Category Archives: cancer

Cell Phone Dangers – Dr. Devra Davis

Published on Apr 25, 2012

In an address to National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Dr. Davis provides a state of the art science review and concludes that current evidence indicates that cellphone radiation has biological impacts. She summarizes technical studies relying on lab specimens, animals and exposure modeling of children and adults. She also features case reports on young women with unusually located breast cancers who kept phones in their bras and developed tumors located under the phone antennas.


Cell Phone Dangers | Dr. Devra Davis @ National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)


IMHO this is one of the MUST VIEW videos that may have life or death consequences to you or your family.  Please view. (only 1 hour)

Electromagnetic Age – Sleeping Giant by Dr. Mac Paterson

Dr Paterson has made several presentations in the Okanagan Valley of BC describing the Potential Health Effects of our modern Wireless Age with Smart Phones,  Wi-Fi devices and Smart Meters.

See his slide presentation here.  The format is in PDF format and the file is rather large, about 60 MBytes so you have to down load the file and then open it with Adobe Reader.  Sorry, there is no audio with this version.  We are working on getting a YouTube version with Dr. Paterson narrating and giving more details.

Dr. Paterson’s presentation describes the major health impacts of RF Radiation and is a must view.  Please educate yourself to protect yourself and your family.

Dr. Paterson’s Professional History

Dr. Paterson’s slide show. Age Sleeping Giant.pdf

Wi-Fi, Radio frequency Radiation and your Health

Jerry Flynn has made many presentations that show that Radio Frequency Radiation is extremely harmful to YOUR HEALTH.

Here is a short version of his major presentations.

This slide show presentation requires a program on your computer that will display a slide show using file type PPTX.

Jerry Flynn is a retired Canadian Military Captain who spent 22 of 26 years in Canada’s military in Electronic Warfare and Signals Intelligence. His experience included two years in National Defense Headquarters, Ottawa, in the Directorate of Electronic Warfare (EW), during which he worked closely with army EW units of  Canada’s U.S. and NATO allies.
Previously he was the Executive Officer (2-i/c) and Operations Officer at one of Canada’s largest and most sensitive  Intelligence-gathering stations. Earlier still Jerry conducted naval radio warfare operations at sea with U.S., Australian naval forces, having served aboard two Canadian warships.
He currently is a guest on talk shows throughout North America and in the UK and as well has toured throughout BC presenting to audiences on this subject.

The Electromagentic Age – A sleeping Giant by Dr Mac Paterson

Dr Mac Paterson gave a presentation in Kaleden BC on Saturday Feb 21, 2015.  The presentation was attended by about 250 people.

The presentation is not available yet on video but hopefully it soon will be.

Dr Paterson is scheduled to give the presentation in Kelowna and Salmon Arm next month, so watch for the dates and locations.

Here are some of the parts of his presentation that I found interesting.

Dr Paterson has been involved in research all of his career and has many professional publications to his credit.  He specialized in Molecular Oncology.

The Canadian Safety Code 6 is only concerned with the heating effects of radiation and nothing to do with the electrical effects on the human body.  The human body is chemical and electrical in nature and even very low levels of microwave radiation impacts the body.  Safety Code 6 allows 600 µW/cm² (microwatts per square cm) whereas it has been shown that the human body is sensitive to 0.1 µW/cm² ,  a factor of 6,000 times.

The experts that decided on the level of the Safety Code 6 were experts in the physics of electrical RF radiation and there were no experts who knew anything about the effect on the human body’s electrical functioning.  This resulted in this huge discrepancy.

Some people that suffer from EHS (Electro Hyper Sensitivity) feel RF radiation at levels that are 0.5% of the levels allowed by Safety Code 6.

Dr Paterson estimates that about 25,000 people in BC suffer from some level of EHS; mild to severe.  Also, other researchers estimate that 4% to 10% of all people in the world are EHS.  There are estimates that 50% of all people will be EHS soon.  One researcher says by 2017.

There are many studies (42 to date) that confirm the fact that the magnetic field created by high voltage (high tension) power lines does cause a significant increase in childhood leukemia.

Concerning the opt-out of Smart meters, Dr Paterson says that communities, and not individuals, should OPT-OUT.

Pulsed RF radiation has been shown to be 2.5 times more damaging to human health than clean sinusoidal 60 Hz power.

Computers that use the SMPS (switch mode power supply) create significant amounts of DE (dirty electricity) which is pulsed and may (does) cause health effects especially in EHS people.

Tobacco has been shown to have a 20 year lag time between smoking and the average time of the diagnosis of cancer.  RF Radiation is thought to be similar and if so then the numbers of cancers due to RF Radiation will soon increase dramatically.  This will crush the medial systems and the economy.





