Remember Thalidomide?
Now the problem is WiFi and related radio frequency radiation
OMG, If this is true then the next several generations are going to be damaged beyond repair.
OMG, If this is true then the next several generations are going to be damaged beyond repair.
Here is an interesting peoples internet RADIO site from Ireland that covers many of the issues that we are involved in. Remembrer RADIO?
The show is almost 2 hours long. No video, just audio.. Just sit back, relax and listen.
Olle Johansson – runs from 17 min. to 144 min. You can jump to the start of his interview.
On July 3, 2014, an international team of doctors, scientific experts, and non-profit organizations called for pregnant women to limit exposure to wireless radiation from cell phones and other devices, by taking simple steps to protect themselves and their unborn children, writes Associate Professor Olle Johansson — whose article SvD (Svenska Dagbladet) and DN (Dagens Nyheter) refused to publish.
See full article here
Nokia’s former Technology Chief, Matti Niemelä, was involved in the development the world’s first mobile phones, but fell seriously ill himself from mobile-phone microwave radiation.
In addition, he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Some studies suggest that radiation may increase the risk of even MS.
For Tampere-based Matti Niemelä, age 44, life was like in the movies when he as a young man was recruited to work for Nokia in 1997. The brilliant young man quickly advanced to become Nokia’s Chief Technology Officer for ten years, and was involved in developing the world’s first mobile phones, memory sticks and WLAN [Wi-Fi] connections.
see rest of the story here