1) This article includes the updated version of “Take Back Your Power”, which is very good, until the last 10 min. or so in which he speaks of liability, legality, etc. I wish to warn you that Josh makes statements that do not pertain to BC where smeters are mandated by law. The law was written by the Liberals and is supported by the NDP. Until the Clean Energy Act is changed, we are stuck if we want electricity. Many of us have paid thousands in extortion fees — which have yet to be accounted for — and many of us continue to pay. Many others, the vast majority, were given no choice to even pay the extortion. Josh also promotes his unique, and “legal” approach that lawyers say will not work and which never managed to prevent the installation of or the removal of a smeter in BC — or elsewhere that I have been able to confirm. Our only way to protect our homes and our rights is to demand that these things be removed from our homes and analog meters returned by demanding that the Clean Energy Act be amended.
Also in this article is a link to an interesting article about how a company (Urjanet) is gathering and selling data obtained via smeters to various corporations, including financial institutions which are using it to determine credit scores. This is yet more evidence that smeters are gathering data not needed for billing and, without our permission or awareness, it can be sold.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Surveillance Capitalism Includes Utility “Smart” Meters. Utility Companies Collect Customer Usage Data 24/7. Are Yours Selling It to 3rd Parties?
“Recently, Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff published a new book called The Age of Surveillance Capitalism which reveals how businesses not only offer services to customers – they collect personal data on them in order to sell it to 3rd parties. Much of this is done without customer knowledge or consent…
Urjanet’s technology is used to track cost and usage information from 4,000 utilities in 30 countries.”

Looking to sell utility billing data to lenders, Urjanet rakes in $20 million
“Urjanet’s technology is used to track cost and usage information from 4,000 utilities in 30 countries. That data collected from electric, gas, telecommunications, water, and waste providers, is used by small and medium-sized businesses, and multinational companies, to automate accounting and bill processing, manage energy costs, and comply with reporting regulations, the company said…
“Oak HC/FT’s financing will enable us to broaden our reach to the world’s largest corporations and utility providers, as well as accelerate our launch of new applications using utility data as an alternative source for credit scoring and identity verification,” said Sanjoy Malik, Urjanet’s chief executive, in a statement.”
Our data is more valuable than the electricity being sold. And, YES, BC Hydro and FortisBC are clients of Urjanet. Search https://urjanet.com/utility-data/ by typing in BC Hydro and FortisBC.
2) Update from Oona re. CREST tower on Salt Spring. Many of you have asked me why I am sharing so much info. that pertains to SSI. The CREST towers are pervasive — there is probably one near everyone and probably no one noticed. Apparently, they are needed for emergency services, but they do not need to be near homes, schools and hospitals.
Our Response is Working!
Due to the letters we have sent, the Trust is now delaying their vote on the CREST Radio Tower until after the noon Public Hall.
There are now 2 opportunities to promote well-being on SSI and oppose this 144 foot radio tower on Tuesday, April 30 at the Harbour House Hotel.
Rally for Public Safety & Well-being at 9:00am
Speak to the issue or support those who do at the noon Town Hall.
Please keep the letters coming. Spread the word & share this new version of the Flyer/Poster (at the link below) as it has the updated info.

3) An interesting set of laws that a colleague in Michigan believes are being broken. I’ve suggested he add the Nuremberg Code to this list. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Code. I am no a lawyer and neither have I received any info from the person in Michigan about having obtained a legal opinion about his list, but I believe we should be looking at legal options.
We know our data is vulnerable and possibly has been given to Urjanet. This cannot be legal. We know our health and safety are threatened. Does this meet the definition of Assault? Possibly. We know that CSA regulations are being ignored, e.g. using the base to cut power because smeters have been installed without turning the power off. Might anyone volunteer to try to find similar provincial and federal laws and codes that apply in BC?
Laws that are being violated by the deployment of Smart Meters:
Michigan Penal Code, Act 328 of 1931: MCL 750.539 a & d
It’s a felony to install a surveillance device on private property without the explicit consent of the owner.
Michigan Electrical Code, MCL R 408.30827, 80.26. Service equipment
The enforcing agency shall approve service equipment installed, altered, or repaired before the load side of the meter is energized.
MCL 460.62
Public Utilities Commission Act 419 of 1919 for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety.
MCL R 460.115
Utility customers may self-read their meters. May report by postcard, E-mail or telephone.
MCL 750.362
Larceny by Conversion: The collecting of data electronically gleaned from private ownership/private property for profit without the owner’s knowledge or explicit consent to do so is Larceny by Converting a service into a taking.
Michigan Antitrust Reform Act 274 of 1984 – MCL 445.771 – 445.788
Prohibits non- competing corporate monopolies.
Michigan Gaming Control and Revenue Act of 1996 –Sec. 432.207b (5)
Prohibits regulated industry from influencing elections/politics.
US Code Title 18, Section 2511
Interception of electronic communications without consent of the transmitting entity is prohibited.
US Code Title 18, Section 2512
Surreptitious distribution or possession of electronic communication interception devices prohibited.
US Code Title 18, Section 2518
Authorization required for the interception of electronic communication.
18 US Code, Section 113
Forcing harmful high frequency wireless, non-ionizing, microwave RF or EMF radiation upon the public is public endangerment and prohibited.
18 US Code, Chapter 95, Sections 1951, 1952 & Chapter 96, Sections 1961 & 1962, RICO Act of 1970
To threaten someone who refuses to be spied upon, radiated or have their health & safety jeopardized, with discontinuance of their electrical, gas or water service is extortion, and punishable under the RICO Act.
U.S. Energy Act of 2005 – No Federal mandate
The AMI must be “requested” by the customer before installation can take place.…requires all public electric utilities to offer net metering on request to their customers;
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Policy_Act_of_2005 attached
Michigan Consumer protection Act
(j) Representing that a part, replacement, or repair service is needed when it is not.
(k) Representing to a party to whom goods or services are supplied that the goods or services are being supplied in response to a request made by or on behalf of the party, when they are not.
The Precautionary Principle is defined as follows:
When human activities may lead to morally unacceptable harm that is scientifically plausible but uncertain, actions shall be taken to avoid or diminish that harm. Morally unacceptable harm refers to harm to humans or the environment that is
- threatening to human life or health, or
- serious and effectively irreversible, or
- inequitable to present or future generations, or
- imposed without adequate consideration of the human rights of those affected.
The Bill of Rights, Article IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Michigan State Constitution, Article I, Sec. 11
The person, houses, papers and possessions of every person shall be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures. No warrant to search any place or to seize any person or things shall issue without describing them, nor without probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation.
Michigan State Constitution, Article IV, Sec. 51
The public health is declared to be a matter of primary concern.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and acted on.”
~ Ben Franklin
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