2024-11-29 You *can* have your say. We did.

1. Jerry Woloshyn’s recent “Your Say” in Winnipeg’s The Free Press


If the link does not take you to exactly the correct page, look for the article headline “Cell towers and public input” on page A7. If it appears at a small size, when you click on it probably it will enlarge.

2. Melissa, Irene, and Barb each had Their Say. (And there was also supposed to be a 4th member of our community presenting but the host encountered technical difficulties.)

We were invited to speak via Zoom at a two-hour hearing organized and hosted by the excellent organization Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance (AODAA). At a meeting room in the Queen’s Park, Government of Ontario Legislature Building—yes, really—with an elected or staff representative from each political party in attendance in-person—yes, really. AODAA recorded the hearing (the sound quality is not perfect; please contact me at epic@iexistworld.org if you would like a copy of my speaking notes, as I mostly did stick to the script I wrote for myself).

I will give you the three time marks in the video where Melissa, Irene, and I begin our testimonies, in case you cannot watch all of the hearing. Please do also watch the beginning minutes of three lead speakers: host David Lepofsky of AODAA and two other expert individuals. And also watch David Lepofsky’s wrap-up at the end—which is conveniently immediately after Melissa’s testimony—because he has suggestions and welcomes hearing from you too. And I hope you will thank him for convening the hearing and all the work he does; his work has also been influential in regard to other provinces’ disability/accessibility legislation and Canada’s federal legislation, and in laws or policies at various venues and in other countries.

Nov 25 2024 AODA Alliance Queen’s Park Community Public Hearings on Disability Accessibility


Barb begins at 1:06:26
Irene begins at 1:28:26
Melissa begins at 1:38:08

3. David Lepofsky also had His Say:

(a) A few hours before the hearing, in his AODAA News Conference held in the Media Studio of the Government of Ontario Legislature Building.

Interesting, frank, and inspiring. This video is only approximately 30 minutes.

Nov 25 2024 Queen’s Park News Conference 30th Anniversary Campaign for Ontario Accessibility Law


And as a result, CTV News reported on it (video approximately two-and-a-half minutes):

Nov 25 2024 CTV Report: AODA Alliance at Queen’s Park for Disability Act Movement 30th Anniversary


(b) Today, after David L. learned something new:

Ford Government Made Shocking Bogus Claims in the Legislature About Progress on Accessibility, on the Day Ontarians with Disabilities Came to Queen’s Park to Mark the 30th Anniversary of the Grassroots Movement for a Barrier-free Province


or   https://bit.ly/AODAAnews2024-11-29

4. A new collection of videos!

If you have not already taken a break, you might want to get your favourite snack and beverage now—to prepare for a bit of binge-watching. Dr. Magda Havas noticed this YouTube video collection where several EMF experts are having Their Say in interviews you might not have already seen. There’s even a 20-minute feature report by CNN in 1985.



Barbara Payne, President
Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (E.P.I.C.)

~ Sent from my corded device using a wired internet connection, with all wireless OFF. A conscious choice. For cleaner air everywhere. For people & planet ♥️

How to practice safe tech & e-hygiene to prevent electrosmog:
♥️ Cords & adaptors (instead of wireless radiation). Prefer, provide & request cords/cables to connect devices & places.
♥️ Downloads (instead of streaming radiation). Prefer, provide & request apps & media you can use offline.
♥️ Awareness. Know what & how to connect non-wirelessly, and help others know.
♥️ Caution. Use caution with all types of power.
♥️ Kindness. Be kind to yourself, others & the environment.

Thank you for helping everyone realize it’s better to prevent electrosmog.


(click on photo to enlarge)


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation