1. There is more than one Vancouver Island tower proposal. Here is
1615 Koksilah Road, Cowichan Bay. RSVP “no later than September 11th.”
(click on photo to enlarge)

PROPOSED STRUCTURE: Rogers is inviting the public to attend a digital public information meeting to discuss a proposed telecommunications facility consisting of a 63.0 meter tall self-support tower and ancillary radio equipment situated on private land in Cowichan Bay. Rogers has amended the proposal to allow for a larger 60 meter setback into the subject property.
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1615 Koksilah Road, Cowichan Bay, BC V0R 1N2
GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES OF PROPOSED TOWER: 48.733026, -123.616072 (revised coordinates)
PUBLIC MEETING: A digital public information meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 12th, 2024, from 5:00-6:00 pm and shall be hosted via the Microsoft Teams application.
For details regarding how to join the meeting, please contact the Rogers contact listed below by no later than September 11th, 2024.
ROGERS CONTACT: Further information can be obtained by contacting:
Brian Gregg, SitePath Consulting Ltd.
PO Box 20138, Vancouver RPO, Fairview, BC V5Z 0C1
Email: briangregg@sitepathconsulting.com “
2. This August 29th news article was updated on September 6th. Headline:
“On the first day of school, Canada’s new student cellphone bans will face a crucial test”
Sub-headline: “This fall, almost every province is rolling out new restrictions on mobile devices in class. But many are in doubt about how rule-breakers will be punished, and the merits of the science behind those rules”
and there’s another article, September 3rd,
“Silent mode for schools”
If you cannot read at either of those links and you have a library card, and your library’s website includes online access to digital publications (such as Internet access to The Globe and Mail), you may be able to read newspaper articles online. If you do not know how to do that, often a library is happy to assist you with instructions if you phone its helpline.
I am pleased to see the reporter, in the second linked article, does several times mention that adult overuse of cell phones is also a problem. On the other hand, I am discouraged (although not surprised) to see that the methodical run-around has begun — pretending there is not yet certainty that device use has broken so many kids:
Run-around #1: “There’s no question that the devices are distracting and problematic to learning in the classroom, but the science around how it affects the mental health and well-being of children is still up for debate.”
Run-around #2: “But what is more complicated is how much of the fight against the cellphone stems from our own anxiety with the device. Alexia Polillo, a staff scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, remembers parents’ being anxious around rap music. Then it was video games. Now, it’s the cellphone and social media. ‘I think that there is a bit of moral panic happening right now,’ she said.”
Run-around #3: “Others say the teen years can be a vulnerable time for young people because of social changes and that it’s a common age for the onset of mental illness – regardless of cellphone use.”
3. In Brazil, David vs. Goliath (X; Musk)?
Two news stories.
Wow. The first story is quite the story — plus something vivid in it certainly causes me to believe that Mr. M. is not a grownup! The first is slightly off-topic but I give it to you because the second story is also another different-than-usual story out of Brazil regarding the proliferation of Mr. M’s Starlink (so that is on-topic about RF emissions and spatellites):
https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/sep/08/alarm-at-musk-starlink-dominance-brazil-amazon headlined (in my opinion, very irresponsibly) “Can’t live without it” which also leads into my next item number 4. because…
4. Flooding Nigeria and every living species there with RF (as a current example).
I am sure everyone in Nigeria is supposed to be, and will probably feel, delighted. As much as each of our own electrosmog circumstances can be undesirable or unbearable, I have always felt angry that large, less-developed areas/environments, and all their inhabitants that have not been continuously swamped in dense RF, will be; and in the remote areas, the human inhabitants may never realize that there is such a thing as non-electrosmoggy wired connectivity (which is better in more ways than only being not wireless radiation emissions).
5. [Disclaimer: I could be wrong.] I think there is a huge, very RF-dense GPS proposal that the FCC is considering.
It is proposed by an expert GPS company. And the company is (I think) offering to pay to build and maintain everything that it proposes; it is only that FCC would have to permit/enable it. And of course the proposal ticks all the boxes of what is claimed to be necessary, essential, desired, etc. PLUS, sort of as a side-effect, it offers to enhance 5G communications (e.g., to enhance IoT/IoX and their reliability).
[Reminder: I could be wrong.] I have not read all 63 of the pages submitted to the FCC, and I cannot claim to understand all of it. Nevertheless, I think it says:
Everywhere indoors and outdoors would be continuously inundated by a non-stop flood of at least THREE MORE plumes of body-penetrating RF emitted by new RF-transmitting antennas installed on Earth, so that there would be redundancy/backup for the long-ago installed, well-established, orbiting GPS satellite-based system and likely also there would be some improvements in location accuracy and its timing.
This would be accomplished by:
(a) Continuously transmitting at the maximum allowed power
(b) Transmissions being in the spectrum frequency range near 900 MHz [there was some mention of RF frequencies much lower than 900 MHz, but I prefer to pretend I did not see that].
The company’s introductory blurb about it:
and the company’s 63-page submission to FCC:
Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)
Sent from my corded device with wireless always OFF for cleaner air everywhere.
A conscious choice. Because we ♥️ people & planet.
Look at this impressive poster recently created by Massachusetts For Safe Technology https://www.ma4safetech.org/events. When you open the webpage, you will see the poster’s content shows some good upbeat ways of acknowledging the recent trend to rescue and prevent many harms of too much screen time without diluting the significance of the need to prevent the many harms of screened devices’ radiation emissions/exposures. [p.s. Do not use the poster unless you get permission from ma4safetech to use it.]