44 Reasons why CELL PHONES can cause CANCER



Is there a connection between cell phones and cancer?  Here are 44 reasons to believe that cell phones can cause cancer.

Cell phones emit microwave radio-frequency radiation. Fact.

This radiation has the ability to penetrate our bodies. Fact.

Our governments do virtually nothing to protect us from these dangers. Fact.

And yet there is strong evidence and multiple peer reviewed studies that indicate that cell phones cause cancer and other diseases.

Take a look for yourself at these facts from The Telemedicine Reporter – a Library of Eclectic Medical Wisdom.  Published 2015 Feb 10.

Look at this list of 44 reasons, lots of studies, quite technical.  And especially look at Reason  43. Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Time Bomb – the one with the graph that shows brain tumor cases could reach epidemic proportions within the next decade.

See the whole report on this –

See full original article by Lloyd Burrell at ElectricSense

How Dangerous and Expensive Became “Smart” An Exposé of the “Smart Grid”

Here is an excellent review of the current status of the EMF problems:  Smart Meters,  WiFi,   CellPhones, etc.

This is a must read.

Amy Worthington, a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation from Idaho, is an investigative journalist who has researched and written many articles on the topic of wireless radiation.

Dirty Electricity – by Dr. Samuel Milham

Dirty Electricity - book cover

When Thomas Edison began wiring New York City with a direct current electricity distribution system in the 1880s, he gave humankind the magic of electric light, heat, and power;

in the process, though, he inadvertently opened a Pandora’s Box of unimaginable illness and death.

Dirty Electricity  (DE) tells the story of Dr. Samuel Milham, the scientist who first alerted the world about the frightening link between occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields and human disease.

Milham takes readers through his early years and education, following the twisting path that led to his discovery that most of the twentieth century diseases of civilization, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and suicide, are caused by electromagnetic field exposure.

In the second edition, he explains how electrical exposure does its damage, and how electricity is causing  our current epidemics of asthma, diabetes and obesity.

Dr. Milham warns that because of the recent proliferation of radio frequency radiation from cell phones and towers, terrestrial antennas, Wi-Fi and Wi-max systems, broadband internet over power lines, and personal electronic equipment, we may be facing a looming epidemic of morbidity and mortality. In Dirty Electricity, he reveals the steps we must take, personally and as a society, to coexist with this marvelous but dangerous technology.

(I just copied the above from the Amazon web site)


Wow,  I just purchased Dirty Electricity and read it all in one reading.  I found it engrossing and I think it will change my life.  Here are some of the main nuggets of information that I have dug out of this great book:

Dirty Electricity exists on all 60 Hz power,  mostly low amplitude but some extremely high and thus dangerous.

There is a a well proven relationship between Dirty Electricity and cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and suicide,  Dr Milham details his detective work in finding first cancer clusters and then the Dirty Electricity that caused the cancers.

The power and communications industries do not want to know about Dr Milham’s findings and use their financial muscle to prevent him in many cases to fix the problems and then to publicize the findings.  In public hearing the Industry brings in high paid “experts” to say that there is no problem.  These expert either are stupid and do not know anything  or quite smart for accepting daily fees of $1,500 for their work and false testimony.  And, these fees are usually paid by the Power company who simply add the costs on to their operating costs which are paid for by the customers.  A no win/no win for the citizen/consumer.

Dr Milham found cancer clusters in various schools and found the source of the Dirty Electricity that caused the cancers and showed the school management how to fix the problem.  But in many cases the administration did not believe the science and thus did not fix the problem.  And so it seems that more teachers, and students were exposed to Dirty Electricity and the resulting increase in chances of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and suicide.

Dr Milham has worked closely with Stetzer Electric and promotes the use of their Dirty Electricity filters.  This is just Dr Milham finding the DE problem and Stetzer providing a fix.

Note –  Normal DE as measured by the Stetzer filters is 50 G/S units.   Dr Milham has measured DE as high as 20,000 G/S units.  And of course there were many health problems associated with these sites.

What to do?

1 – Purchase (or Borrow) the book and read it cover to cover.  I found it quite readable.  And it is not that expensive – $15 or less.  If you believe that Dr Milham is correct in his findings,  then you will know what you have to do.

2 – Measure the DE – Purchase (or borrow) a Stetzerizer meter and measure the DE in your house and other work spaces.  Test especially in areas where there might be lots of power transformers or near-by cell towers.

3 – Install DE Filters – If you have elevated Stetzer G/S reading,  say 250 or more, then purchase 10 – 20 filters to eliminate most of the DE.  This may cost $200-$300 but also may decrease your chances of cancer and related health problems.   Note that there are other manufacturers of DE filters.  Do your due diligence about what is best to get and go for it.  Lots of stuff on the web.