there in Australia and Tasmania and he’s actually had the success and results of blocking 2,500 small cell 5G installations, so this is something that is very new. He blocked 1,600 from going in and actually… 900 of them, the carrier [has] uninstalled after he initiated, with the support of the community, a criminal action, a criminal assault-based action using doctors’ medical opinions for their individual patients.”
2) A while back I promised to provide a template of a letter that could be sent to councils and mayors asking for resolutions similar to that passed by Pitt Meadows’ Council. It is below in Letters and can be copied, pasted and completed with the information pertinent to your council. Please consider sending to your council and Mayor. Usually email addresses can be obtained from the city’s website. [http://www.civicinfo.bc.ca/people]
We need to stop the proliferation of microwave radiation and the local government has the responsibility for protecting the health of its constituents. I would appreciate it if you would blind copy me so that I can keep track of which councils have received these letters. And then, hopefully, we can track which councils respond by passing similar resolutions. This may take several letters from different people — and, likely, some visits to individual councillors. Pitt Meadows Council had many discussion with members of the public before taking this action.
3) This Activist Post has 2 extremely interesting youtube interviews with Mark Hertsgaard about how industry has “war gamed” scientists and have propaganda to hide the evidence that cell phones are not safe from the public.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Telecom Lobbying: $80M in 2018 and $1.2B Since 1998. Details On Who Spent How Much and Why This Matters
Dear Mayor and Councillors,
This summer the City Council of Pitt Meadows passed this landmark resolution:
“THAT Council forward a letter to their MP, MLA, Dr. Bonnie Henry, Health Canada, ISED (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada) and Telus expressing significant concerns regarding the long-term health consequences related to cell towers, microcells and wireless technology.”
Would you consider doing the same? If you follow Pitt Meadows lead you may want to share the following concerns:
“________ City Council has substantial concerns regarding: the health implications of cell tower placements in our community; the lack of awareness around potential health risks associated with cell towers; the lack of communication from the federal government on the current scientific evidence pertaining to the biological effects of wireless technology; and the need to strengthen our significantly out-dated Safety Code 6.
We are also extremely concerned about the lack of public consultation required by ISED when antennas are placed on existing structures in our communities and we are concerned about the untested emerging 5G technology this infrastructure facilitates. We support fiber optic networks connected directly to the premises as a faster, safer alternative to wireless 5G.”
Background Information:
- Scientists Urge Precaution
- To date, 248 EMF (electromagnetic field) scientistsfrom 42 nations have signed an Appeal asking the United Nations for greater health protection on EMF exposure. See the Appeal at: EMFscientist.org.
- Science shows adverse environmental and wildlife effects from wireless radiation.
- Learn more here: Physicians for Safe Technology | Environment and Wildlife Effects
- 3. The small cell antenna densification now underway creates many complex issues for local governments:
- Liability · Aesthetics · Safety · Public health · Increased energy consumption ·
Expensive infrastructure upgrades, and A lack of local authority over the public right of way
In its 2019 Review of the Canadian Communications Legislative Framework the City of Calgary stated:
“The City strongly emphasizes the need for local control and flexibility to manage its own assets…. municipalities are concerned with issues of urban design, community aesthetics, safety, affordability and fair return on municipal investments. However, these concerns are often overridden by federal decisions which favor market interests. “
- Here is a copy of a letter your Pitt Meadow cohorts have sent regarding their concerns. https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Letter-to-MP-Dan-Ruimy-from-Mayor-Bill-Dingwall-re-Radiocommunications-Tower-at-19675-Meadow-Gardens-Way-Pitt-Meadows-BC-July-25-2018-sb-2019.pdf
Thanks so much for considering this matter and all you do on our behalf,
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” Albert Einstein